You can run a workflow to add a SOAP host and configure the host connection parameters.


  1. Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Library > Workflows and enter the soap and configuration tags in the workflow search box.
  3. Locate the Add a SOAP host workflow and click Run.
  4. On the SOAP host tab, provide the properties to create a host.
    1. In the Name text box, enter the name of the host.
    2. Select whether to provide the WSDL content as text.
      Option Action
      Yes Copy the text in the WSDL content text box.
      No Enter the correct path in the WSDL URI text box.
    3. In the Connection timeout text box, enter the number of seconds within which vRealize Orchestrator must connect to the SOAP host, otherwise the connection times out.
    4. In the Request timeout text box, enter the number of seconds within which a SOAP request must succeed before it times out.
  5. On the Proxy tab, select whether to use a proxy.
    Option Action
    Yes Provide the proxy address and proxy port.
    No Continue to the next step.
  6. On the Host authentication tab, select the authentication type.
    Option Description
    None No authentication is required.

    Provides basic access authentication.

    On the User credentials tab, select the session mode.

    • If you select Shared Session, provide credentials for the shared session.
    • If you select Per User Session, the vRealize Orchestrator Client retrieves credentials from the user who is logged in.

    Provides digest access authentication that uses encryption.

    On the User credentials tab, select the session mode.

    • If you select Shared Session, provide credentials for the shared session.
    • If you select Per User Session, the vRealize Orchestrator Client retrieves credentials from the user who is logged in.

    Provides NT LAN Manager (NTLM) access authentication within the Window Security Support Provider (SSPI) framework.

    On the User credentials tab, select the session mode.

    • If you select Shared Session, provide credentials for the shared session.
    • If you select Per User Session, the vRealize Orchestrator Client retrieves credentials from the user who is logged in.

    On the NTLM settings tab, enter the NTLM domain and NTLM workstation.


    Provides Kerberos access authentication.

    On the User credentials tab, select the session mode.
    • If you select Shared Session, provide credentials for the shared session.
    • If you select Per User Session, the vRealize Orchestrator Client retrieves credentials from the user who is logged in.

    On the Negotiate tab, provide the Kerberos service SPN.

  7. Click Run.


After the workflow runs successfully, the SOAP host appears in the Inventory view.

What to do next

You can explore the SOAP host objects and run workflows on them from the Inventory view.