Para ejecutar comandos de la CLI, inicie sesión en el contenedor de NSX Container Plugin, abra un terminal y ejecute el comando nsxcli.
kubectl exec -it <pod name> nsxcli
Comando |
copy file <nombre de archivo> url <url> |
copy url <url> [file <nombre de archivo>] |
del file <nombre de archivo> |
exit |
get cli-output datetime |
get command history |
get core-dumps |
get file <nombre de archivo> |
get files |
get version |
help |
lista |
set cli-output datetime <arg-fecha/hora> |
set history limit <tamaño de historial> |
Tipo | Comando | Nota |
Estado | get ncp-master status | Para Kubernetes y TAS. |
Estado | get ncp-nsx status | Para Kubernetes y TAS. |
Estado | get ncp-watcher <nombre-monitor> | Para Kubernetes y TAS. |
Estado | get ncp-watchers | Para Kubernetes y TAS. |
Estado | get ncp-k8s-api-server status | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Estado | check projects | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Estado | check project <nombre-proyecto> | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Estado | get ncp-restore status | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Estado | get ncp-bbs status | Solo para TAS. |
Estado | get ncp-capi status | Solo para TAS. |
Estado | get ncp-policy-server status | Solo para TAS. |
Caché | get project-caches | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Caché | get project-cache <nombre-proyecto> | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Caché | get namespace-caches | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Caché | get namespace-cache <nombre-espaciodenombres> | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Caché | get pod-caches | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Caché | get pod-cache <nombre-pod> | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Caché | get ingress-caches | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Caché | get ingress-cache <ingress-name> | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Caché | get ingress-cache <nombre de entrada> <nombre de espacio de nombres> | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Caché | get ingress-controllers | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Caché | get ingress-controller <nombre-controlador-entrada> | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Caché | get network-policy-caches | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Caché | get network-policy-cache <nombre de directiva de red> | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Caché | get network-policy-cache <nombre de directiva de red> <nombre de espacio de nombres> | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Caché | get service-cache <id de servicio> | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Caché | get service-caches | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Caché | get asg-caches | Solo para TAS. |
Caché | get asg-cache <ID-asg> | Solo para TAS. |
Caché | get org-caches | Solo para TAS. |
Caché | get org-cache <ID-org> | Solo para TAS. |
Caché | get space-caches | Solo para TAS. |
Caché | get space-cache <ID-espacio> | Solo para TAS. |
Caché | get app-caches | Solo para TAS. |
Caché | get app-cache <<ID-aplicación> | Solo para TAS. |
Caché | get instance-caches <ID-aplicación> | Solo para TAS. |
Caché | get instance-cache <ID-aplicación> <ID-instancia> | Solo para TAS. |
Caché | get policy-caches | Solo para TAS. |
Soporte técnico | get ncp-log file <nombredearchivo> | Para Kubernetes y TAS. |
Soporte técnico | get ncp-log-level [componente] | Para Kubernetes y TAS. |
Soporte técnico | set ncp-log-level <nivel-registro> [componente] | Para Kubernetes y TAS. |
Soporte técnico | get support-bundle file <nombredearchivo> | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Soporte técnico | get node-agent-log file <nombredearchivo> | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Soporte técnico | get node-agent-log file <nombredearchivo> <nombre-nodo> | Solo para Kubernetes. |
Tipo | Comando |
Estado | get node-agent-hyperbus status |
Estado | get node-agent-ovs status |
Soporte técnico | get node-agent-log-level |
Soporte técnico | set node-agent-log-level <nivel de registro> |
Caché | get container-cache <nombre-contenedor> |
Caché | get container-caches |
Tipo | Comando |
Estado | get kube-proxy-k8s-api-server status |
Estado | get kube-proxy-watcher <nombre-monitor> |
Estado | get kube-proxy-watchers |
Soporte técnico | get kube-proxy-log-level |
Soporte técnico | set kube-proxy-log-level <nivel de registro> |
Ejemplos de algunos comandos para todos los contenedores
- Copie un archivo local en un destino remoto.
copy file <filename> url <url>
container> copy file support-bundle-0.tgz url scp://[email protected]/home/admin/ [email protected]'s password: container>
- Copie un archivo remoto en un archivo local.
