The logical flow of a workflow is the progression of the workflow from one element to the next in the schema as the workflow runs. You define the logical flow of the workflow by linking elements in the schema.

The standard path is the path that the workflow takes through the logical flow if all elements run as expected. The exception path is the path that the workflow takes through the logical flow if an element does not run as expected.

Different styles of arrows in the workflow schema denote the different paths that the workflow can take through its logical flow.
  • A blue arrow denotes the standard path that the workflow takes from one element to the next.
  • A green arrow denotes the path that the workflow takes if a Boolean decision element returns true.
  • A red dashed arrow denotes the path that the workflow takes if a Boolean decision element returns false. Alternatively, a red dashed arrow denotes the exception path that the workflow takes if a workflow element does not run correctly.

The following figure shows an example workflow schema that demonstrates the different paths that workflows can take.

Figure 1. Different Workflow Paths Through the Logical Flow of the Workflow

An example workflow schema that demonstrates the different workflow paths.

This example workflow can take the following paths through its logical flow.

  • Standard path, true decision result, no exceptions.
    1. The decision element returns true.
    2. The SnapVMsInResourcePool workflow runs successfully.
    3. The sendHtmlEmail action runs successfully.
    4. The workflow ends successfully in the completed state.
  • Standard path, false decision result, no exceptions.
    1. The decision element returns false.
    2. The operation the scriptable task element defines runs successfully.
    3. The sendHtmlEmail action runs successfully.
    4. The workflow ends successfully in the completed state.
  • true decision result, exception.
    1. The decision element returns true.
    2. The SnapVMsInResourcePool workflow encounters an error.
    3. The workflow returns an exception and stops in the failed state.
  • false decision result, exception.
    1. The decision element returns false.
    2. The operation the Scriptable task element defines encounters an error.
    3. The workflow returns an exception and stops in the failed state.