You can make a change to a virtual machine property, such as a storage path, to update one or more managed virtual machines in VMware Aria Automation.

A managed virtual machine is a machine that is managed by VMware Aria Automation and can be viewed in the console.


  • Log in to VMware Aria Automation as a fabric administrator and as a business group manager.


  1. Generate a virtual machine CSV data file.
    1. Select Infrastructure > Administration > Bulk Imports.
    2. Click Generate CSV File.
    3. Select Managed from the Machines drop-down menu.
    4. Select one of the available resource types from the Resource drop-down menu.
      Option Description
      Endpoint Information required to access a virtualization host.
      Compute Resource Information required to access a group of virtual machines performing a similar function.
    5. Select the name of the virtual machine resource from the Name drop-down menu.
    6. (Optional) Select Include custom properties if you want to migrate the virtual machine custom properties.
    7. Click OK.
  2. Edit your virtual machine CSV data file.
    1. Open the CSV file with a text editor and edit the data categories that you want to change globally.
      To update virtual machines contained in a CSV data file, each machine must be associated with the following items:
      • Reservation
      • Storage location
      • Blueprint
      • Machine component
      • Owner that exists in the target deployment
      All of the values for each machine must be present in the target VMware Aria Automation deployment for the update to succeed. You can change the values for reservation, storage location, blueprint, and owner, or add a static IP address value to individual machines by editing the CSV file.
    2. If you are changing a virtual machine static IP address, append a command in the following form to the CSV file.
      ,VirtualMachine.Network#.Address, w.x.y.z, HOP

      Configure the command with the appropriate information for your virtual machine.

      • Change the # to the number of the network interface being configured with this static IP address. For example, VirtualMachineNetwork0.Address.
      • Change w.x.y.z to be the static IP address for the virtual machine. For example,
      • The HOP string, Hidden, Not encrypted, Not runtime, sets the visibility of the property. This default property is removed from the virtual machine after a successful import.
      For a successful update, the IP address must be available in a properly configured address pool. If the address cannot be found or is already in use, the update succeeds without the static IP address definition, and an error is logged.
    3. Save the CSV file and close your text editor.
  3. Use the VMware Aria Automation console to update one or more virtual machines in a VMware Aria Automation deployment.
    1. Select Infrastructure > Administration > Bulk Imports.
    2. Click New.
    3. Enter a unique name for this task in the Name text box, for example, managed global update 10.
    4. Enter the CSV file name in the CSV file text box by browsing to the CSV file name.
    5. Select import options.
      Option Description
      Start time Schedule a future start date. The specified start time is the local server time and not the local time of the user workstation.
      Now Begin the import process immediately.
      Delay (seconds) If you are updating a large number of virtual machines, select the number of seconds to delay each virtual machine update. Selecting this option slows the update process. Leave blank to specify no delay.
      Batch size If you are updating a large number of virtual machines, select the total number of machines to update at a given time. Selecting this option slows the update process. Leave blank to specify no limit.
      Ignore managed machines Leave unselected.
      Skip user validation Selecting this option sets the machine owner to the value listed in the Owner column of the CSV data file without verifying that the user exists. Selecting this option can decrease the update time.
      Test import Leave unselected.
    6. Click OK.
      The progress of the operation appears on the Bulk Imports page.