The following REST APIs are available with vSphere Replication 8.6.

Table 1. vSphere Replication Configuration and Management REST APIs
Category Operation Type REST API Name Description
Authentication GET Get Current Session Returns information about the current session, if any.
Authentication POST Login Logs in and returns the session ID. In the subsequent requests, include the ‘x-dr-session’ header with the returned session ID value.
Authentication DELETE Logout Logs out if the session is authenticated.
Pairing POST Create Remote Session Returns information about the current session to the remote vSphere Replication Management Server (VRMS).
Pairing POST Create Remote Session Returns information about the current session to the remote vSphere Replication Management Server.
Pairing DELETE Delete VR Pairing Delete the existing pairing with the remote vSphere Replication Management Server.
Pairing GET Get All VR Details In Pairing Get information about vSphere Replication servers that are paired.
Pairing GET Get All VR Servers In Pairing Get all registered replication servers for vSphere Replication in a pairing.
Pairing GET Get Remote Session Returns information about the current session to the remote vSphere Replication Management Server, if any.
Pairing GET Get VR Info In Pairing Get information about specific vSphere Replication in a pairing.
Pairing GET Get VR Pairing Get information about the pairing.
Pairing GET Get VR Pairing Issues Get all issues for the pairing.
Pairing GET Get VR Pairings Get a list of all existing pairings.
Pairing GET Get VR Server In Pairing Get information about a registered vSphere Replication server for a vSphere Replication Management Server, which is part of a pairing.
Pairing POST Pair VR Pair to the remote vSphere Replication Management Server.
Pairing POST Reconnect VR Pairing Reconnect the existing pairing to the remote vSphere Replication Management Server.
Pairing POST Reconnect VR Server In Pairing Update the connection information for this vSphere Replication Server and reset any current connection for vSphere Replication in a pairing.
Pairing POST Register VR Server In Pairing Register a replication Server for vSphere Replication in a pairing.
Pairing DELETE Unregister VR Server In Pairing Unregister a vSphere Replication Server for vSphere Replication in a pairing.
Replication POST Browse Datastore Browse the datastore that is defined in the URL by its ID. This API returns files that reside on the given datastore. These files are filtered based on the given search criteria.
Replication POST Check Storage Policy Compliance Check datastores for compliance against a given storage policy.
Replication POST Configure Replication Configure replication for a virtual machine from a source site to a target vCenter Server site.
Replication DELETE Destroy Replication Delete replication of a VM. The operation deletes the replication only on the local site. Remove the replication configuration first.
Replication GET Get All Replications Get a list of all the incoming or outgoing replications from a vCenter Server.
Replication GET Get Local VM Disks Retrieve information about the disks of a VM.
Replication GET Get Local VMS Get a list of all VMs on the vCenter Server specified by a vCenter Server ID in the URL.
Replication GET Get Replicated VM Disks Retrieve information about the disks of a replicated VM.
Replication GET Get Replication Info Get information about the replication.
Replication GET Get Replications Count Get the total number of replications - both incoming and outgoing.
Replication GET Get Replications Issues Get a list of all the current issues for all incoming or outgoing replications.
Replication POST Get Seeds For Disks Retrieve information about possible seeds for a given set of disks.
Replication GET Get VC Storage Policies Retrieve vCenter Server storage policies.
Replication GET Get VM Capability Retrieve vSphere Replication capability information about a specific VM.
Replication GET Get VR Capable Target Datastores Retrieve vSphere Replication supported datastores.
Replication POST Pause Replication Pause the replication for a virtual machine from the source site to a remote vCenter Server site.
Replication POST Reconfigure Replication Change the settings of a replication, including reconfiguring a replication on new virtual hard disks and enabling the default seed disk to use a replica disk in the VM folder.
Replication POST Resume Replication Resume a paused replication to the target vCenter Server site.
Replication POST Sync Replication Sync the latest changes for a virtual machine with a configured replication to the target vCenter Server site.
Replication POST Unconfigure Replication Gracefully remove the replication configuration of a VM. If the remote site is not available, use DELETE /replications/{replication_id} to delete the replication from the local site.
Server GET Get All VR Servers Get all registered replication servers.
Server GET Get VR Info vSphere Replication Management Server information.
Server GET Get VR Server Get information about a registered vSphere Replication Server.
Server POST Reconnect VR Server Update the connection information for this vSphere Replication Server and reset any current connection.
Server POST Register VR Server Register a replication server.
Server DELETE Unregister VR Server Unregister a vSphere Replication Server.
Tasks GET Get Recent Tasks Info Retrieve all recent tasks.
Tasks GET Get Task Info Retrieve task information.
Table 2. vSphere Replication Management Server (VRMS) Appliance Configuration REST APIs
Category Operation Type REST API Name Description
Appliance GET Get Appliance Disks Get information about the virtual appliance's disks.
Appliance GET Get Appliance Info Get information about the virtual appliance.
Appliance POST Restart Appliance Restart the virtual appliance.
Appliance POST Shutdown Appliance Shut down the virtual appliance.
Appliance Settings GET Get Syslog Servers Get a list of all configured syslog servers.
Appliance Settings GET Get Time Settings Get information about the current time settings.
Appliance Settings GET Get Time Zones Get information about the supported time zones.
Appliance Settings POST Send Syslog Test Message Send a test message to all syslog servers.
Appliance Settings POST Update Appliance Password Update the appliance password.
Appliance Settings PUT Update Syslog Servers Update the configured syslog servers.
