vRealize Operations collects CPU use, disk, memory, network, and summary metrics for vCenter Server system objects.

vCenter Server metrics include capacity and badge metrics. See definitions in:

CPU Usage Metrics

CPU usage metrics provide information about CPU use.

Metric Name Description
Capacity Usage (%) Percent capacity used.

Key: cpu|capacity_usagepct_average

CPU Contention (%) Percent CPU contention.

Key: cpu|capacity_contentionPct

Demand (%) Percent demand.

Key: cpu|demandPct

Demand (MHz) CPU utilization level based on descendant virtual machines utilization. This Includes reservations, limits, and overhead to run the virtual machines.

Key: cpu|demandmhz

Demand CPU Demand.

Key: cpu|demand_average

IO Wait (ms) IO wait time in milliseconds.

Key: cpu|iowait

Number of CPU Sockets Number of CPU sockets.

Key: cpu|numpackages

Overall CPU Contention (ms) Overall CPU contention in milliseconds.

Key: cpu|capacity_contention

Provisioned Capacity (MHz) Provisioned capacity in megahertz.

Key: cpu|capacity_provisioned

Provisioned vCPU Number of provisioned virtual CPU cores.

Key: cpu|corecount_provisioned

Reserved Capacity (MHz) Sum of the reservation properties of the immediate children of the host's root resource pool.

Key: cpu|reservedCapacity_average

Usage (MHz) Average CPU use in megahertz.

Key: cpu|usagemhz_average

Wait (ms) CPU time spent on the idle state.

Key: cpu|wait

Overhead Amount of CPU that is overhead.

Key: cpu|overhead_average

Demand without overhead Value of demand excluding any overhead.

Key: cpu|demand_without_overhead

Provisioned Capacity Provisioned capacity (MHz).

Key: cpu|vm_capacity_provisioned

Total Capacity (MHz) Total CPU resources configured on the descendant ESXi hosts.

Key: cpu|capacity_provisioned

Usable Capacity (MHz) The usable CPU resources that are available for the virtual machines after considering reservations for vSphere High Availability (HA) and other vSphere services.

Key: cpu|haTotalCapacity_average

Datastore Metrics

Datastore metrics provide information about the datastore.

Metric Name Description
Outstanding IO requests OIO for datastore.

Key: datastore|demand_oio

Read IOPS Average number of read commands issued per second during the collection interval.

Key: datastore|numberReadAveraged_average

Write IOPS Average number of write commands issued per second during the collection interval.

Key: datastore|numberWriteAveraged_average

Read Throughput (KBps) Amount of data read in the performance interval.

Key: datastore|read_average

Write Throughput (KBps) Amount of data written to disk in the performance interval.

Key: datastore|write_average

Disk Metrics

Disk metrics provide information about disk use.

Metric Name Description
Total IOPS Average number of commands issued per second during the collection cycle.

Key: disk|commandsAveraged_average

Total Latency (ms) Average amount of time taken for a command from the perspective of the guest operating system. This metric is the sum of the Kernel Device Command Latency and Physical Device Command Latency metrics.

Key: disk|totalLatency_average

Total Throughput (KBps) Average of the sum of the data read and written for all the disk instances of the host or virtual machine.

Key: disk|usage_average

Total queued outstanding operations Sum of queued operations and outstanding operations.

Key: disk|sum_queued_oio

Max Observed OIO Max observed IO for a disk.

Key: disk|max_observed

Disk Space Metrics

Disk space metrics provide information about disk space use.

Metric Name Description
Total disk space used (KB) Total disk space used on all datastores visible to this object.

Key: diskspace|total_usage

Total disk space (KB) Total disk space on all datastores visible to this object.

Key: diskspace|total_capacity

Total provisioned disk space (KB) Total provisioned disk space on all datastores visible to this object.

Key: diskspace|total_provisioned

Utilization (GB) Storage space used on the connected vSphere Datastores.

Key: diskspace|total_usage

Total Capacity (GB) Total storage space available on the connected vSphere datastores.

Key: diskspace|total_capacity

Memory Metrics

Memory metrics provide information about memory use and allocation.

Metric Name Description
Contention (%) Percent host memory contention.

Key: mem|host_contentionPct

Machine Demand (KB) Host memory demand in kilobytes.

Key: mem|host_demand

ESX System Usage Memory usage by the VMkernel and ESX user-level services.

Key: mem|host_systemUsage

Provisioned Memory (KB) Provisioned host memory in kilobytes.

Key: mem|host_provisioned

Reserved Capacity (KB) Sum of the reservation properties of the immediate children of the host's root resource pool.

Key: mem|reservedCapacity_average

Usable Memory (KB) Usable host memory in kilobytes.

