The quickest way to find an object in vRealize Operations is to use tags. Using tags is more efficient than searching through the entire object list.

Tag values that can also be tags are Applications and Object Types. For example, the Object Types tag has values for each object that is in vRealize Operations , such as Virtual Machine, which includes all the virtual machine objects in your environment. Each of these virtual machines is also a tag value for the Virtual Machine tag. You can expand the tag value list to select the value for which you want to see objects.


  1. From the left menu, click Environment and then, click Inventory.
  2. In the tag list in the center pane, click a tag for an object with an assigned value.
    When you click a tag, the list of values expands under the tag. The number of objects that is associated with each value appears next to the tag value.

    A plus sign next to a tag value indicates that the value is also a tag and that it contains other tag values. You can click the plus sign to see the subvalues.

  3. Select the tag value.
    The objects that have that tag value appear in the pane on the right. If you select multiple tag values, the objects in the list depend on the values that you select.
    Tag Value Selection Objects Displayed
    More than one value for the same tag The list includes objects that have either value. For example, if you select two values of the Object Types tag, such as Data Center and Host System, the list shows objects that have either value.
    Values for two or more different tags The list includes only objects that have all of the selected values. For example, if you select two values of the Object Types tag, such as Data Center and Host System, and you also select an adapter instance such as vC-1 of the vCenter Adapter instance tag, only Data Center or Host System objects associated with vC-1 appear in the list. Data Center or Host System objects associated with other adapter instances do not appear in the list, nor do objects that are not Data Center or Host System objects.
  4. Select the object from the list.