Reversing replications at large scale during the reprotect operation might fail due to issues caused by an overloaded datastore.


When the OSFS module of a vSAN datastore is overloaded, it might fail with the "Invalid datastore path ..." error even though the path is valid.


Running the vSphere Replication operations at large scale at the same time involves increased number of calls to the datastore which on overloaded datastores might lead to unresponsiveness or fault responses from the datastore.


Decrease the number of concurrent reverse replication tasks in hms-configuration.xml from 20 to 15.

  1. Establish an SSH connection to the vSphere Replication Appliance.
  2. Run the following command:
    /opt/vmware/hms/bin/hms-configtool -cmd reconfig -property throttle-remote-reverse=15
  3. Restart the HMS service.