copy url <url> [file <filename>]
container> copy url scp://[email protected]/home/admin/support-bundle-0.tgz [email protected]'s password: container>
Comandos de estado para el contenedor de NCP
- Mostrar el estado del maestro de NCP
get ncp-master status
kubenode> get ncp-master status This instance is not the NCP master Current NCP Master id is a4h83eh1-b8dd-4e74-c71c-cbb7cc9c4c1c Last master update at Wed Oct 25 22:46:40 2017
- Mostrar el estado de la conexión entre NCP y NSX Manager
get ncp-nsx status
kubenode> get ncp-nsx status NSX Manager status: Healthy
- Mostrar el estado del monitor para la entrada, el espacio de nombres, el pod y el servicio
get ncp-watchers get ncp-watcher <watcher-name>
kubenode> get ncp-watchers pod: Average event processing time: 1145 msec (in past 3600-sec window) Current watcher started time: Mar 02 2017 10:51:37 PST Number of events processed: 1 (in past 3600-sec window) Total events processed by current watcher: 1 Total events processed since watcher thread created: 1 Total watcher recycle count: 0 Watcher thread created time: Mar 02 2017 10:51:37 PST Watcher thread status: Up namespace: Average event processing time: 68 msec (in past 3600-sec window) Current watcher started time: Mar 02 2017 10:51:37 PST Number of events processed: 2 (in past 3600-sec window) Total events processed by current watcher: 2 Total events processed since watcher thread created: 2 Total watcher recycle count: 0 Watcher thread created time: Mar 02 2017 10:51:37 PST Watcher thread status: Up ingress: Average event processing time: 0 msec (in past 3600-sec window) Current watcher started time: Mar 02 2017 10:51:37 PST Number of events processed: 0 (in past 3600-sec window) Total events processed by current watcher: 0 Total events processed since watcher thread created: 0 Total watcher recycle count: 0 Watcher thread created time: Mar 02 2017 10:51:37 PST Watcher thread status: Up service: Average event processing time: 3 msec (in past 3600-sec window) Current watcher started time: Mar 02 2017 10:51:37 PST Number of events processed: 1 (in past 3600-sec window) Total events processed by current watcher: 1 Total events processed since watcher thread created: 1 Total watcher recycle count: 0 Watcher thread created time: Mar 02 2017 10:51:37 PST Watcher thread status: Up kubenode> get ncp-watcher pod Average event processing time: 1174 msec (in past 3600-sec window) Current watcher started time: Mar 02 2017 10:47:35 PST Number of events processed: 1 (in past 3600-sec window) Total events processed by current watcher: 1 Total events processed since watcher thread created: 1 Total watcher recycle count: 0 Watcher thread created time: Mar 02 2017 10:47:35 PST Watcher thread status: Up
- Mostrar el estado de conexión entre el servidor de API de NCP y de Kubernetes
get ncp-k8s-api-server status
kubenode> get ncp-k8s-api-server status Kubernetes ApiServer status: Healthy
- Comprobar todos los proyectos o uno específico
check projects check project <project-name>
kubenode> check projects default: Tier-1 link port for router 1b90a61f-0f2c-4768-9eb6-ea8954b4f327 is missing Switch 40a6829d-c3aa-4e17-ae8a-7f7910fdf2c6 is missing ns1: Router 8accc9cd-9883-45f6-81b3-0d1fb2583180 is missing kubenode> check project default Tier-1 link port for router 1b90a61f-0f2c-4768-9eb6-ea8954b4f327 is missing Switch 40a6829d-c3aa-4e17-ae8a-7f7910fdf2c6 is missing
- Comprobar el estado de conexión entre NCP y TAS BBS
get ncp-bbs status
node> get ncp-bbs status BBS Server status: Healthy
- Comprobar el estado de conexión entre NCP y TAS CAPI
get ncp-capi status