Key: mem|host_usable

Host Usage (KB) Host memory use in kilobytes.

Key: mem|host_usage

Usage/Usable (%) Percent host memory used.

Key: mem|host_usagePct

Contention (KB) Host contention in kilobytes.

Key: mem|host_contention

VM Overhead (KB) Memory overhead reported by host.

Key: mem|overhead_average

Utilization (KB) Memory utilization level based on the descendant virtual machines utilization. Includes reservations, limits, and overhead to run the Virtual Machines.

Key: mem|total_need

Total Capacity (KB) Total physical memory configured on descendant ESXi hosts.

Key: mem|host_provisioned

Usable Capacity (KB) The usable memory resources available for the virtual machines after considering reservations for vSphere HA and other vSphere services.

Key: mem|haTotalCapacity_average

Network Metrics

Network metrics provide information about network performance.

Metric Name Description
Packets Dropped (%) Percent network packets dropped.

Key: net|droppedPct

Total Throughput (KBps) Sum of the data transmitted and received for all of the NIC instances of the host or virtual machine.

Key: net|usage_average

Packets Received Number of packets received in the performance interval.

Key: net|packetsRx_summation

Packets Transmitted Number of packets transmitted in the performance interval.

Key: net|packetsTx_summation

Received Packets Dropped Number of received packets dropped in the performance interval.

Key: net|droppedRx_summation

Transmitted Packets Dropped Number of transmitted packets dropped in the performance interval.

Key: net|droppedTx_summation

Data Transmit Rate (KBps) Average amount of data transmitted per second.

Key: net|transmitted_average

Data Receive Rate (KBps) Average amount of data received per second.

Key: net|received_average

Summary Metrics

Summary metrics provide information about overall performance.

Metric Name Description
Number of Running Hosts Number of hosts that are on.

Key: summary|number_running_hosts

Number of Running VMs Number of virtual machines that are on.

Key: summary|number_running_vms

Number of Clusters Total number of clusters.

Key: summary|total_number_clusters

Total Number of Datastores Total number of datastores.

Key: summary|total_number_datastores

Number of Hosts Total number of hosts.

Key: summary|total_number_hosts

Number of VMs Total number of virtual machines.

Key: summary|total_number_vms

Maximum Number of VMs Maximum number of virtual machines.

Key: summary|max_number_vms

Workload Indicator (%) Percent workload indicator.

Key: summary|workload_indicator

Total Number of data centers Total number of data centers.

Key: summary|total_number_datacenters

Number of Cores on Powered On Hosts Number of cores on powered-on hosts.

Key: summary|number_powered_on_cores

Number VCPUs on Powered on VMs Number of virtual CPUs on powered-on virtual machines.

Key: summary|number_running_vcpus

Average Running VM Count per Running Host Average running virtual machine count per running host.

Key: summary|avg_vm_density

VC Query Time (ms) vCenter Server query time in milliseconds.

Key: summary|vc_query_time

Derived Metrics Computation Time (ms) Derived metrics computation time in milliseconds.

Key: summary|derived_metrics_comp_time

Number of objects Number of objects.

Key: summary|number_objs

Number of VC Events Number of vCenter Server events.

Key: summary|number_vc_events

Number of SMS Metrics Number of SMS metrics.

Key: summary|number_sms_metrics

Collector Memory Usage (MB) Collector memory use in megabytes.

Key: summary|collector_mem_usage

Disabled Metrics

The following metrics are disabled in this version of vRealize Operations . This means that they do not collect data by default.

You can enable these metrics in the Policy workspace. For more information, in VMware Docs search for Collect Metrics and Properties Details.

Metric Name Description
Max Observed Number of Outstanding IO Operations Maximum observed number of outstanding IO operations.

Key: datastore|maxObserved_OIO

Max Observed Read Rate Max observed rate of reading data from the datastore.

Key: datastore|maxObserved_Read

Max Observed Reads per second Max observed average number of read commands issued per second during the collection interval.

Key: datastore|maxObserved_NumberRead

Max Observed Writes per second Max observed average number of write commands issued per second during the collection interval.

Key: datastore|maxObserved_NumberWrite

Max Observed Write Rate Max observed rate of writing data from the datastore.

Key: datastore|maxObserved_Write

Max Observed Throughput (KBps) Max observed rate of network throughput.

Key: net|maxObserved_KBps

Max Observed Transmitted Throughput (KBps) Max observed transmitted rate of network throughput.

Key: net|maxObserved_Tx_KBps

Max Observed Received Throughput (KBps) Max observed received rate of network throughput.

Key: net|maxObserved_Rx_KBps