The NSX-T adapter collects metrics for objects within its plug-in.

Table 1. Metrics in the NSX-T On-Premise
Resource Metrics Metric Keys
Management Cluster System Capacity
  • Max Supported Count
  • Max Threshold Percentage
  • Min Threshold Percentage
  • Usage Count
  • Usage Count Percentage
  • Severity
System Capacity Keys
  • System Capacity|<Object_Kind>|MaxSupportedCount
  • System Capacity|<Object_Kind>|MaxThresholdPercentage
  • System Capacity|<Object_Kind>|MinThresholdPercentage
  • System Capacity|<Object_Kind>|UsageCount
  • System Capacity|<Object_Kind>|UsageCountPercentage
  • System Capacity|<Object_Kind>|Severity
Transport Node
  • CPU|
    • CPU Cores
    • DPDK CPU Cores
    • DPDK CPU Core Average Usage
    • DPDK CPU Core Highest Usage
    • Non-DPDK CPU Core Average Usage
    • Non-DPDK CPU Core Highest Usage
  • Memory
    • Total
    • Used
    • Cache
    • Total Swap
    • Used Swap
  • CPU Metric Keys
    • Cpu|Cores
    • Cpu|DPDKCores
    • Cpu|AvgDpdkCpuCoreUsage
    • Cpu|HighDpdkCpuCoreUsage
    • Cpu|AvgNonDpdkCpuCoreUsage
    • Cpu|HighNonDpdkCpuCoreUsage
  • Memory metric keys
    • Memory|Total
    • Memory|Used
    • Memory|Cache
    • Memory|Total Swap
    • Memory|Used Swap
File Systems|<FileSystemMount>|Used FileSystems|Used
  • Received Data (bytes)
  • Received Packets dropped
  • Received Packets errors
  • Received Framing errors
  • Received Packets
  • Transmitted Data (bytes)
  • Transmitted Packets dropped
  • Transmitted Packets errors
  • Transmitted carrier losses detected
  • Transmitted Packets
  • Transmitted Collisions detected
Statistics Metric Keys
  • stats|Interface|RxData
  • stats|Interface|RxDropped
  • stats|Interface|RxErrors
  • stats|Interface|RxFrame
  • stats|Interface|RxPackets
  • stats|Interface|TxData
  • stats|Interface|TxDropped
  • stats|Interface|TxErrors
  • stats|Interface|TxCarrier
  • stats|Interface|TxPackets
  • stats|Interface|TxColls
Load Balancer Service
  • CPU Usage(%)
  • Memory Usage(%)
  • Active Transport Nodes
  • Standby Transport Nodes
  • Sessions:
    • L4Average
    • L4Current
    • L4Maximum
    • L4Total
    • L7Average
    • L7Current
    • L7Maximum
    • L7Total
  • CPU Usage
  • Memory Usage
  • Active Transport Nodes
  • Standby Transport Nodes
  • Sessions|L4Average
  • Sessions|L4Current
  • Sessions|L4Maximum
  • Sessions|L4Total
  • Sessions|L7Average
  • Sessions|L7Current
  • Sessions|L7Maximum
  • Sessions|L7Total
Load Balancer Virtual Server
  • Statistics
    • Bytes|Inbound Bytes Total
    • Bytes|Average Inbound Bytes Per Second
    • Bytes|Outbound Bytes Total
    • Bytes|Average Outbound Bytes Per Second
    • Http|Http Request Rate
    • Http|Http Requests
    • Packets|Inbound Packets Total
    • Packets|Inbound Packets Rate