node> get ncp-capi status CAPI Server status: Healthy
- Comprobar el estado de conexión entre el servidor de directivas de NCP y TAS
get ncp-policy-server status
node> get ncp-bbs status Policy Server status: Healthy
Comandos de caché para el contenedor de NCP
- Obtener la caché interna para los proyectos o los espacios de nombres
get project-cache <project-name> get project-caches get namespace-cache <namespace-name> get namespace-caches
kubenode> get project-caches default: logical-router: 8accc9cd-9883-45f6-81b3-0d1fb2583180 logical-switch: id: 9d7da647-27b6-47cf-9cdb-6e4f4d5a356d ip_pool_id: 519ff57f-061f-4009-8d92-3e6526e7c17e subnet: subnet_id: f75fd64c-c7b0-4b42-9681-fc656ae5e435 kube-system: logical-router: 5032b299-acad-448e-a521-19d272a08c46 logical-switch: id: 85233651-602d-445d-ab10-1c84096cc22a ip_pool_id: ab1c5b09-7004-4206-ac56-85d9d94bffa2 subnet: subnet_id: 73e450af-b4b8-4a61-a6e3-c7ddd15ce751 testns: ext_pool_id: 346a0f36-7b5a-4ecc-ad32-338dcb92316f labels: ns: myns project: myproject logical-router: 4dc8f8a9-69b4-4ff7-8fb7-d2625dc77efa logical-switch: id: 6111a99a-6e06-4faa-a131-649f10f7c815 ip_pool_id: 51ca058d-c3dc-41fd-8f2d-e69006ab1b3d subnet: subnet_id: 34f79811-bd29-4048-a67d-67ceac97eb98 project_nsgroup: 9606afee-6348-4780-9dbe-91abfd23e475 snat_ip: kubenode> get project-cache default logical-router: 8accc9cd-9883-45f6-81b3-0d1fb2583180 logical-switch: id: 9d7da647-27b6-47cf-9cdb-6e4f4d5a356d ip_pool_id: 519ff57f-061f-4009-8d92-3e6526e7c17e subnet: subnet_id: f75fd64c-c7b0-4b42-9681-fc656ae5e435 kubenode> get namespace-caches default: logical-router: 8accc9cd-9883-45f6-81b3-0d1fb2583180 logical-switch: id: 9d7da647-27b6-47cf-9cdb-6e4f4d5a356d ip_pool_id: 519ff57f-061f-4009-8d92-3e6526e7c17e subnet: subnet_id: f75fd64c-c7b0-4b42-9681-fc656ae5e435 kube-system: logical-router: 5032b299-acad-448e-a521-19d272a08c46 logical-switch: id: 85233651-602d-445d-ab10-1c84096cc22a ip_pool_id: ab1c5b09-7004-4206-ac56-85d9d94bffa2 subnet: subnet_id: 73e450af-b4b8-4a61-a6e3-c7ddd15ce751 testns: ext_pool_id: 346a0f36-7b5a-4ecc-ad32-338dcb92316f labels: ns: myns project: myproject logical-router: 4dc8f8a9-69b4-4ff7-8fb7-d2625dc77efa logical-switch: id: 6111a99a-6e06-4faa-a131-649f10f7c815 ip_pool_id: 51ca058d-c3dc-41fd-8f2d-e69006ab1b3d subnet: subnet_id: 34f79811-bd29-4048-a67d-67ceac97eb98 project_nsgroup: 9606afee-6348-4780-9dbe-91abfd23e475 snat_ip: kubenode> get namespace-cache default logical-router: 8accc9cd-9883-45f6-81b3-0d1fb2583180 logical-switch: id: 9d7da647-27b6-47cf-9cdb-6e4f4d5a356d ip_pool_id: 519ff57f-061f-4009-8d92-3e6526e7c17e subnet: subnet_id: f75fd64c-c7b0-4b42-9681-fc656ae5e435
- Obtener la caché interna para los pods
get pod-cache <pod-name> get pod-caches
kubenode> get pod-caches nsx.default.nginx-rc-uq2lv: cif_id: 2af9f734-37b1-4072-ba88-abbf935bf3d4 gateway_ip: host_vif: d6210773-5c07-4817-98db-451bd1f01937 id: 1c8b5c52-3795-11e8-ab42-005056b198fb ingress_controller: False ip: labels: app: nginx mac: 02:50:56:00:08:00 port_id: d52c833a-f531-4bdf-bfa2-e8a084a8d41b vlan: 1 nsx.testns.web-pod-1: cif_id: ce134f21-6be5-43fe-afbf-aaca8c06b5cf gateway_ip: host_vif: d6210773-5c07-4817-98db-451bd1f01937 id: 3180b521-270e-11e8-ab42-005056b198fb ingress_controller: False ip: labels: app: nginx-new role: db tier: cache mac: 02:50:56:00:20:02 port_id: 81bc2b8e-d902-4cad-9fc1-aabdc32ecaf8 vlan: 3 kubenode> get pod-cache nsx.default.nginx-rc-uq2lv cif_id: 2af9f734-37b1-4072-ba88-abbf935bf3d4 gateway_ip: host_vif: d6210773-5c07-4817-98db-451bd1f01937 id: 1c8b5c52-3795-11e8-ab42-005056b198fb ingress_controller: False ip: labels: app: nginx mac: 02:50:56:00:08:00 port_id: d52c833a-f531-4bdf-bfa2-e8a084a8d41b vlan: 1
