You can create a custom set of metrics to display the widgets. You can configure one or more files that define different sets of metrics for a particular adapter and object types so that the supported widgets are populated based on the configured metrics and selected object type.

Note: This feature is subject to deprecation review in a future release. Use the editor in the widget itself. Specifically, use the table in the Output Data section.

How the Metric Configuration Works

From the Configuration Files page, you create an XML file that displays a set of metrics at a supported widget. The widgets are Metric Chart, Property List, Rolling View Chart, Scoreboard, Sparkline Chart, and Topology Graph. To use the metric configuration, you must set the widget Self Provider to Off and create a widget interaction with a provider widget.

Where You Find Configuration Files

To manage metric configurations, from the left menu, click Configure > Configuration Files.

Table 1. Configuration Files Options
Option Description
Add Creates an empty XML file in a selected folder.
Edit Activates a selected XML file for edit in the text box on the right.
Delete Deletes a selected XML file.
Text box Displays a selected XML file. You must select an XML file and click Edit to edit it.