vRealize Operations collects metrics for the vRealize Operations cluster objects including dynamic threshold calculation metrics and capacity computation metrics.

Metrics can be calculated for cluster objects. See Calculated Metrics.

Cluster Metrics

Cluster metrics provide host, resource, and metric counts on the cluster.

Table 1. Cluster Metrics
Metric Key Metric Name Description
HostCount Number of Nodes in Cluster Number of Nodes in Cluster
PrimaryResourcesCount Number of primary resources Number of primary resources
LocalResourcesCount Number of local resources Number of local resources
PrimaryMetricsCount Number of primary metrics Number of primary metrics
ReceivedResourceCount Number of received resources Number of received resources
ReceivedMetricCount Number of received metrics Number of received metrics
Count (VM) Usage Count This metric displays how many units of the license capacity is currently used.
License Metrics for Cluster Object
Used (VM) Usage (%) This metric displays the percentage of the total license capacity currently used.
Note: An alert is generated if the license threshold is in any of the following states:
  • >= 80% - Warning
  • >= 90% - Immediate
  • =95% - Catastrophic
Days Remaining (day) Days Remaining This metric displays the days remaining before the license expires.
Capacity Capacity Displays the maximum number of units (of the given capacity type) that can be licensed by this license key.
Type Type Displays the license type for the cluster object.
Expiry Expiration Date Displays the date when the license expires.
Capacity Capacity Displays the maximum number of units (of the given capacity type) that can be licensed by this license key.

DT Metrics

DT metrics are dynamic threshold metrics for the cluster. Non-zero values appear only if metric collection occurs while the dynamic threshold calculations are running.

Table 2. DT Metrics for the Cluster
Metric Key Metric Name Description
dt|isRunning Running Running
dt|dtRunTime Running duration Running duration (ms)
dt|StartTime Running start time Running start time
dt|percentage Percent Percent (%)
dt|executorCount Executor Node Count Executor Node Count
dt|resourceCount Resource Count Resource Count
dt|fsdbReadTime FSDB Read Time FSDB Read Time (ms)
dt|dtObjectSaveTime DT Object Save Time DT Object Save Time (ms)
dt|dtHistorySaveTime DT History Save Time DT History Save Time (ms)
dt|executor|resourceCount Resource Count Resource Count

Capacity Computation (CC) Metrics

CC metrics are capacity computation metrics for the cluster. Non-zero values appear only if metric collection occurs while the capacity computation calculations are running.

Table 3. CC Metrics for the Cluster
Metric Key Metric Name Description
cc|isRunning Running Running
cc|runTime Total Run Time Total Run Time
cc|startTime Start time Start time
cc|finishTime Finish Time Finish Time
cc|totalResourcesToProcess Total Objects Count Total Objects Count
cc|progress Progress Progress
cc|phase1TimeTaken Phase 1 Computation Time Phase 1 Computation Time
cc|phase2TimeTaken Phase 2 Computation Time Phase 2 Computation Time

Gemfire Cluster Metrics

Gemfire metrics provide information about the Gemfire cluster.

