​The Workload Management Inventory dashboards curates the Kubernetes inventory across all the Workload Management enabled vSphere environments and displays it here. This includes an end to end topology map showcasing the health of all the objectes along with upstream and downstream dependencies. Upon clicking any object in the relationship tree, the related inventorty of Supervisor Clusters, Namespaces, Pods, Developer Managed VMs and Tanzu Kubernetes clusters can be viewed and exported from this dashboard.

You can select an object type to view the properties and key metrics related to it.

You can use the dashboard widgets in several ways.
  • Environment Summary: Provides a summary of the supervisor cluster and the child objects.
  • Relationships: An interactive canvas where you can view the relationship between the different objects in the workload management inventory.
  • Properties: View the properties related to the object in the environment.
  • Metrics: View the metrics of the object.
  • Supervisor Clusters: View the supervisor cluster functionality.
  • Tanzu Kubernetes cluster: View the Tanzu Kubernetes cluster functionality.
  • Virtual Machines: View VMs that belong to the object.
  • vSphere Pods: View information about vSphere Pods.