VMware Aria Automation 8 includes these NSX, Load Balancer, and Security Group considerations.

NSX (T/V) Considerations

Nota: These considerations only apply to vSphere Networking with NSX.

The VMware Aria Automation 8 Migration Assistant does not support blueprints with a private network component that do not contain a private network profile for migration.

In VMware Aria Automation 8, every on-demand NSX-T network creates a new Tier-1 logical router, and every on-demand NSX-V network creates a new Edge.

When migrating NSX components from VMware Aria Automation 7 to VMware Aria Automation 8, they are renamed.
Tabla 1. Blueprint Components
vRealize Automation 7 Component VMware Aria Automation 8 Component
NSX-(V/T) On-Demand Nat Network

Cloud.NSX.Network (networkType: outbound) +

Cloud.NSX.Gateway (Only if Nat rules specified in 7 BP)

NSX-(V/T) On-Demand Routed Network Cloud.NSX.Network (networkType: routed)
NSX-(V/T) On-Demand LB Cloud.NSX.LoadBalancer
NSX-V On-Demand Private Network Cloud.NSX.Network (networkType: private)
NSX-(V/T) Existing Security Group Cloud.SecurityGroup
Existing Network Cloud.vSphere.Network

NSX-V On-Demand Security Group

NSX-V Existing Security Tag

Not Supported.
Tabla 2. Deployment Components
vRealize Automation 7 Component VMware Aria Automation 8 Component
NSX-(V/T) On-Demand Nat Network Network Component (networkType: outbound)
NSX-(V/T) On-Demand Routed Network Network Component (networkType: routed)
NSX-(V/T) On-Demand LB Cloud.NSX.LoadBalancer
NSX-V On-Demand Private Network Network Component (networkType: private)
NSX-(V/T) Security Group SecurityGroup Component (type : Existing)
Existing Network Network Component (networkType: existing)
Tabla 3. Endpoint Mapping
vRealize Automation 7 Endpoint VMware Aria Automation 8 Endpoint
Nota: The NSX-V endpoint is linked to vCenter.
Nota: The NSX-T endpoint is linked to vCenter (1:N Mappings).
NSX-T and NSX-V vCenter (Hybrid)
Nota: All 3 endpoints are migrated but only the NSX-T endpoint is linked with VC. If needed, you must manually create additional links.

Network Profiles

If your vRealize Automation 7 source environment contains both reservations and a network profile, they are merged during migration into one Network Profile in VMware Aria Automation 8.
Tabla 4. Network Profile Conversion
Name vRealize Automation 7 VMware Aria Automation 8
External Profile Assigned to Network in the Reservation Equivalent CIDR is set on the 8.x subnet. Ip Ranges are set on the subnet.
Routed Profile

Linked to External Profile.

External Profile is set on the DLR or Tier -0 Logical Router in Reservation.

A Separate Network Profile with Isolation Type as Subnet is created.

The equivalent CIDR (of VMware Aria Automation 7 routed profile) and subnet is determined and set in the NP.

Subnet size is determined by the VMware Aria Automation 7 subnet mask.

Nat Profile

Linked to External Profile.

External Profile is set on the DLR or Tier -0 Logical Router in Reservation.

A Separate Network Profile with Isolation Type as Subnet is created.

The equivalent CIDR (of 7 VMware Aria Automation nat profile) and subnet is determined and set in the NP.

By default, the subnet size is 29.

If VMware Aria Automation 7 has both DHCP enabled and static IP ranges, VMware Aria Automation 8 assigns DHCP and Static as the IP range.

Private Profile

Linked to External Profile.

External Profile is set on the DLR or Tier -0 Logical Router in Reservation.

A Separate Network Profile with Isolation Type as Subnet is created.

The equivalent CIDR (of 7 VMware Aria Automation private profile) and subnet is determined and set in the NP.

By default, the subnet size is 29.

Nota: External IPAM is supported for all network profiles. However, the CIDR is not set and the IP blocks of the IPAM are set as ranges.

When creating Network Profiles, you must select the address space and existing IP blocks.

NAT Network Profile with Third-Party IPAM

In vRealize Automation 7, you didn't need to select the address space. Only the IP ranges were specified in the Network Profile. During deployment, a new on-demand address space was created and IP range set.

In VMware Aria Automation 8, when creating a Network Profile you must select the address space and existing IP blocks.

Security Groups

In VMware Aria Automation 8, Security Groups are linked only if you have a Network component. During Blueprint/Deployment migration, a network component is created by default when a VM is not attached to a Network Component.

For vRealize Automation 7 blueprints, the static IP is assigned to the NIC without having to link a network component. During migration to VMware Aria Automation 8, a default network component is created for these blueprints.

Azure Networking

VMware Aria Automation 8 supports Azure blueprints with these components:
  • With Security Groups.
  • With vNET and Subnet
Nota: VMware Aria Automation 8 does not support Azure blueprints with load balancers. You must create a new load balancer.