This workflow reconfigures the pairing between two vCenter Server sites.


  1. Log in to VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator client as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Library > Workflows.
  3. In the Filter box, enter Reconnect a VC to VC pair and press Enter.
  4. Click the workflow and click Run.
  5. Enter the input parameters that the workflow requires, and click Run.
    Table 1. Reconnect a vCenter Server Site to a vCenter Server Site Pair Workflow Inputs
    Input Description
    Local site Local site Local vCenter Server site.
    Local site Lookup Service address IP address or domain name of the server where the Lookup Service runs.
    Remote site Remote site Lookup Service address IP address or domain name of the server where the Platform Services Controller of the remote vCenter Single Sign-On domain runs.
    Remote username Remote vCenter Single Sign-On user.
    Password Password for the remote vCenter Single Sign-On user.
    Ignore certificate warnings When you select it, the certificate is accepted silently and added to the trusted store.