- Obtener todas las cachés de entrada o una específica
get ingress caches get ingress-cache <ingress-name> get ingress-cache <ingress-name> <namespace-name>
kubenode> get ingress-caches ext_pool_id: cc02db70-539a-4934-a938-5b851b3e485b lb_virtual_server: id: 895c7f43-c56e-4b67-bb4c-09d68459d416 lb_service_id: 659eefc6-33d1-4672-a419-344b877f528e name: dgo2-http type: http lb_virtual_server_ip: name: cafe-ingress rules: host: http: paths: path: /coffee backend: serviceName: coffee-svc servicePort: 80 lb_rule: id: 4bc16bdd-abd9-47fb-a09e-21e58b2131c3 name: dgo2-default-cafe-ingress/coffee kubenode> get ingress-cache ext_pool_id: cc02db70-539a-4934-a938-5b851b3e485b lb_virtual_server: id: 895c7f43-c56e-4b67-bb4c-09d68459d416 lb_service_id: 659eefc6-33d1-4672-a419-344b877f528e name: dgo2-http type: http lb_virtual_server_ip: name: cafe-ingress rules: host: http: paths: path: /coffee backend: serviceName: coffee-svc servicePort: 80 lb_rule: id: 4bc16bdd-abd9-47fb-a09e-21e58b2131c3 name: dgo2-default-cafe-ingress/coffee kubenode> get ingress-cache tea-ingress tea-ns creation_timestamp: 2019-05-02T22:00:15Z default_backend: None labels: None loadbalancer_ingress: ip: ip: name: tea-ingress namespace: tea-ns rules: host: http: paths: backend: lb_pool: 28b36074-8bcc-43ed-bf41-6e3cf4b6fc68: algorithm: ROUND_ROBIN members: None service name: tea-svc port: number: 80 nsx_lb_rule: 36861dc4-7488-46a8-9820-ba846c97cb09: phase: HTTP_FORWARDING path: /tea tls: hosts: nsx_certificate: secretName: drink-secret uid: aa64e1aa-6d25-11e9-b86c-0050568c8767
- Obtener información sobre todos los controladores de entrada o uno específico, incluidos los controladores que están deshabilitados
get ingress controllers get ingress-controller <ingress-controller-name>
kubenode> get ingress-controllers native-load-balancer: ingress_virtual_server: http: default_backend_tags: id: 895c7f43-c56e-4b67-bb4c-09d68459d416 pool_id: None https_terminated: default_backend_tags: id: 293282eb-f1a0-471c-9e48-ba28d9d89161 pool_id: None lb_ip_pool_id: cc02db70-539a-4934-a938-5b851b3e485b loadbalancer_service: first_avail_index: 0 lb_services: id: 659eefc6-33d1-4672-a419-344b877f528e name: dgo2-bfmxi t1_link_port_ip: t1_router_id: cb50deb2-4460-45f2-879a-1b94592ae886 virtual_servers: 293282eb-f1a0-471c-9e48-ba28d9d89161 895c7f43-c56e-4b67-bb4c-09d68459d416 ssl: ssl_client_profile_id: aff205bb-4db8-5a72-8d67-218cdc54d27b vip: nsx.default.nginx-ingress-rc-host-ed3og ip: mode: hostnetwork pool_id: 5813c609-5d3a-4438-b9c3-ea3cd6de52c3 kubenode> get ingress-controller native-load-balancer ingress_virtual_server: http: default_backend_tags: id: 895c7f43-c56e-4b67-bb4c-09d68459d416 pool_id: None https_terminated: default_backend_tags: id: 293282eb-f1a0-471c-9e48-ba28d9d89161 pool_id: None lb_ip_pool_id: cc02db70-539a-4934-a938-5b851b3e485b loadbalancer_service: first_avail_index: 0 lb_services: id: 659eefc6-33d1-4672-a419-344b877f528e name: dgo2-bfmxi t1_link_port_ip: t1_router_id: cb50deb2-4460-45f2-879a-1b94592ae886 virtual_servers: 293282eb-f1a0-471c-9e48-ba28d9d89161 895c7f43-c56e-4b67-bb4c-09d68459d416 ssl: ssl_client_profile_id: aff205bb-4db8-5a72-8d67-218cdc54d27b vip:
- Obtener cachés de directiva de red o una específica
get network-policy caches get network-policy-cache <network-policy-name> get network-policy-cache <network-policy-name> <namespace-name>
