You can import or export the HTTP Proxy settings for outbound plugins.

Importing HTTP Proxy for Outbound Settings

  1. From the HTTP Proxy for Outbound Settings tab, click the horizontal ellipsis, and then click Import to import the outbound proxy settings.
  2. Click Browse to select the outbound proxy setting and enter the Encryption Key.
  3. In case of a conflict, click Overwrite HTTP Proxy for Outbound Settings to delete the existing proxy setting and proceed. Optionally, click Skip HTTP Proxy for Outbound Settings to cancel the import.
    Note: A conflict happens when you try to import a proxy with a name that already exists in the proxy list. Proxy names are unique and cannot be repeated.
  4. Click Import.
The HTTP proxy import process begins.

Exporting HTTP Proxy for Outbound Settings

  1. From the HTTP Proxy for Outbound Settings tab, select the HTTP Proxy you want to export, click the horizontal ellipsis, and then click Export.
  2. Enter a new password in the Setup a new password to export data field.
  3. Re-enter the password in the Repeat a password field.
  4. Click Export.
The outbound proxy settings data gets exported in the .json format. The passphrase entered at the time of export is used to encrypt the sensitive information. The same passphrase must be used at the time of import.