Appliance Settings PUT Update Time Settings Update the current time settings.
Authentication GET Get Current Session Get information about the current session, if any.
Authentication POST Login Logs in and returns the session ID. In the subsequent requests, include the ‘x-dr-session’ header with the returned session ID value.
Authentication DELETE Logout Logs out if the session is authenticated.
Certificates POST Add CA Certificates Add certificate authorities (CA) certificates.
Certificates POST Delete CA Certificates Delete certificate authorities (CA) certificates.
Certificates POST Generate CSR Generate a new key and a certificate signing request (CSR), and return it for signing.
Certificates GET Get Appliance CA Certificates Get the installed certificate authorities (CA) certificates that are used to validate the other certificates of the server.
Certificates GET Get Appliance Certificate Get the appliance certificate information.
Certificates POST Probe SSL Check if the appliance can establish a successful SSL connection to the specified endpoint.
Certificates POST Update Appliance Certificate Update the appliance certificate.
Configuration POST Check Extension Key Check if a given extension key is already registered in SSO, lookup service and as a vCenter Server extension.
Configuration POST Delete Configuration Remove the current configuration.
Configuration GET Get Configuration Get the appliance configuration information.
Configuration GET Get vSphere Replication Server Settings Get the vSphere Replication Server settings.
Configuration GET Get Reconfigure Required Check if a reconfigure operation is required after an upgrade.
Configuration POST List VC Services List all vCenter Serverservices in the Platform Services Controller (PSC).
Configuration PUT Update Configuration Update the appliance configuration.
Configuration PUT Update vSphere Replication Server Settings Update the vSphere Replication Server settings.
Configuration POST Validate Connection Validate the connections to the vSphere infrastructure.
Network Settings GET Get All Network Interfaces Settings Get all network interface settings.
Network Settings GET Get All Network Settings Get the current appliance network settings.
Network Settings GET Get Network DNS Settings Get the DNS settings.
Network Settings GET Get Network Interface Settings Get the network interface settings.
Network Settings PUT Update Network DNS Settings Update the DNS settings.
Network Settings POST Update Network Interface Settings Update the network interface settings.
Services GET Get All Services Get information about all services.
Services GET Get Service Get information about a specific service.
Services POST Restart Service Restart the service.
Services POST Start Service Start the service.
Services POST Stop Service Stop the service.
Tasks GET Get All Tasks Info Retrieve all configuration-related tasks.
Tasks GET Get Task Info Retrieve task information.
Updates PUT Change Updates Repository Change the current updates repository.
Updates POST Get Updates Get all available updates in the repository.
Updates GET Get Updates Repository Get information about the current updates repository.
Updates POST Install Update Install the update.
Table 3. vSphere Replication Server (VRS) Appliance Configuration REST APIs
Category Operation Type REST API Name Description
Appliance GET Get Appliance Disks Get information about the virtual appliance's disks.
Appliance GET Get Appliance Info Get information about the virtual appliance.
Appliance POST Restart Appliance Restart the virtual appliance.
Appliance POST Shutdown Appliance Shut down the virtual appliance.
Appliance Settings GET Get Syslog Servers Get a list of all configured syslog servers.
Appliance Settings GET Get Time Settings Get information about the current time settings.
Appliance Settings GET Get Time Zones Get information about the supported time zones.
Appliance Settings POST Send Syslog Test Message Send a test message to all syslog servers.
Appliance Settings POST Update Appliance Password Update the appliance password.
Appliance Settings PUT Update Syslog Servers Update the configured syslog servers.
Appliance Settings PUT Update Time Settings Update the current time settings.
Authentication GET Get Current Session Get information about the current session, if any.
Authentication POST Login Logs in and returns the session ID. In the subsequent requests, include the ‘x-dr-session’ header with the returned session ID value.
Authentication DELETE Logout Logs out if the session is authenticated.
Certificates POST Add CA Certificates Add certificate authorities (CA) certificates.
Certificates POST Delete CA Certificates Delete certificate authorities (CA) certificates.
Certificates POST Generate CSR Generate a new key and a certificate signing request (CSR), and return it for signing.
Certificates GET Get Appliance CA Certificates Get the installed certificate authorities (CA) certificates that are used to validate the other certificates of the server.
Certificates GET Get Appliance Certificate Get the appliance certificate information.
Certificates POST Update Appliance Certificate Update the appliance certificate.
Configuration GET Get vSphere Replication Server Settings Get the vSphere Replication Server settings.
Configuration PUT Update vSphere Replication Server Settings Update the vSphere Replication Server settings.
Network Settings GET Get All Network Interfaces Settings Get all network interface settings.
Network Settings GET Get All Network Settings Get the current appliance network settings.
Network Settings GET Get Network DNS Settings Get the DNS settings.
Network Settings GET Get Network Interface Settings Get the network interface settings.
Network Settings PUT Update Network DNS Settings Update the DNS settings.
Network Settings POST Update Network Interface Settings Update the network interface settings.
Services GET Get All Services Get information about all services.
Services GET Get Service Get information about a specific service.
Services POST Restart Service Restart the service.
Services POST Start Service Start the service.
Services POST Stop Service Stop the service.
Tasks GET Get All Tasks Info Retrieve all configuration-related tasks.
Tasks GET Get Task Info Retrieve task information.
Updates PUT Change Updates Repository Change the current updates repository.
Updates POST Get Updates Get all available updates in the repository.
Updates GET Get Updates Repository Get information about the current updates repository.
Updates POST Install Update Install the update.