You can configure vRealize Orchestrator to send your logging information to one or more remote syslog servers.

The vracli remote-syslog set command is used to create a syslog integration or overwrite existing integrations.

vRealize Orchestrator remote syslog integration supports three connection types:

  • Over UDP.
  • Over TCP without TLS.
    Note: To create a syslog integration without using TLS, add the --disable-ssl flag to the vracli remote-syslog set command.
  • Over TCP with TLS.

For information on configuring a logging integration with vRealize Log Insight, see Configure Logging Integration with vRealize Log Insight.


Configure one or more remote syslog servers.


  1. Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Appliance command line as root.
  2. To create an integration to a syslog server, run the vracli remote-syslog set command.
    vracli remote-syslog set -id name_of_integration protocol_type://syslog_URL_or_FQDN:syslog_port
    Note: If you do not enter a port in the vracli remote-syslog set command, the port value defaults to 514.
    Note: You can add a certificate to the syslog configuration. To add a certificate file, use the --ca-file flag. To add a certificate as plaintext, use the --ca-cert flag.
  3. (Optional) To overwrite an existing syslog integration, run the vracli remote-syslog set and set the -id flag value to the name of the integration you want to overwrite.
    Note: By default, the vRealize Orchestrator Appliance requests that you confirm that you want to overwrite the syslog integration. To skip the confirmation request, add the -f or --force flag to the vracli remote-syslog set command.

What to do next

To review the current syslog integrations in the appliance, run the vracli remote-syslog command.