Using a single PATCH request, you can pre-validate the upgrade request for a product deployed in your vRealize Suite environment and trigger a product upgrade. If the pre-validation fails, the product upgrade does not start.


Satisfy the following conditions before performing any tasks for this use case.


  1. Upgrade a product in your environment.
    curl -X PATCH "https://LCM-HostName/lcm/api/v1/action/upgrade/product" \
      -H "accept: application/json" \
      -H "x-xenon-auth-token: $token" \
      -H "content-type: application/json" \
      -d "{ 
        "environmentId": "<Environment-ID>",  
        "productType": "<ProductType>", 
        "repositoryType": "URL", 
        "repositoryUrl": "<Product-Upgrade-File-URL>", 
        "productVersion": "<Product-Version>", 
        "requestId": "<request-ID>",
        "preValidate": "<Prevalidate-True-or-False>",
        "requestState": "<Request-State-Post-Patching>",
    Table 1. Input Parameters to Patch Product Upgrade Request




    Environment ID is in the response to the request for a list of all environments managed by vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager. See List All Products in an Environment.


    Supported vRealize Suite product name in vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager. For example: vra, vrbc, vrops, vrli, or vrni.


    Repository Type can be URL or lcmrepository .


    The URL points to the upgrade binary file. For example: https://<LCM-IP>:4443/productlinks/vrli/4.6.0/upgrade/<UpgradeFileName>.


    vRealize Suite product version post upgrade. For example, if upgrading from version x.x.x to version y.y.y, the value is y.y.y.


    ID received from the response of the call POST /action/upgrade/product. See Create Product Upgrade Request.


    Option to pre-validate the upgrade request before starting the upgrade: true or false.


    Request state to patch the existing state. Default is SUBMITTED.


    If preValidate=true and the pre-validation check fails, the patch is unsuccessful and the upgrade process does not start. If you assess that the failure to pre-validate is not critical to the operation of the product, set preValidate=false so that the upgrade will run.

  2. Examine the response to track the request.

    The output includes:

    • id = Product Update Request ID provided as input.

    • status = Request status

  3. (Optional) Monitor the status of the request with the Product Update Request ID.
    curl -X GET "https://LCM-HostName/lcm/api/v1/request/status/<Product-Update-Request-ID>" -H "accept: application/json" -H "x-xenon-auth-token: $token"