vSphere Replication 9.0 now supports automated load balancing which distributes replicated VMs across resources for optimal performance.

When using vSphere Replication with enhanced replication, enhanced replication distributes the replications on all available hosts in the target cluster.

Re-balancing of the workload occurs automatically every 30 minutes. The number of replicated VMs per host on the target site depends on but is not limited to the virtual machines disks size, number of disks, change rate, and RPO.

Traditional vSphere Replication routes traffic to the replication appliance at the target site. With Enhanced vSphere Replication, replication traffic goes directly to the host at the target site. The traffic bypasses the replication appliance while supporting backward compatibility and supporting a more optimized data path, allowing for automatic scalability and automatic load balancing.

To use the enhanced replication capabilities with vSphere Replication, you must reconfigure your existing replication to use Enhanced replication mode. See How do I reconfigure existing replications to use vSphere Replication with enhanced replication capabilities.