Configure the vCOIN plug-in.


Verify that your vRealize Orchestrator authenticates with vSphere. The Orchestrator authentication provider must use the vCenter FQDN as the target vCenter instance FQDN. See Configure a Standalone vRealize Orchestrator Server with vSphere Authentication.


  1. Activate the vCOIN plug-in.
    1. Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Appliance over SSH.
    2. Run the following command.
      vracli capabilities vcoin --enable
      You can also add the following optional parameters after the capabilities command.
      Parameter Description
      -h, --help Get information about optional commands that you can use.
      --enable Activate this capability.
      --disable Deactivate this capability.
      --replay Ignore the current state and potentially replay any state validations.
      -f, --force Force set a value for this capability.
    3. Redeploy the vRealize Orchestrator appliance by running the /opt/scripts/ command.
      Running this command restarts vRealize Orchestrator.
  2. Register the vCOIN extension in the vSphere Web Client.
    vracli vro vcoin register --insecure -u username -vcu https://vSphere FQDN/sdk

    Provide your password when the system prompts you to.

    You can also add the following parameters after the vro vcoin register command.
    Parameter Description
    --insecure Optional. If you do not use --insecure parameter, the vCenter certificate thumbprint must be passed with the -vct parameter.
    -u, --username=username The user name of a user with permissions to register extensions on the vCenter server. For example, administrator users usually have the necessary Extension.Register permission.
    -vcu, --vCenterUrl=https://vSphere FQDN/sdk The URL of the SDK resource of the vCenter Server.
    -st, --serverThumbprint=vRO Server Certificate Thumbprint Optional. The certificate thumbprint of the vRealize Orchestrator plug-in server. The SHA-1 thumbprint must be in the following format: 30:da:0s:da:is:d9:sa:91:29:da:9s:ds:a9:d9:sa. Make sure that every number-letter pair combination is separated by colons (:).
    -vct, --vCenterServerThumbprint=vCenter Server Thumbprint The certificate thumbprint of the vCenter server.
    -pu, --pluginUrl=https://vRO or LB FQDN/vcoin/plugin.json The URL of the vCOIN plug-in manifest.

    If you have a high availability environment with a proxy or a load balancer, you must use the HA proxy FQDN or the LB FQDN instead of the vRealize Orchestrator FQDN. Otherwise, the plug-in cannot be registered.

    After the vCOIN plug-in extension is registered, verify that the plug-in is visible in the vSphere Client. You might have to refresh your browser. For troubleshooting information, see the VMware vSphere documentation.
  3. To activate autofilling for context action inputs, add the vCenter Server as an endpoint in vRealize Orchestrator by running the Add a vCenter Server Instance workflow.
    For instructions how to run the workflow, see Configure the Connection to a vCenter Instance.

Unregister the vCOIN Plug-In

To unregister the vCOIN extension from the vSphere Web Client, run the following command.

vracli vro vcoin unregister --insecure -u username -vcu https://vSphere FQDN/sdk

If the vCenter server is unavailable, you can add the --force after the main command.

If you do not unregister the plug-in properly when reconfiguring your environment, unexpected behaviour might occur if your vRealize Orchestrator instance is registered with a different vCenter server.