You can log information in any kind of vRealize Orchestrator script, for example workflow, policy, or action. This information has types and levels. The type can be either persistent or non-persistent. The level can be DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, TRACE, and FATAL.

Table 1. Creating Persistent and Non-Persistent Logs
Log Level Persistent Type Non-Persistent Type
DEBUG Server.debug("short text", "long text"); System.debug("text")
INFO Server.log("short text", "long text"); System.log("text");
WARN Server.warn("short text", "long text"); System.warn("text");
ERROR Server.error("short text", "long text"); System.error("text");

Persistent Logs

Persistent logs (server logs) track past workflow run logs and are stored in the vRealize Orchestrator database.

Non-Persistent Logs

When you use a non-persistent log (system log) to create scripts, the vRealize Orchestrator server notifies all running vRealize Orchestrator applications about this log, but this information is not stored in the database. When the application is restarted, the log information is lost. Non-persistent logs are used for debugging purposes and for live information. To view system logs, you must select a completed workflow run in the vRealize Orchestrator Client and select the Logs tab.