Table 4. Gemfire cluster Metrics for the Cluster
Metric Key Metric Name Description
GemfireCluster|System|AvgReads Average reads per second The average number of reads per second for all members
GemfireCluster|System|AvgWrites Average writes per second The average number of writes per second for all members
GemfireCluster|System|DiskReadsRate Disk reads rate The average number of disk reads per second across all distributed members
GemfireCluster|System|DiskWritesRate Disk writes rate The average number of disk writes per second across all distributed members
GemfireCluster|System|GarbageCollectionCount Total garbage collection count The total garbage collection count for all members
GemfireCluster|System|GarbageCollectionCountDelta New garbage collection count The new garbage collection count for all members
GemfireCluster|System|JVMPauses JVM pause count The number of detected JVM pauses
GemfireCluster|System|JVMPausesDelta New JVM pause count The number of new detected JVM pauses
GemfireCluster|System|DiskFlushAvgLatency Disk flush average latency Disk flush average latency (msec)
GemfireCluster|System|NumRunningFunctions Number of running functions The number of map-reduce jobs currently running on all members in the distributed system
GemfireCluster|System|NumClients Number of clients The number of connected clients
GemfireCluster|System|TotalHitCount Total hit count Total number of cache hits for all regions
GemfireCluster|System|TotalHitCountDelta New hit count Number of new cache hits for all regions
GemfireCluster|System|TotalMissCount Total miss count The total number of cache misses for all regions
GemfireCluster|System|TotalMissCountDelta New miss count Number of new cache misses for all regions
GemfireCluster|System|Member|FreeSwapSpace Swap space free Swap space free (MB)
GemfireCluster|System|Member|TotalSwapSpace Swap space total Swap space total (MB)
GemfireCluster|System|Member|CommittedVirtualMemorySize Committed virtual memory size Committed virtual memory size (MB)
GemfireCluster|System|Member|SystemLoadAverage System load average System load average
GemfireCluster|System|Member|FreePhysicalMemory Free physical memory Free physical memory (MB)
GemfireCluster|System|Member|TotalPhysicalMemory Total physical memory Total physical memory (MB)
GemfireCluster|System|Member|CacheListenerCallsAvgLatency Average cache listener calls latency Average cache listener calls latency (msec)
GemfireCluster|System|Member|CacheWriterCallsAvgLatency Average cache writer calls latency Average cache writer calls latency (msec)
GemfireCluster|System|Member|DeserializationAvgLatency Average deserialization latency Average deserialization latency (msec)
GemfireCluster|System|Member|FunctionExecutionRate Function executions per second Function executions per second
GemfireCluster|System|Member|JVMPauses Number of JVM pauses Number of JVM pauses
GemfireCluster|System|Member|NumRunningFunctions Number of running functions Number of running functions
GemfireCluster|System|Member|PutsRate Puts per second Puts per second
GemfireCluster|System|Member|GetsRate Gets per second Gets per second
GemfireCluster|System|Member|GetsAvgLatency Average gets latency Average gets latency (msec)
GemfireCluster|System|Member|PutsAvgLatency Average puts latency Average puts latency (msec)
GemfireCluster|System|Member|SerializationAvgLatency Average serialization latency Average serialization latency (msec)
GemfireCluster|System|Member|Disk|DiskFlushAvgLatency Flush average latency Flush average latency (msec)
GemfireCluster|System|Member|Disk|DiskReadsRate Average reads per second Average reads per second
GemfireCluster|System|Member|Disk|DiskWritesRate Average writes per second Average writes per second
GemfireCluster|System|Member|Network|BytesReceivedRate Average received bytes per second Average received bytes per second
GemfireCluster|System|Member|Network|BytesSentRate Average sent bytes per second Average sent bytes per second
GemfireCluster|System|Member|JVM|GCTimeMillis Garbage Collection time Total amount of time spent on garbage collection
GemfireCluster|System|Member|JVM|GCTimeMillisDelta New Garbage Collection time New amount of time spent on garbage collection
GemfireCluster|System|Member|JVM|TotalThreads Total threads Total threads
GemfireCluster|System|Member|JVM|CommitedMemory Committed Memory Committed Memory (MB)
GemfireCluster|System|Member|JVM|MaxMemory Max Memory Max Memory (MB)
GemfireCluster|System|Member|JVM|UsedMemory Used Memory Used Memory (MB)
GemfireCluster|Region|SystemRegionEntryCount Entry Count Entry Count
GemfireCluster|Region|DestroyRate Destroys per second Destroys per second
GemfireCluster|Region|CreatesRate Creates per second Creates per second
GemfireCluster|Region|GetsRate Gets per second Gets per second
GemfireCluster|Region|BucketCount Bucket count Bucket count
GemfireCluster|Region|AvgBucketSize Average number of entries per bucket Average number of entries per bucket
GemfireCluster|Region|Member|ActualRedundancy Actual redundancy Actual redundancy
GemfireCluster|Region|Member|BucketCount Bucket count Bucket count
GemfireCluster|Region|Member|AvgBucketSize Average number of entries per bucket Average number of entries per bucket
GemfireCluster|Region|Member|CreatesRate Creates per second Creates per second
GemfireCluster|Region|Member|GetsRate Gets per second Gets per second
GemfireCluster|Region|Member|DestroyRate Destroys per second Destroys per second
GemfireCluster|Region|Member|MissCount Number of misses count Number of cache misses
GemfireCluster|Region|Member|MissCountDelta Number of new cache misses Number of new cache misses
GemfireCluster|Region|Member|HitCount Number of hits count Number of cache hits
GemfireCluster|Region|Member|HitCountDelta Number of new cache hits Number of new cache hits

