To generate a report on a selected date, time, and recurrence, you create a schedule for the report template. You set the email options to send the generated report to your team.

The date range for the generated report is based on the time when generates the report and not on the time when you schedule the report or when vRealize Operations places the report in the queue.


  • Download the generated report to verify the output.
  • To enable sending email reports, you must have configured Outbound Alert Settings. See Configuring Notifications.


  1. From the left menu, click Environment > Object Browser.
  2. From the Object Browser panel, navigate to the object.
  3. Click the Reports tab and then click Report Templates.
  4. Select the relevant report template from the list.
  5. Click the vertical ellipsis and select Schedule.
  6. Select the time zone, date, hour, and minutes (in the range of 0, 15, 30, and 45 minutes) to start the report generation.
    vRealize Operations generates the scheduled reports in sequential order. Generating a report can take several hours. This process might delay the start time of a report when the previous report takes an extended period of time.
  7. From the Recurrence drop-down menu, select one of the following options for report generation:
    Option Description
    Daily You can set the periodicity in days. For example, you can set report generation to every two days.
    Weekly You can set the periodicity in weeks. For example, you can set report generation to every two weeks on Monday.
    Monthly You can set the periodicity in months.
  8. Select the Email report check box to send an email with the generated report.
    1. In the Email addresses text box, enter the email addresses that must receive the report. You can also add email addresses in the CC list and BCC list.
    2. Select an outbound rule.
    An email is sent according to this schedule every time a report is generated.
  9. Save a generated report to an external location.
  10. You can add a relative path to upload the report to a predefined sub folder of the Network Share Root folder.

    To upload the report to the Network Share Root folder, leave the Relative Path text box empty.

  11. Click OK.

What to do next

You can edit, clone, and delete report templates. Before you do, familiarize yourself with the consequences of these actions.

When you edit a report template and delete it, all reports generated from the original and the edited templates are deleted. When you clone a report template, the changes that you make to the clone do not affect the source template. When you delete a report template, all generated reports are also deleted.