If you try to generate a vSphere Replication support bundle, the process fails.


If the vSphere Replication appliance is not configured and you try to generate a support bundle, the process fails. You must manually generate the support bundles for the vSphere Replication appliance and the embedded vSphere Replication server. The generated files are /tmp/hms-bundle.tar.gz and /tmp/embedded-hbr-bundle.tgz.


  1. Establish an SSH connection to the vSphere Replication Appliance.
  2. Run the following commands:
    /bin/tar --force-local --ignore-failed-read -chvpf /tmp/hms-bundle.tar /opt/vmware/hms/logs /opt/vmware/var/log
    /opt/vmware/support/logs/dr /opt/vmware/support/logs/drconfigui
    /usr/bin/gzip --no-name --quiet --stdout /tmp/hms-bundle.tar > /tmp/hms-bundle.tar.gz
    /urs/bin/rm /tmp/hms-bundle.tar​
    /usr/bin/sudo -u root /usr/bin/hbrsrv-support-bundle.sh -f /tmp/embeded-hbr-bundle.tgz
  3. Navigate to the VRMS Appliance Management Interface for the respective embedded vSphere Replication server and generate the support bundle.