When you click an alert from the all alerts list, the alert information appears on the right. View the alert information to see the symptoms which triggered the alert, recommendations to fix the underlying issue, and troubleshoot the cause of the alert.

How You View the Alert Information

  • From the left menu, click Troubleshoot > Alerts, and then click an alert from the alert list.
  • From the left menu, click Environment > Object Browser, then select a group, custom data center, application, or inventory object. Click the object and then the Alerts tab.
  • In the menu, select Search and locate the object of interest. Click the object and then the Alerts tab.

The alert description is hidden when you open the alert information. Click View Description to see the description of the alert. View the time stamp of when the alert started, and when it was updated, below the alert title.

Alert Details Tab

Section Description
Recommendations View recommendations for the alert. Click < or > to cycle through the recommendations. To resolve the alert, click the Run Action button if it appears.
Other Recommendations Collapse the section to view additional recommendations. See the links in the Need More Information? section to view additional metrics, events, or other details that appear as a link.
Alert Basis
Active Only This option is enabled by default. When enabled, all active symptoms/conditions that were met for the alert are displayed. When disabled, all the symptoms/conditions of an alert are displayed.
Symptoms View the symptoms that triggered the alert. Collapse each symptom to view additional information.
Conditions View the conditions that triggered the alert. Collapse each condition to view additional information.
Notes Enter your notes about the alert and click Submit to save.
Close Click the X icon to close the alert details tab.

Related Alerts Tab

The Related Scope displayed on the right, shows the objects that are one level above and one level below the object on which the alert was triggered. This topology is fixed. You cannot change the scope in the Related Alerts tab.

On the right, you can see the following:
  • If the same alert was triggered on the object in the past 30 days. This helps you understand if this is a recurring problem or something new.
  • If the same alert was triggered on other peers in the same environment, in the past 30 days. This helps you do a quick peer analysis to understand if others are impacted with the same problem.
  • All the alerts triggered in the current topology. This helps you investigate if there are other alerts upstream or downstream in the environment which are impacting the health of the object.

Potential Evidence Tab

See the Potential Evidence tab for potential evidences around the problem, and to arrive at the root cause. This tab displays events, property changes, and anomalous metrics potentially relevant to the alert. The time range and the scope are fixed. To modify the scope or the time range and investigate further, click Launch Workbench. This runs the troubleshooting workbench.

The time range that is displayed in the potential evidence tab is two hours and thirty minutes before the alert was triggered. vRealize Operations looks for potential evidences in this time range.