kubenode> get network-policy-caches nsx.testns.allow-tcp-80: dest_labels: None dest_pods: match_expressions: key: tier operator: In values: cache name: allow-tcp-80 np_dest_ip_set_ids: 22f82d76-004f-4d12-9504-ce1cb9c8aa00 np_except_ip_set_ids: np_ip_set_ids: 14f7f825-f1a0-408f-bbd9-bb2f75d44666 np_isol_section_id: c8d93597-9066-42e3-991c-c550c46b2270 np_section_id: 04693136-7925-44f2-8616-d809d02cd2a9 ns_name: testns src_egress_rules: None src_egress_rules_hash: 97d170e1550eee4afc0af065b78cda302a97674c src_pods: src_rules: from: namespaceSelector: matchExpressions: key: tier operator: DoesNotExist matchLabels: ns: myns ports: port: 80 protocol: TCP src_rules_hash: e4ea7b8d91c1e722670a59f971f8fcc1a5ac51f1 kubenode> get network-policy-cache nsx.testns.allow-tcp-80 dest_labels: None dest_pods: match_expressions: key: tier operator: In values: cache name: allow-tcp-80 np_dest_ip_set_ids: 22f82d76-004f-4d12-9504-ce1cb9c8aa00 np_except_ip_set_ids: np_ip_set_ids: 14f7f825-f1a0-408f-bbd9-bb2f75d44666 np_isol_section_id: c8d93597-9066-42e3-991c-c550c46b2270 np_section_id: 04693136-7925-44f2-8616-d809d02cd2a9 ns_name: testns src_egress_rules: None src_egress_rules_hash: 97d170e1550eee4afc0af065b78cda302a97674c src_pods: src_rules: from: namespaceSelector: matchExpressions: key: tier operator: DoesNotExist matchLabels: ns: myns ports: port: 80 protocol: TCP src_rules_hash: e4ea7b8d91c1e722670a59f971f8fcc1a5ac51f1 kubenode> get network-policy-cache test-network-policy playground egress_rules: ports: port: 5978 protocol: TCP to: ipBlock: cidr: id: playground test-network-policy ingress_rules: from: ipBlock: cidr: except: namespaceSelector: matchLabels: project: playground3 podSelector: matchLabels: role: testing isolation_section: id: a2746857-59cd-48ed-90d7-fd0a26395d68 labels: external_id: a815e70a-0646-11ea-940b-0050569e8e8f name: is-k8scluster-playground-test-network-policy rules: 1049: action: DROP destinations: is_valid: True target_display_name: tgt-k8scluster-playground-test-network-policy target_id: 2f01d2f1-7496-4e67-a856-4829c56923cb target_type: IPSet direction: IN name: ir-k8scluster-playground-test-network-policy sources: None name: test-network-policy namespace: playground pod_match_expression: operator: match_labels values: role: testing2 policy_section: id: 0fc97658-0588-4af7-b958-1eaf6141e817 labels: external_id: a815e70a-0646-11ea-940b-0050569e8e8f name: k8scluster-playground-test-network-policy rules: 1053: action: ALLOW destinations: is_valid: True target_display_name: tgt-k8scluster-playground-test-network-policy target_id: 2f01d2f1-7496-4e67-a856-4829c56923cb target_type: IPSet direction: IN name: ir-k8scluster-playground-test-network-policy-all sources: is_valid: True target_display_name: src-k8scluster-playground-test-network-policy-all target_id: b0573576-ff87-49c2-8279-79858c6329b4 target_type: IPSet policy_types: ingress egress target_ip_set: id: 2f01d2f1-7496-4e67-a856-4829c56923cb ip_addresses: labels: match_expr_hash: 9915edba71061de777bd58ca054745debc14dcf5 role: testing2 name: tgt-k8scluster-playground-test-network-policy
- Obtener todas las cachés de ASG o una específica
get asg-caches get asg-cache <asg-ID>
node> get asg-caches edc04715-d04c-4e63-abbc-db601a668db6: fws_id: 3c66f40a-5378-46d7-a7e2-bee4ba72a4cc name: org-85_tcp_80_asg rules: destinations: ports: 80 protocol: tcp rule_id: 4359 running_default: False running_spaces: 75bc164d-1214-46f9-80bb-456a8fbccbfd staging_default: False staging_spaces: node> get asg-cache edc04715-d04c-4e63-abbc-db601a668db6 fws_id: 3c66f40a-5378-46d7-a7e2-bee4ba72a4cc name: org-85_tcp_80_asg rules: destinations: ports: 80 protocol: tcp rule_id: 4359 running_default: False running_spaces: 75bc164d-1214-46f9-80bb-456a8fbccbfd staging_default: False staging_spaces:
