By default, the combined vSphere Replication appliance has one VM network adapter. You can add a second adapter to the appliance, and configure vSphere Replication to use the second adapter only for the incoming replication traffic.

The IP address that is used for the vSphere Replication management traffic is localhost The default VM network adapter is used by the vSphere Replication server for the replication traffic, and for managing the add-on replication servers. Use the following procedure to add a second adapter to the vSphere Replication appliance only for the incoming replication traffic.
Note: The IP configuration via the VRMS Appliance Management Interface supports only one default gateway on the vSphere Replication appliance. To configure a static route on an additional NIC, see Configure a Static Route on an Additional VM Network Adapter.


  • Verify that the vSphere Replication virtual appliance is deployed and registered with the vCenter Server.
  • Make a note of the IP address of the VM network adapter.


  1. Power off the vSphere Replication appliance and edit the VM Hardware settings to add a new VM NIC.
    1. Right-click the VM and select Edit Settings.
    2. From the New Device drop-down menu at the bottom of the Virtual Hardware tab, click Network Adapter.
      The new network adapter appears in the list of devices at the right.
    3. Expand the properties of the new network adapter to verify that Connect At Power On is selected.
      You can assign a static MAC address or leave the text box empty to obtain an MAC address automatically.
    4. Click OK to close the Edit Setting dialog box.
  2. Power on the vSphere Replication appliance.
  3. From the Summary tab of the vSphere Replication appliance, take a note of the IP address of the new network adapter.
    You can click View all XX IP addresses to see the IP address of the new NIC.
  4. (Optional) If you need to configure a static route on the new NIC, see Configure a Static Route on an Additional VM Network Adapter.
  5. Use a supported browser to log in to the VRMS Appliance Management Interface .
    The URL for the VRMS Appliance Management Interface is https:// vr-appliance-address:5480.
    Note: After powering on the vSphere Replication, the VRMS Appliance Management Interface address might change to the new network adapter’s IP address.
  6. Click Networking and verify that the additional NIC is properly configured as IPv4 or IPv6.
  7. Restart the vSphere Replication appliance to change the NIC status to UP in the VRMS Appliance Management Interface.
    The new NIC can now obtain and reserve the new IP address.
  8. Click Summary, then click Change.
  9. In the IP Address for Incoming Storage Traffic text box, enter the IP address of the new network adapter that you added and click Save.


The vSphere Replication appliance uses the IP address that you assigned only for the incoming replication traffic.