Threshold Checking Metrics

Threshold checking metrics check the processed and computed metrics for the cluster.

Table 5. Threshold Checking Metrics for the Cluster
Metric Key Metric Name Description
ThresholdChecking|ProcessedMetricCount Number of processed metrics Number of processed metrics
ThresholdChecking|ProcessedMetricRate Received metric processing rate (per second) Received metric processing rate (per second)
ThresholdChecking|ComputedMetricCount Number of computed metrics Number of computed metrics
ThresholdChecking|ComputedMetricRate Computed metric processing rate (per second) Computed metric processing rate (per second)

Memory Metrics

Memory metrics provide memory CPU use information for the cluster.

Table 6. Memory Metrics for the Cluster
Metric Key Metric Name Description
Memory|AvgFreePhysicalMemory Average free physical memory Average free physical memory (GB)
Memory|TotalFreePhysicalMemory Free physical memory Free physical memory (GB)
Memory|TotalMemory Total Available Memory Total Available Memory (GB)
Memory|TotalUsedMemory Actual Used Memory Actual Used Memory (GB)
Memory|TotalDemandMemory Memory Demand Memory Demand (GB)

Elastic Memory Metrics

Elastic memory metrics provide reclaimable memory CPU use information for the cluster.

Table 7. Memory Metrics for the Cluster
Metric Key Metric Name Description
ElasticMemory|TotalMemory Total Available Memory Total Available Memory (GB)
ElasticMemory|TotalUsedMemory Actual Used Memory Actual Used Memory (GB)
ElasticMemory|TotalDemandMemory Memory Demand Memory Demand (GB)

CPU Metrics

CPU metrics provide CPU information for the cluster.

Table 8. CPU Metrics for the Cluster
Metric Key Metric Name Description
cpu|TotalCombinedUsage CPU Load CPU Load
cpu|TotalAvailable CPU Available CPU Available
cpu|TotalAvailable_ghz Available Available (GHz)
cpu|TotalUsage_ghz Used Used (GHz)
cpu|TotalUsage CPU usage CPU usage (%)

Disk Metrics

Disk metrics provide available disk information for the cluster.

Table 9. Disk Metrics for the Cluster
Metric Key Metric Name Description
Disk|DatabaseStorage|AvgAvailable Average node disk available Average node disk available
Disk|DatabaseStorage|MinAvailable Minimum node disk available Minimum node disk available
Disk|DatabaseStorage|MaxAvailable Maximum node disk available Maximum node disk available
Disk|DatabaseStorage|TotalAvailable Available Available
Disk|DatabaseStorage|Total Total Total
Disk|DatabaseStorage|TotalUsed Used Used
Disk|LogStorage|AvgAvailable Average node disk available Average node disk available
Disk|LogStorage|MinAvailable Minimum node disk available Minimum node disk available
Disk|LogStorage|MaxAvailable Maximum node disk available Maximum node disk available
Disk|LogStorage|TotalAvailable Available Available
Disk|LogStorage|Total Total Total
Disk|LogStorage|TotalUsed Used Used