The product dependencies between the VMware Aria Automation components require additional changes in the Site Recovery Manager plan.

Component dependencies determine the sequence in which Site Recovery Manager powers on the components. You can set the priorities as follows and use prompts, whenever a manual task is required.


Power On priority


Identity Manager

1 (Highest)


VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager

2 (High)

Identity Manager

VMware Aria Automation

3 (Medium)

Identity Manager

VMware Aria Orchestrator

4 (Low)

Identity Manager VMware Aria Automation


The steps below demonstrate an example, when all VMware Aria Automation related components are protected with Site Recovery Manager.


  1. In the vSphere Client or the vSphere Web Client, click Site Recovery > Open Site Recovery.
  2. On the Site Recovery home tab, select a site pair and click View Details.
  3. On the Recovery Plans tab, right-click the LCM vIDM vRA vRO recovery plan, and click the Recovery Steps tab.

  4. Expand the Power on priority 3 VMs list, right-click on each Identity Manager machine and use choose Priority Group > 1 (Highest). Repeat the step - to change the power on priority for all VMware Aria Automation components based on the product dependencies.
  5. If Identity Manager cluster deployment is configured by VMware Aria Lifecycle Manager - right click the Power on priority 2 VMs step and click Add Step Before, select Type: Prompt, and fill in the Name and Content text boxes.

    Identity Manager cluster deployments configured by VMware Aria Lifecycle Manager loose the delegate database IP address configuration when they are power-cycled outside of VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager. This configuration is restored with the manual steps described in this KB article.

  6. Right-click the Power on priority 3 VMs step, click Add Step Before, select Type: Prompt, and fill in the Name and Content text boxes.

  7. Right-click the Power on priority 4 VMs step, click Add Step Before, select Type: Prompt, and fill in the Name and Content text boxes.

    When the recovery plan reaches this step, you must ensure that the VMware Aria Automation services are fully initialized, before proceeding further. This is a long step, which may take about half an hour.

  8. Right-click the Power on priority 4 VMs step, click Add Step Before, select Type: Prompt, and fill in the Name and Content text boxes.