An error message appears when you try to configure a replication between two sites, though the sites are paired.


If two sites are paired, and, while the vSphere Client is open on the source site, you restart the vCenter Server and the vSphere Replication Management Server on the target site, when you try to configure a replication from the source to the target site, the configuration task fails with the following error message:

Cannot verify login credentials. The authentication service infrastructure is not responding..

The following error message appears in the HMS log file on the restarted target site:

The VMOMI call does not contain an HMS session ID.

The following error message appears in the HMS log file on the source site:

Cannot check login credentials. Authentication service infrastructure failed.


When you establish a connection between two sites, the connection is cached in the user session on both sites. When you restart the vCenter Server and the vSphere Replication Management Server on the target site, the information about user sessions is discarded. Because the vSphere Client is open and connected to the source site, the login data remains cached in the vSphere Replication Management Server. When you configure a replication, the source site tries to connect to the target site using the cached login data. The target site interprets that data as stale and stops the reconnecting thread.


  • Refresh the Site Recovery user interface.
  • Log out the Site Recovery user interface and log back in.