The workflow editor consists of tabs on which you edit the components of the workflows.

Table 1. Workflow Editor Tabs
Tab Description
Summary Provide general information about the workflow, such as the workflow name, description, tags, and version number. The Summary tab can also be used to configure the server restart behavior and workflow run failure behavior.
Variables Define the variables for your workflow. Variables were previously known as attributes.
Input/Output Define the input and output parameters of your workflow. The input parameters provide the data that the workflow processes during the workflow run. The output parameters are provided when the workflow run finishes.
Schema Build the workflow. You build the workflow by dragging workflow schema elements from the workflow palette on the left side of the Schema tab. By clicking an element in the schema diagram, you can define and edit the element's behavior.
Input Form Define the layout of the user input dialog box that appears when users run a workflow. You arrange the parameters and variables into presentation steps and tabs to ease identification of parameters in the input parameters dialog box. You define the constraints on the input parameters that users can provide in the presentation by setting the parameter properties. You can also add external validation for your workflow by using actions. For more information on the input form designer, see vRealize Orchestrator Input Form Designer in Using the VMware vRealize Orchestrator Client.
Version History View and manage the version history of the workflow. Compare and restore versions and push and pull workflows to and from your integrated Git repository. For more information on using Git in the vRealize Orchestrator Client, see How Can I Use Git Branching to Manage My vRealize Orchestrator Object Inventory in Using the VMware vRealize Orchestrator Client.
Audit View information about events related to the workflow such as, when it was saved, when a workflow run was performed, and when a workflow run was finished.