The SDDC Summary tab provides details on the overall SDDC inventory of the organization including key components, SDDC health, maximums, alerts, and so on.

Table 1. SDDC Summary Options
Option Description
Troubleshoot Start the Troubleshooting Workbench with the current object in context.
Object Summary

This widget displays the details of the selected object. The widget also displays the number of resources associated with the selected object.

Active Alerts This widget provides a visual indicator of the alert status for the following alert types.
  • Health alerts that usually require immediate attention.
  • Risk alerts indicating that you must look into any problems shortly.
  • Efficiency alerts indicating that you can reclaim resources.
Consumer Gives the number of active VMs for the selected object. You can also view the usage details for the virtual machine, CPU, and Memory.
Provider (Usable Capacity) Gives the details of available resources for the selected object. You can view the number of hosts and capacity remaining for CPU, RAM, Storage.
Configuration Maximums This widget is used to find out the SDDC limits and your consumption against those limits. It displays details of VPC, Cluster, ESXi, and Virtual Machine maximums.

Gives a graphical representation of objects related to SDDC. Click on each object to have an expanded view of the object details.

Cluster Summary This widget provides an overview of the state of the existing clusters. It displays the cluster name, ESXi host, virtual machine, capacity remaining, time remaining, and VM remaining.
Datastore Summary

This widget provides an overview of the state of the existing datastores. It displays the datastore name, capacity, virtual machine, capacity remaining, and time remaining.