You can use the VMware OVF tool to deploy an additional vSphere Replication server from an OVF template.

VMware OVF Tool (ovftool) is a flexible command-line utility that you can use to import and export OVF packages to and from a wide variety of VMware products. For more information about ovftool, see the OVF Tool Documentation.


  • Verify that you have downloaded and mounted the vSphere Replication .iso image.
  • Verify that you have downloaded and installed on your computer the VMware OVF tool 4.2 or later.


  1. To deploy an additional vSphere Replication server with the VMware OVF Tool, use one of the following command lines.
    • If you want to obtain network settings through DHCP:
      -ds="DATASTORE NAME" 
      --net:"Management Network"="NETWORK NAME" 
      --prop:"varoot-password"="ROOT USER PASSWORD"
      --prop:"vaadmin-password"="ADMIN USER PASSWORD" 
      --prop:"ntpserver"="NTP SERVER IP OR FQDN"  
    • If you want to obtain network settings through a static IP address:
      -ds="DATASTORE NAME" 
      -n="SERVER NAME" 
      --net:"Management Network"="NETWORK NAME" 
      --prop:"varoot-password"="ROOT USER PASSWORD"
      --prop:"vaadmin-password"="ADMIN USER PASSWORD"
      --prop:"ntpserver"="NTP SERVER IP OR FQDN" 
      --prop:"vami.ip0.vSphere_Replication_Appliance"="IP ADDRESS"
      --prop:"vami.netmask0.vSphere_Replication_Appliance"="SUBNET MASK"
      --prop:"vami.gateway.vSphere_Replication_Appliance"="GATEWAY IP ADDRESS"
      --prop:"vami.DNS.vSphere_Replication_Appliance"="DNS IP ADDRESSES"
      --prop:"vami.searchpath.vSphere_Replication_Appliance"="DOMAIN SEARCH PATH"
  2. Replace the variables in the example with values from your environment.
    Variable Description
    DATASTORE NAME The target datastore name.
    VIRTUAL MACHINE NAME Specify the additional vSphere Replication Server name.
    NETWORK NAME The name of the network to which you attach the additional vSphere Replication server.
    ROOT USER PASSWORD The password for the root account. The password must be at least eight characters long and must contain characters from four character classes: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
    ADMIN USER PASSWORD The password for the root account, which you use to log in to the vSphere Replication Server. The password must be at least eight characters long and must contain characters from four character classes: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
    NTP SERVER IP OR FQDN The IP address or FQDN of the NTP server.
    SUBNET MASK The subnet mask address of the additional vSphere Replication Server.
    GATEWAY IP ADDRESS The Gateway address to the additional vSphere Replication Server.
    DNS IP ADDRESSES The DNS address of the additional vSphere Replication Server.
    DOMAIN SEARCH PATH The domain search path for this virtual machine (use a comma or a space to separate the different names.)
    VSPHERE_REPLICATION_ADD-ON_OVF_FILEPATH The path to the vSphere Replication Add-On OVF package. To get access to the vSphere Replication OVF files, navigate to the \bin directory in the ISO image.
    VSPHERE_USER The user name for the target vCenter Server.
    VSPHERE_USER_PASSWORD The password for the target vCenter Server.
    VCENTER_SERVER_ADDRESS The address of the target vCenter Server.
    ESX_HOST_NAME The name of the target ESX host.

What to do next

When the OVF file has deployed, register the vSphere Replication server with the vSphere Replication appliance.