VMware Aria Automation 8 includes these property group considerations.

A property group is a group of custom properties that you can use to customize your Cloud Template. When migrating property groups from vRealize Automation 7.x to VMware Aria Automation 8.x, review these considerations:

  • In vRA 7.x, a property group could be linked to a single tenant or shared across tenants. In VMware Aria Automation 8.x, these property groups are migrated and linked to a single tenant and the name of the tenant is added to the property group name: <propertygroupname>_<tenantname>. If a group is shared across tenants, in VMware Aria Automation 8.x it is migrated as is and without any changes to its name.
  • Property groups containing constant properties (show in request: false) are migrated as constant type property groups: <propertygroupname>_constants. Property groups containing editable properties (show in request: true) are migrated as input type property groups: <propertygroupname>_inputs. During migration, if a property group contains both constant and editable properties the property group is split into two property groups: <propertygroupA>_constants and <propertygroupA>_inputs. However, if a property group contains a property that is a dropdown based on a vRO action, then the property group is not split into two property groups.
  • If your VMware Aria Automation 8.x environment contains a property group with the same name as one being migrated, the migrated property group name is amended with a random number: <propertygroupname>_3439553.
  • VMware Aria Automation 8 does not support the use of "-" and "." characters in property names. During migration these characters are replaced with the "_" character.
  • Custom properties directly on Cloud Templates or components take precedence over property groups.
  • VMware Aria Automation 8.x supports all property data types. However, VMware Aria Automation 8 does not support all functionality within those data types. The unsupported functionality is flagged in the migration assessment report.
  • VMware Aria Automation 8.x does not support migrating the display order for properties.
Tabla 1. Supported Property Group Attributes
Attribute in vRA 7.x VMware Aria Automation 8.x Mapping
Property Group Attributes
Name Display Name
ID Name
Visiblity: all tenants N/A
Visibility: this tenant Visibility: this tenant
Description Description
Property Group Property Attributes
Name Name
Value Default Value
Encrypted Encrypted
Show in request: true Created as part of an input type property group. If a property definition exists for this property, the definition is applied.
Show in request: false Created as part of a constant type property group. If a property definition exists for this property, the definition is ignored.
Property Definition Attributes
Name Name
Label Display Name
Visibility: all tenants N/A
Visibility: this tenant Visibility: this tenant
Description Description
Display Order N/A
Property Definition Data Type Attributes
Boolean Display as: checkbox Display as: checkbox
Display as: Yes/No N/A
Datetime Required: Yes

Required: No

Required: Yes

Required: No

Minimum value

Maximum value

Display as: Date Time Picker N/A
Decimal Required: Yes

Required: No

Minimum value

Maximum value

Minimum value

Maximum value

Increment N/A
Display as: Dropdown/static list/ enable custom value entry: true/ static list: true N/A
Display as: Dropdown/static list/ enable custom value entry: false/ static list: true Display as: Dropdown/static list/ enable custom value entry: false/ static list: true
Display as: Dropdown/ external values Display as: Dropdown/external values
Display as: Slider N/A
Display as: Textbox Display as: Textbox
Integer Required: Yes

Required: No

Minimum value

Maximum value

Minimum value

Maximum value

Increment N/A
Display as: Dropdown/static list/ enable custom value entry: true/ static list: true N/A
Display as: Dropdown/static list/ enable custom value entry: false/ static list: true Display as: Dropdown/static list/ enable custom value entry: false/ static list: true
Display as: Dropdown/external values Display as: Dropdown/external values
Display as: Slider N/A
Display as: Textbox Display as: Textbox
Secure String Required: Yes

Required: No

Required: Yes

Required: No

Display as: Password that requires confirmation N/A
Display as: Textbox with validation Display as: Textbox with validation
Display as: Textbox without validation Display as: Textbox without validation
String Required: Yes

Required: No

Required: Yes

Required: No

Display as: Dropdown/static list/ enable custom value entry: true/ static list: true N/A
Display as: Dropdown/static list/ enable custom value entry: false/ static list: true Display as: Dropdown/static list/ enable custom value entry: false/ static list: true
Display as: Dropdown/external values Display as: Dropdown/external values
Display as: Email N/A
Display as: Hyperlink N/A
Display as: Textarea N/A
Display as: Textbox with validation Display as: Textbox with validation
Display as: Textbox without validation Display as: Textbox without validation