    • Packets|Outbound Packets Total
    • Packets|Outbound Packets Rate

    • Packets|Dropped
  • Sessions
    • Average Current Sessions Per Second
    • Current Sessions
    • Maximum Sessions
    • Dropped Sessions
    • Total Sessions
  • Statistics metric keys
    • stats|Bytes|Inbound
    • stats|Bytes|InboundRate
    • stats|Bytes|Outbound
    • stats|Bytes|OutboundRate
    • stats|Http|RequestRate
    • stats|Http|Requests
    • stats|Packets|Inbound
    • stats|Packets|InboundRate
    • stats|Packets|Outbound
    • stats|Packets|OutboundRate
    • stats|Packets|Dropped
  • Sessions metric keys
    • Sessions|CurrentRate
    • Sessions|Current
    • Sessions|Maximum
    • Sessions|Dropped
    • Sessions|Total
Load Balancer Pool
  • Statistics
    • Bytes|Inbound Bytes Total
    • Bytes|Average Inbound Bytes Per Second
    • Bytes|Outbound Bytes Total
    • Bytes|Average Outbound Bytes Per Second
    • Http|Http Request Rate
    • Http|Http Requests
    • Packets|Inbound Packets Total
    • Packets|Inbound Packets Rate

    • Packets|Outbound Packets Total
    • Packets|Outbound Packets Rate

    • Packets|Dropped
  • Sessions
    • Average Current Sessions Per Second
    • Current Sessions
    • Maximum Sessions
    • Dropped Sessions
    • Total Sessions
  • Statistics metric keys
    • stats|Bytes|Inbound
    • stats|Bytes|InboundRate
    • stats|Bytes|Outbound
    • stats|Bytes|OutboundRate
    • stats|Http|RequestRate
    • stats|Http|Requests
    • stats|Packets|Inbound
    • stats|Packets|InboundRate
    • stats|Packets|Outbound
    • stats|Packets|OutboundRate
    • stats|Packets|Dropped
  • Sessions metric keys
    • Sessions|CurrentRate
    • Sessions|Current
    • Sessions|Maximum
    • Sessions|Dropped
    • Sessions|Total
Management Services
  • Service Monitor Process ID
  • Service Monitor Runtime state
  • Service Process ID
  • Service Runtime State