- Obtener todas las cachés de organización o una específica
get org-caches get org-cache <org-ID>
node> get org-caches ebb8b4f9-a40f-4122-bf21-65c40f575aca: ext_pool_id: 9208a8b8-57d7-4582-9c1f-7a7cefa104f5 isolation: isolation_section_id: d6e7ff95-4737-4e34-91d4-27601897353f logical-router: 94a414a2-551e-4444-bae6-3d79901a165f logical-switch: id: d74807e8-8f74-4575-b26b-87d4fdbafd3c ip_pool_id: 1b60f16f-4a30-4a3d-93cc-bfb08a5e3e02 subnet: subnet_id: a458d3aa-bea9-4684-9957-d0ce80d11788 name: org-50 snat_ip: spaces: e8ab7aa0-d4e3-4458-a896-f33177557851 node> get org-cache ebb8b4f9-a40f-4122-bf21-65c40f575aca ext_pool_id: 9208a8b8-57d7-4582-9c1f-7a7cefa104f5 isolation: isolation_section_id: d6e7ff95-4737-4e34-91d4-27601897353f logical-router: 94a414a2-551e-4444-bae6-3d79901a165f logical-switch: id: d74807e8-8f74-4575-b26b-87d4fdbafd3c ip_pool_id: 1b60f16f-4a30-4a3d-93cc-bfb08a5e3e02 subnet: subnet_id: a458d3aa-bea9-4684-9957-d0ce80d11788 name: org-50 snat_ip: spaces: e8ab7aa0-d4e3-4458-a896-f33177557851
- Obtener todas las cachés de espacio o una específica
get space-caches get space-cache <space-ID>
node> get space-caches global_security_group: name: global_security_group running_nsgroup: 226d4292-47fb-4c2e-a118-449818d8fa98 staging_nsgroup: 7ebbf7f5-38c9-43a3-9292-682056722836 7870d134-7997-4373-b665-b6a910413c47: name: test-space1 org_id: a8423bc0-4b2b-49fb-bbff-a4badf21eb09 running_nsgroup: 4a3d9bcc-be36-47ae-bff8-96448fecf307 running_security_groups: aa0c7c3f-a478-4d45-8afa-df5d5d7dc512 staging_security_groups: aa0c7c3f-a478-4d45-8afa-df5d5d7dc512 node> get space-cache 7870d134-7997-4373-b665-b6a910413c47 name: test-space1 org_id: a8423bc0-4b2b-49fb-bbff-a4badf21eb09 running_nsgroup: 4a3d9bcc-be36-47ae-bff8-96448fecf307 running_security_groups: aa0c7c3f-a478-4d45-8afa-df5d5d7dc512 staging_security_groups: aa0c7c3f-a478-4d45-8afa-df5d5d7dc512
- Obtener todas las cachés de aplicación o una específica
get app-caches get app-cache <app-ID>
node> get app-caches aff2b12b-b425-4d9f-b8e6-b6308644efa8: instances: b72199cc-e1ab-49bf-506d-478d: app_id: aff2b12b-b425-4d9f-b8e6-b6308644efa8 cell_id: 0dda88bc-640b-44e7-8cea-20e83e873544 cif_id: 158a1d7e-6ccc-4027-a773-55bb2618f51b gateway_ip: host_vif: 53475dfd-03e4-4bc6-b8ba-3d803725cbab id: b72199cc-e1ab-49bf-506d-478d index: 0 ip: last_updated_time: 1522965828.45 mac: 02:50:56:00:60:02 port_id: a7c6f6bb-c472-4239-a030-bce615d5063e state: RUNNING vlan: 3 name: hello2 rg_id: a8423bc0-4b2b-49fb-bbff-a4badf21eb09 space_id: 7870d134-7997-4373-b665-b6a910413c47 node> get app-cache aff2b12b-b425-4d9f-b8e6-b6308644efa8 instances: b72199cc-e1ab-49bf-506d-478d: app_id: aff2b12b-b425-4d9f-b8e6-b6308644efa8 cell_id: 0dda88bc-640b-44e7-8cea-20e83e873544 cif_id: 158a1d7e-6ccc-4027-a773-55bb2618f51b gateway_ip: host_vif: 53475dfd-03e4-4bc6-b8ba-3d803725cbab id: b72199cc-e1ab-49bf-506d-478d index: 0 ip: last_updated_time: 1522965828.45 mac: 02:50:56:00:60:02 port_id: a7c6f6bb-c472-4239-a030-bce615d5063e state: RUNNING vlan: 3 name: hello2 org_id: a8423bc0-4b2b-49fb-bbff-a4badf21eb09 space_id: 7870d134-7997-4373-b665-b6a910413c47
- Obtener todas cachés de instancia de una aplicación o una caché de instancia específica
get instance-caches <app-ID> get instance-cache <app-ID> <instance-ID>
