You must install the certificate for PostgreSQL when you enable TLS on localhost connections to PostgreSQL.


  1. Copy the cert.pem file to /storage/db/vcops/vpostgres/data/server.key.
  2. Copy the cert.cert file to /storage/db/vcops/vpostgres/data/server.crt.
  3. Run the chmod 600 /storage/db/vcops/vpostgres/data/server.key command.
  4. Run the chmod 600 /storage/db/vcops/vpostgres/data/server.crt command.
  5. Run the chown postgres /storage/db/vcops/vpostgres/data/server.key and chown postgres /storage/db/vcops/vpostgres/data/server.crt commands to change the ownership of the server.crt and server.key files from root to postgres.