  • ServiceMonitorProcessId
  • ServiceMonitorRuntimeState
  • ServiceProcessIds
  • ServiceRuntimeState
Logical Router Statistics
  • Received Data (bytes)
  • Received Packets dropped
  • Received Packets
  • Transmitted Data (bytes)
  • Transmitted Packets dropped
  • Transmitted Packets
Statistics metric keys
  • stats|RxData
  • stats|RxDropped
  • stats|RxPackets
  • stats|TxData
  • stats|TxDropped
  • stats|TxPackets
Configuration Maximums
  • Router Port Count
  • ARP Entries Count
  • Tier 1 Router Count
  • Route Map Count
  • Route Maps|<RouteMapName:RouteMapId>|Rule Count
  • Prefix List Count
  • IP Prefix Lists|<IPPrefixListName:IPPrefixListId>|Prefix List Entries Count
Configuration Maximums metric keys
  • configMax|routerPortCount
  • configMax|routerArpEntryCount
    Note: Metric applicable for T1 router.
  • configMax|tier1RouterCount
  • configMax|routeMapCount
  • configMax|RouteMaps|routeMapRuleCount
    Note: Metric applicable for T0 router.
  • configMax|prefixListCount
  • configMax|IPPrefixLists|prefixListEntriesCount
Note: Metric applicable for T0 and T1 router.
Logical Switch Statistics
  • Inbound Bytes Total
  • Inbound Bytes Dropped
  • Inbound Bytes Throughput
  • Outbound Bytes Total
  • Outbound Bytes Dropped
  • Outbound Bytes Throughput
  • Inbound Packets Total
  • Inbound Packets Dropped
  • Inbound Packets Throughput
  • Outbound Packets Total
  • Outbound Packets Dropped
  • Outbound Packets Throughput
Metric keys
  • stats|IngressBytes
  • stats|IngressBytesDropped
  • stats|IngressBytesThroughput
  • stats|IngressPackets
  • stats|IngressPacketsDropped
  • stats|IngressPacketsThroughput
  • stats|EgressBytes
  • stats|EgressBytesDropped
  • stats|EgressBytesThroughput
  • stats|EgressPackets
  • stats|EgressPacketsDropped
  • stats|EgressPacketsThroughput
Logical Switch Group Configuration Maximums
  • Logical Segment Count
Metric keys
  • configMax|LogicalSegmentCount
Management Appliances Management Node Count Management node count
Manager Node
  • File Systems|<FileSystemMount>
    • File System Id
    • File System Type
    • Total (KB)
    • Used(KB)
    • Used(%)
  • File Systems Metric Keys
    • FileSystems|<FileSystemMount>|FileSystemId
    • FileSystems|<FileSystemMount>|Type
    • FileSystems|<FileSystemMount>|Total
    • FileSystems|<FileSystemMount>|Used
    • FileSystems|<FileSystemMount>|usedPercentage
Network Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|
  • Received Data|Bits per second
  • Received Data|Cumulative(bytes)
  • Received Framing Errors|Cumulative
  • Received Framing Errors|Per second
  • Received Packets|Cumulative
  • Received Packets|Per Second
  • Received Packets Dropped|Cumulative
  • Received Packets Dropped|Per second
  • Received Packets Error|Cumulative
  • Received Packets Error|Per second
  • Transmitted Carrier losses detected|Cumulative
  • Transmitted Carrier losses detected|Per second
  • Transmitted Collisions detected|Cumulative
  • Transmitted Collisions detected|Per second
  • Transmitted Data|Bits per second
  • Transmitted Data|Cumulative(bytes)
  • Transmitted Packets|Cumulative
  • Transmitted Packets|Per second
  • Transmitted Packets Dropped|Cumulative
  • Transmitted Packets Dropped|Per second
  • Transmitted Packets errors|Cumulative
  • Transmitted Packets errors|Per second
Network Interface metric keys
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxData|BitsPerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxData|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxFrame|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxFrame|PerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxPackets|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxPackets|PerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxDropped|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxDropped|PerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxErrors|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxErrors|PerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxCarrier|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxCarrier|PerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxColls|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxColls|PerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxData|BitsPerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxData|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxPackets|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxPackets|PerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxDropped|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxDropped|PerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxErrors|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxErrors|PerSecond
  • CPU Cores
  • DPDK CPU Cores
  • DPDK CPU Core Average Usage
  • DPDK CPU Core Highest Usage
  • Non-DPDK CPU Core Average Usage
  • Non-DPDK CPU Core Highest Usage
CPU Metric Keys
  • Cpu|Cores
  • Cpu|DPDKCores
  • Cpu|AvgDpdkCpuCoreUsage
  • Cpu|HighDpdkCpuCoreUsage
  • Cpu|AvgNonDpdkCpuCoreUsage
  • Cpu|HighNonDpdkCpuCoreUsage
  • Total
  • Used
  • Cache
  • Total Swap
  • Used Swap
Memory metric keys
  • Memory|Total
  • Memory|Used
  • Memory|Cache
  • Memory|TotalSwap
  • Memory|UsedSwap
Controller Cluster
  • Controller Node Count
  • Cluster Status|Controller Cluster Status
  • Cluster Status|Management cluster Status
Controller cluster metrics keys
  • Cluster Status|Controller Node Count
  • ClusterStatus|ControllerClusterStatus
  • ClusterStatus|ManagementClusterStatus
Note: These metrics are not collected for NSX-T version above 2.4
Controller Node
  • Connectivity Status|Cluster Connectivity
  • Connectivity Status|Manager Connectivity
  • File System ID
  • File System Type
  • Total(KB)
  • Used(KB)
  • Used(%)
  • Network Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|
  • Received Data|Bits per second
  • Received Data|Cumulative(bytes)
  • Received Framing Errors|Cumulative
  • Received Framing Errors|Per second
  • Received Packets|Cumulative
  • Received Packets|Per Second
  • Received Packets Dropped|Cumulative
  • Received Packets Dropped|Per second
  • Received Packets Error|Cumulative
  • Received Packets Error|Per second
  • Transmitted Carrier losses detected|Cumulative
  • Transmitted Carrier losses detected|Per second
  • Transmitted Collisions detected|Cumulative
  • Transmitted Collisions detected|Per second
  • Transmitted Data|Bits per second
  • Transmitted Data|Cumulative(bytes)
  • Transmitted Packets|Cumulative
  • Transmitted Packets|Per second
  • Transmitted Packets Dropped|Cumulative
  • Transmitted Packets Dropped|Per second
  • Transmitted Packets errors|Cumulative
  • Transmitted Packets errors|Per second
Note: These metrics are not collected for NSX-T version above 2.4
  • ConnectivityStatus|ClusterConnectivity
  • ConnectivityStatus|ManagerConnectivity
  • FileSystems|<FileSystemMount>|FileSystemId
  • FileSystems|<FileSystemMount>|Type
  • FileSystems|<FileSystemMount>|Total
  • FileSystems|<FileSystemMount>|Used
  • FileSystems|<FileSystemMount>|usedPercentage
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxData|BitsPerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxData|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxFrame|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxFrame|PerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxPackets|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxPackets|PerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxDropped|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxDropped|PerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxErrors|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|RxErrors|PerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxCarrier|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxCarrier|PerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxColls|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxColls|PerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxData|BitsPerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxData|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxPackets|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxPackets|PerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxDropped|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxDropped|PerSecond
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxErrors|Cumulative
  • Interfaces|<InterfaceID>|TxErrors|PerSecond
Table 2. Metrics in the NSX-T on VMware Cloud on AWS
Resource Metrics Metric Keys
Logical Router The following metrics are specify to Tier 0 Router.

