Twenty-three application services are supported in vRealize Operations. The supported application services are listed here. Some of the application services have mandatory properties which you must configure. Some of the application services have pre-requirements that you must configure first. After you configure the properties, data is collected.

Active Directory

Active Directory is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.

Active MQ

ActiveMQ is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.
Server URL Yes http://localhost:8161
User name Yes User name for Active MQ. Example: admin
Password Yes Password
Installed Path Yes

The path on the end point VM where Active MQ is installed.


For Linux end point VMs: /opt/apache-activemq

For Windows end point VMs: C:\apache-activemq-5.15.2

Apache HTTPD

Apache HTTPD is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.
Status Page URL Yes http://localhost/server-status?auto
User name No User name for Apache HTTPD service. Example:root
Password No Password
SSL CA No Path to the SSL CA file on the end point VM.
SSL Certificate No Path to the SSL Certificate file on the end point VM,
SSL Key No Path to the SSL key file on the end point VM.
Skip SSL Verification No Use SSL but skip chain & host verification. Expected: True/False.

Cassandra Database

Cassandra database is supported in vRealize Operations.
Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display name of the application instance.
Installed Path Yes Valid file path.
URL Yes http://localhost:8778


Hyper-V is supported in vRealize Operations.
Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display name of the application service.


Java is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.
Base URL Yes http://localhost:8080
Installed Path Yes The path on the end point VM where Java is installed. Example: For Linux end point VMs : /opt/vmware/ucp ; For Windows end point VMs : C:\VMware\UCP
SSL CA No Path to the SSL CA file on the end point VM.
SSL Certificate No Path to the SSL Certificate file on the end point VM.
SSL Key No Path to the SSL Key file on the end point VM.
Skip SSL Verification No Use SSL but skip chain & host verification. Expected: True/False.


JBoss is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.
Base URL Yes http://localhost:8080
Installed Path Yes The path on the end point VM where JBoss is installed.
SSL CA No Path to the SSL CA file on the end point VM.
SSL Certificate No Path to the SSL Certificate file on the end point VM.
SSL Key No Path to the SSL Key file on the end point VM.
Skip SSL Verification No Use SSL but skip chain & host verification. Expected: True/False.


MongoDB is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.
Port Yes The port where MongoDB is running. Example: 27017
Hostname No Optional hostname for the MongoDB Service.
Username No User name for MongoDB. Example: Root
Password No Password
SSL CA No Path to the SSL CA file on the end point VM.
SSL Certificate No Path to the SSL Certificate file on the end point VM.
SSL Key No Path to the SSL Key file on the end point VM.
Skip SSL Verification No Use SSL but skip chain & host verification. Expected: True/False.

MS Exchange

MS Exchange is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.


MS IIS is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.


MS SQL is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.
Instance Yes Instance name of the MS SQL server
Port No The port where MS SQL is running. Example: 1433
Hostname No Optional hostname for the MS SQL Service.
Username Yes User name for MS SQL. Example: Root
Password Yes Password


MySQL is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.
Port Yes The port where MySQL is running. Example: 3306
User name Yes User name for MySQL service. Example: Root
password Yes Password
SSL CA No Path to the SSL CA file on the end point VM.
SSL Certificate No Path to the SSL Certificate file on the end point VM.
SSL Key No Path to the SSL Key file on the end point VM.
Hostname No Optional hostname for the MySQL Service
Databases No Comma-separated list of databases to monitor. Each of the database names to be monitored must be enclosed in single quotes and the databases themselves should be comma separated. For example, 'database1','database2','database3'.
TLS Connection No Allowed values are true, false, and skip-verify.


Nginx is supported in vRealize Operations.
Table 1.
Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display name of the application instance.
Status Page URL Yes
SSL CA No Path to the SSL CA file on the end point VM.
SSL Certificate No Path to the SSL Certificate file on the end point VM.
SSL Key No Path to the SSL Key file on the end point VM.
Skip SSL Verification No Use SSL but skip chain and host verification. Expected: True/False.


NTPD is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.

Oracle Database

Oracle database is supported in vRealize Operations.
Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display name of the application instance.
OracleDB Username Yes User name for the Oracle database instance.
OracleDB Password Yes Password for the Oracle database instance.
OracleDB SID Yes SID of the Oracle database instance.

Pivotal Server

Pivotal Server is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.
Base URL Yes http://localhost:8080
Installed Path Yes The path on the end point VM where Pivotal server is installed.
SSL CA No Path to the SSL CA file on the end point VM.
SSL Certificate No Path to the SSL Certificate file on the end point VM.
SSL Key No Path to the SSL Key file on the end point VM.
Skip SSL Verification No Use SSL but skip chain & host verification. Expected: True/False.


