Reconfiguring a replication fails after removing and then adding the same disk to a different Virtual Device Node on the source VM
If you remove a virtual disk and add a new one with the same VMDK file, and then you try to perform a manual or an automatic (if you activated the Auto include new disks option) reconfiguration of the replication, the process fails with the following error:
Cannot reconfigure replication group '<VM_ID>' (managed object ID: 'GID-<group-ID>'). Details: 'Duplicate key (hms.Disk) { dynamicType = null, dynamicProperty = null, deviceKey = <DEVICE_KEY>, destination = (hms.ExtendedDatastorePath) { dynamicType = null, dynamicProperty = null, datastore = MoRef: type = Datastore, value = <DATASTORE>, serverGuid = null, path = <PATH>, fileName = <FILENAME>, dsCluster = null }, storageProfileId = null, useOfflineCopy = false, virtualDiskType = thin, skipDiskUuidValidation = true, replicationDiskId = null, contentId = null, capacityInKb = <CAPACITY> }'. ThrowableProxy.cause The operation is not allowed in the current state.
Stop the replication and preserve the replica disks.
Configure the replication again by using the disks as seeds.