Statistics | Interface

  • Received Data (Bytes)
  • Received Packets
  • Received Packets Dropped
  • Transmitted Data
  • Transmitted Received Data (Bytes)
  • Transmitted Received Packets
  • Transmitted Received Packets Dropped
Stats Metrics

Statistics | Interface

  • stats|Interface|RxData
  • stats|Interface|RxPackets
  • stats|Interface|RxDropped
  • stats|Interface|TxData
  • stats|Interface|TxPackets
  • stats|Interface|TxDropped
Note: These metrics are only for Tier 0 Router.
Firewall Section Group Configuration Maximums
  • Distributed Firewall Section Count
  • Distributed Firewall Rule Count
  • MGW Gateway Firewall Rule Count
  • CGW Gateway Firewall Rule Count
  • Distributed Application Firewall Rule Count
  • Distributed Application Firewall Section Count
  • Distributed Environment Firewall Rule Count
  • Distributed Environment Firewall Section Count
  • Distributed Infrastructure Firewall Rule Count
  • Distributed Infrastructure Firewall Section Count
  • Distributed Emergency Firewall Rule Count
  • Distributed Emergency Firewall Section Count
  • Distributed Ethernet Firewall Rule Count
  • Distributed Ethernet Firewall Section Count
Note: These metrics are only for NSX-T on VMware Cloud on AWS. For NSX-T on-premise, the values for these metrics show zero.
Configuration metric keys
  • configMax|MaxDistributedFirewallSections
  • configMax|MaxDistributedFirewallRules
  • configMax|MaxMGWGatewayFirewallRules
  • configMax|MaxCGWGatewayFirewallRules
  • configMax|MaxDistributedApplicationFirewallRules
  • configMax|MaxDistributedApplicationFirewallSections
  • configMax|MaxDistributedEnvironmentFirewallRules
  • configMax|MaxDistributedEnvironmentFirewallSections
  • configMax|MaxDistributedInfrastructureFirewallRules
  • configMax|MaxDistributedInfrastructureFirewallSections
  • configMax|MaxDistributedEmergencyFirewallRules
  • configMax|MaxDistributedEmergencyFirewallSections
  • configMax|MaxDistributedEthernetFirewallRules
  • configMax|MaxDistributedEthernetFirewallSections
Note: These metrics are only for NSX-T on VMware Cloud on AWS. For NSX-T on-premise, the values for these metrics is shown as zero.
Logical Switch Group Configuration Maximums
  • Logical Segment Count
  • Extended Network Count
Metric Keys
  • configMax|LogicalSegmentCount
  • configMax|ExtendedNetworkcount
Note: The metric (configMax|ExtendedNetworkcount) is only for NSX-T on VMware Cloud on AWS. For NSX-T on-premise, its value is zero.