You must bind all workflow input and output parameters. Bindings set data in the elements, and define the output and exception behavior of the elements. Links define the logical flow of the workflow, whereas bindings define the data flow.

To set data in an element, generate output parameters from the element after processing, and handle any errors that might occur when the element runs, you must set the element binding.

Input binding
Set a schema element's incoming data. For most schema elements, you can do this from the Inputs/Outputs menu of the General tab.
Output binding
Define the output parameters used when an element finishes its run. For most schema elements, you can do this from the Inputs/Outputs menu of the General tab.
Output Exception bindings
Link to exception handlers if the element encounters an exception when it runs.

Output exception bindings write values into the bound source parameter.

If the element changes the values of the input parameters that it receives when it runs, you must bind them to a workflow variable by using an output exception binding. Binding the element's output parameters to workflow variables lets other elements that follow it in the workflow schema to take those output parameters as their input parameters.

A common mistake when creating workflows is not to bind output parameter values to reflect the changes that the element makes to the workflow variables.

Important: When you add an element that requires input and output parameters of a type that you have already defined in the workflow, vRealize Orchestrator sets the bindings to these parameters. You must verify that the parameters that vRealize Orchestrator binds are correct, in case the workflow defines different parameters of the same type to which the element can bind.