To install and use the vSphere Replication plug-in, your system must meet certain functional prerequisites.

vSphere Replication

Your vSphere Replication plug-in version works only with the corresponding vSphere Replication version.

For information about setting up vSphere Replication, see the vSphere Replication Installation and Configuration documentation.

VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator

Verify that you have a running instance of VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator and its version is compatible with the versions of your vSphere Replication and vSphere Replication plug-in.

For information about the compatibility between vSphere Replication and VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator, see the vSphere Replication 8.7 Release Notes and the Compatibility matrices for vSphere Replication documentation.

For information about setting up VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator, logging in the VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator client, and available authentication methods, see the Installing and Configuring VMware VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator documentation.

Other Prerequisites

  • Verify the compatibility between the vCenter Server plug-in for VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator and the vCenter Server. See the VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.7 Release Notes .
  • Verify that you have added all vCenter Server instances that you want to use for replications, and all peer sites, by using the Add vCenter Server workflow. For more information, see the Configure the Connection to a vCenter Server Instance topic in the VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator documentation.