Postgres is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.
Port Yes The port where PostgreSQL is running. Example: 5432
User name Yes User name for PostgreSQL service. Example: Root
Password Yes Password
SSL Connection No Allowed values are disable, verify-ca, verify-full.
SSL CA No Path to the SSL CA file on the end point VM.
SSL Certificate No Path to the SSL Certificate file on the end point VM.
SSL Key No Path to the SSL Key file on the end point VM.
Skip SSL Verification No Use SSL but skip chain & host verification. Expected: true/false.
Hostname No Optional hostname for the PostgreSQL Service.
Default Database No The database for initiating connection with the server
Databases No Comma-separated list of databases to monitor. Each of the database names to be monitored must be enclosed in single quotes and the databases themselves should be comma-separated, for example , 'database1','database2','database3'.
Ignored Databases No Comma-separated list of databases that need not be monitored. Each of the database names to be excluded from monitoring must be enclosed in single quotes and the databases themselves should be comma-separated for example, 'database1','database2','database3'.


RabbitMQ is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.
Management Plugin URL Yes http://localhost:15672
User name No User name for RabbitMQ. Example: Guest
Password No Password
SSL CA No Path to the SSL CA file on the end point VM.
SSL Certificate No Path to the SSL Certificate file on the end point VM.
SSL Key No Path to the SSL Key file on the end point VM.
Skip SSL Verification No Use SSL but skip chain & host verification. Expected: True/False.
Nodes No Each of the RabbitMQ data collection nodes should be in single quotes and the nodes themselves should be comma-separated. The list of nodes must be enclosed in square brackets. For example ['rabbit@node1','rabbit@node2',.....]


Riak is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.
Server URL Yes http://localhost:8098


Sharepoint is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.


Tomcat is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.
Base URL Yes http://localhost:8080
Installed Path Yes The path on the end point VM where Tomcat is installed.
SSL CA No Path to the SSL CA file on the end point VM.
SSL Certificate No Path to the SSL Certificate file on the end point VM.
SSL Key No Path to the SSL Key file on the end point VM.
Skip SSL Verification No Use SSL but skip chain & host verification. Expected: True/False.


Weblogic is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.
Base URL Yes http://localhost:7001
Installed Path Yes The path on the end point VM where WebLogic is installed.
User name Yes User name for WebLogic. Example: admin
Password Yes Password
SSL CA No Path to the SSL CA file on the end point VM.
SSL Certificate No Path to the SSL Certificate file on the end point VM.
SSL Key No Path to the SSL Key file on the end point VM.
Skip SSL Verification No Use SSL but skip chain & host verification. Expected: True/False.


Websphere is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.
IBM Websphere Server URL Yes Example : http://localhost:9081
Websphere Authorization Token Yes
To generate the token, follow the below steps:
  • Go to
  • Type in the user and password created in the format: user:password
  • Click the Encode button.
  • Copy the resulting Base64 encoded string. Example: d2F2ZWZyb250OndhdmVmcm9udA==

Remote Checks

HTTP Remote Check

HTTP is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display name of the remote check instance.
URL Yes http://localhost
Proxy No Proxy URL: http://localhost
Response Timeout No Timeout for the connection in seconds. For example, 10.
Follow Redirects No True/False if redirects from the server. For example, true/false (all small values).
Body No HTTP request body.
Response String Match No Substring or regex match in the response body.
SSL CA No Path to the SSL CA file on the end point VM.
SSL Certificates No Path to the SSL certificate file on the end point VM.
SSL Key No Path to the SSL key file on the end point VM.
Skip Host & chain verification No Use SSL but skip chain and host verification. Expected: True/False.
Headers No HTTP Request Headers, which can look like the following. For example: accept = "application/json" Authorization = "5609fe9d-cddd-4654-898b-26d9b67f137a::4ca86c16-ac01-4e17-90da-fb55eb36571a"

ICMP Remote Check

ICMP is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display name of the remote check instance.
FQDN/IP Yes Host name to send the packets. Example:
Count No Number of ping packets to send per interval. For example, 1.
Ping Interval No Time to wait between ping packets in seconds. For example, 10.0.
Note: Follow the decimals as mentioned in the example.
Timeout No Timeout to wait for ping response in seconds. For example, 10.0.
Note: Follow the decimals as mentioned in the example.
Deadline No The total ping deadline in seconds. For example, 30.
Interface No Interface or source from which to send a ping.

TCP Remote Check

TCP is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display name of the remote check instance.
Address Yes <hostname>:port
Send No The given string is sent to the TCP. It can be any string of your choice.
Expect No The given string is expected from the TCP. It can be any string of your choice.
Timeout No Timeout for the connection to the TCP server. For example, 10.
Read Timeout No Timeout for the response from the TCP server. For example, 10.

UDP Remote Check

UDP is supported in vRealize Operations.
Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display name of the remote check instance.
Address Yes <hostname>:port
Send Yes The given string is sent to the UDP.
Expect Yes The given string is expected from the UDP.
Timeout No Timeout for the connection to the UDP server. For example, 10.
Read Timeout No Timeout for the response from the UDP server. For example, 10.