Use the Select VMs dialog box to choose the VMs whose attributes you want to copy or remove for your Workload Planning: Traditional or Workload Planning: Hyperconverged what-if scenarios.

Where You Find Select VMs

From the What-If Analysis screen, click Add VMS or Remove VMS in the Workload Planning: Traditional or Workload Planning: Hyperconverged pane. When you have entered a Scenario Name and Location, click the Import from existing VM/Existing VMs radio button, then click Select VMS. On the left is a selection box that allows you optionally to choose all VMs. To add a VM to the selected list on the right, double-click on the VM name. Following are the rest of your options:

Select VMs

Option Description
All Filters Filter options:

VM Name: name of the VM you want.

vCenter: all VMs in this vCenter.

VM Tag: all VMs with this tag.

Custom Group: all VMs in this custom group.

Select (nn). Select the VMs listed on the current page, from which to import, or remove characteristics.
Select all (nn) VMS Click to select all the VMs across all the pages, based on the filters you have set. The number of VMs that you can select by clicking this option is limited to 500 VMs.
Selected List of VMs you selected from RESULTS.
OK When you have selected the VMs you want, click OK to return to the Add Workload or Remove Workload screen, where your selected VMs are listed.

Under Application Profile, in the Selected VMs table, enter the number of copies of each VM you selected to add or remove in the Quantity column.