node> get instance-caches aff2b12b-b425-4d9f-b8e6-b6308644efa8 b72199cc-e1ab-49bf-506d-478d: app_id: aff2b12b-b425-4d9f-b8e6-b6308644efa8 cell_id: 0dda88bc-640b-44e7-8cea-20e83e873544 cif_id: 158a1d7e-6ccc-4027-a773-55bb2618f51b gateway_ip: host_vif: 53475dfd-03e4-4bc6-b8ba-3d803725cbab id: b72199cc-e1ab-49bf-506d-478d index: 0 ip: last_updated_time: 1522965828.45 mac: 02:50:56:00:60:02 port_id: a7c6f6bb-c472-4239-a030-bce615d5063e state: RUNNING vlan: 3 node> get instance-cache aff2b12b-b425-4d9f-b8e6-b6308644efa8 b72199cc-e1ab-49bf-506d-478d app_id: aff2b12b-b425-4d9f-b8e6-b6308644efa8 cell_id: 0dda88bc-640b-44e7-8cea-20e83e873544 cif_id: 158a1d7e-6ccc-4027-a773-55bb2618f51b gateway_ip: host_vif: 53475dfd-03e4-4bc6-b8ba-3d803725cbab id: b72199cc-e1ab-49bf-506d-478d index: 0 ip: last_updated_time: 1522965828.45 mac: 02:50:56:00:60:02 port_id: a7c6f6bb-c472-4239-a030-bce615d5063e state: RUNNING vlan: 3
- Obtener todas las cachés de directiva
get policy-caches
node> get policy-caches aff2b12b-b425-4d9f-b8e6-b6308644efa8: fws_id: 3fe27725-f139-479a-b83b-8576c9aedbef nsg_id: 30583a27-9b56-49c1-a534-4040f91cc333 rules: 8272: dst_app_id: aff2b12b-b425-4d9f-b8e6-b6308644efa8 ports: 8382 protocol: tcp src_app_id: f582ec4d-3a13-440a-afbd-97b7bfae21d1 f582ec4d-3a13-440a-afbd-97b7bfae21d1: nsg_id: d24b9f77-e2e0-4fba-b258-893223683aa6 rules: 8272: dst_app_id: aff2b12b-b425-4d9f-b8e6-b6308644efa8 ports: 8382 protocol: tcp src_app_id: f582ec4d-3a13-440a-afbd-97b7bfae21d1
- Obtener una memoria caché de servicio en NCP.
get service-cache <service-id>
kubenode> get service-cache d3d3b69d-2fc9-11e9-9046-00505691efa7 lb_persistence_profile: None loadbalancer_ingress: ip: ip: loadbalancer_ip: None name: tcp-svc-lb namespace: cafe service_type: LoadBalancer snat_pool: None deletion_timestamp: None port_nums: 80 ports: lb_pool: e017377f-3e34-4acc-9a7e-583bb16fb8ba: algorithm: ROUND_ROBIN members: None lb_vs: ef6f4104-0fcb-42e5-95e5-6b9b7f5ef818: ip_address: ip_pool_id: 1d0dfac7-d707-448a-ad79-e101fafa3e23 persistence_profile_id: d29cfef5-0caf-4d21-ae01-b2173bb3db36 pool_id: e017377f-3e34-4acc-9a7e-583bb16fb8ba name: tcp nodePort: 31836 port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: 80
Comandos de soporte para el contenedor de NCP
- Guardar el paquete de soporte técnico de NCP en el almacén de archivos
El paquete de soporte técnico consta de los archivos de registro de todos los contenedores de los pods con la etiqueta tier:nsx-networking. El archivo de paquete tiene formato tgz y se guarda en el directorio del almacén de archivos predeterminado de la CLI /var/vmware/nsx/file-store. Puede utilizar el comando del almacén de archivos de la CLI para copiar el archivo de paquete a un sitio remoto.
get support-bundle file <filename>
kubenode>get support-bundle file foo Bundle file foo created in tgz format kubenode>copy file foo url scp://[email protected]:/tmp
- Guardar los registros de NCP en el almacén de archivos
El archivo de registro se guarda en formato tgz y en el directorio del almacén de archivos predeterminado de la CLI /var/vmware/nsx/file-store. Puede utilizar el comando del almacén de archivos de la CLI para copiar el archivo de paquete a un sitio remoto.
get ncp-log file <filename>
kubenode>get ncp-log file foo Log file foo created in tgz format
- Guardar los registros del agente del nodo en el almacén de archivos
Guarde los registros del agente del nodo de uno nodo o de todos. Los registros se guardan en formato tgz y en el directorio del almacén de archivos predeterminado de la CLI /var/vmware/nsx/file-store. Puede utilizar el comando del almacén de archivos de la CLI para copiar el archivo de paquete a un sitio remoto.
get node-agent-log file <filename> get node-agent-log file <filename> <node-name>
kubenode>get node-agent-log file foo Log file foo created in tgz format
- Obtener y establecer el nivel de registro globalmente o para un componente específico.
Los niveles de registro disponibles son NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR y CRITICAL.
Los componentes disponibles son nsx_ujo.ncp, nsx_ujo.ncp.k8s, nsx_ujo.ncp.pcf, vmware_nsxlib.v3, nsxrpc y nsx_ujo.ncp.nsx.
get ncp-log-level [component] set ncp-log-level <log level> [component]
kubenode> get ncp-log-level NCP log level is INFO kubenode> get ncp-log-level nsx_ujo.ncp nsx_ujo.ncp log level is INFO kubenode>set ncp-log-level DEBUG NCP log level is changed to DEBUG kubenode> set ncp-log-level DEBUG nsx_ujo.ncp nsx_ujo.ncp log level has been changed to DEBUG
Comandos de estado para el contenedor de agentes del nodo de NSX
- Mostrar el estado de conexión entre HyperBus y el agente de este nodo.
get node-agent-hyperbus status
kubenode> get node-agent-hyperbus status HyperBus status: Healthy
Comandos de caché para el contenedor de agentes del nodo de NSX
- Obtener la caché interna para contenedores de agentes del nodo de NSX.
get container-cache <container-name> get container-caches
kubenode> get container-caches cif104: ip: mac: 50:01:01:01:01:14 gateway_ip: vlan_id: 104 kubenode> get container-cache cif104 ip: mac: 50:01:01:01:01:14 gateway_ip: vlan_id: 104
Comandos de estado para el contenedor del proxy de NSX Kube
- Mostrar el estado de conexión entre el servidor de Kube Proxy y de Kubernetes
get ncp-k8s-api-server status
kubenode> get kube-proxy-k8s-api-server status Kubernetes ApiServer status: Healthy
- Mostrar el estado del monitor de Kube Proxy
get kube-proxy-watcher <watcher-name> get kube-proxy-watchers
kubenode> get kube-proxy-watchers endpoint: Average event processing time: 15 msec (in past 3600-sec window) Current watcher started time: May 01 2017 15:06:24 PDT Number of events processed: 90 (in past 3600-sec window) Total events processed by current watcher: 90 Total events processed since watcher thread created: 90 Total watcher recycle count: 0 Watcher thread created time: May 01 2017 15:06:24 PDT Watcher thread status: Up service: Average event processing time: 8 msec (in past 3600-sec window) Current watcher started time: May 01 2017 15:06:24 PDT Number of events processed: 2 (in past 3600-sec window) Total events processed by current watcher: 2 Total events processed since watcher thread created: 2 Total watcher recycle count: 0 Watcher thread created time: May 01 2017 15:06:24 PDT Watcher thread status: Up kubenode> get kube-proxy-watcher endpoint Average event processing time: 15 msec (in past 3600-sec window) Current watcher started time: May 01 2017 15:06:24 PDT Number of events processed: 90 (in past 3600-sec window) Total events processed by current watcher: 90 Total events processed since watcher thread created: 90 Total watcher recycle count: 0 Watcher thread created time: May 01 2017 15:06:24 PDT Watcher thread status: Up
- Volcar los flujos OVS en un nodo
dump ovs-flows
kubenode> dump ovs-flows NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4): cookie=0x0, duration=8.876s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=8, priority=100,ip actions=ct(table=1) cookie=0x0, duration=8.898s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=8, priority=0 actions=NORMAL cookie=0x0, duration=8.759s, table=1, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=8, priority=100,tcp,nw_dst=,tp_dst=443 actions=mod_tp_dst:443 cookie=0x0, duration=8.719s, table=1, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=8, priority=100,ip,nw_dst= actions=drop cookie=0x0, duration=8.819s, table=1, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=8, priority=90,ip,in_port=1 actions=ct(table=2,nat) cookie=0x0, duration=8.799s, table=1, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=8, priority=80,ip actions=NORMAL cookie=0x0, duration=8.856s, table=2, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=8, actions=NORMAL