La API v1alpha2 de servicio Tanzu Kubernetes Grid permite aprovisionar clústeres de Tanzu Kubernetes de forma declarativa. Consulte la lista y la descripción de todos los parámetros, y las directrices de uso para crear y personalizar los clústeres.

Especificación de la API v1alpha2 de servicio Tanzu Kubernetes Grid para aprovisionar clústeres de Tanzu Kubernetes

La especificación de YAML enumera todos los parámetros disponibles para aprovisionar un clúster de Tanzu Kubernetes mediante la API de servicio Tanzu Kubernetes Grid v1alpha2.
kind: TanzuKubernetesCluster
  name: string
  namespace: string
      replicas: int32
      vmClass: string
      storageClass: string
        - name: string
          mountPath: string
            storage: size in GiB
          name: string
      nodeDrainTimeout: string
    - name: string 
      labels: map[string]string
        -  key: string
           value: string
           effect: string
           timeAdded: time
      replicas: int32
      vmClass: string
      storageClass: string
        - name: string
          mountPath: string
            storage: size in GiB
          name: string
      nodeDrainTimeout: string
      classes: [string]
      defaultClass: string
        name: string
        cidrBlocks: [string]
        cidrBlocks: [string]
      serviceDomain: string
        httpProxy: string
        httpsProxy: string
        noProxy: [string]
          - name: string
            data: string

Especificación de la API v1alpha2 de servicio Tanzu Kubernetes Grid anotada para aprovisionar los clústeres de Tanzu Kubernetes

La especificación de YAML anotada enumera todos los parámetros disponibles para aprovisionar un clúster de Tanzu Kubernetes mediante la API de servicio Tanzu Kubernetes Grid v1alpha2 con la documentación de cada campo.
Nota: Actualmente, todos los campos deben coincidir. En el futuro, es posible que se admitan diferentes versiones de Tanzu Kubernetes para los grupos de nodos.
kind: TanzuKubernetesCluster
#metadata defines cluster information
  #name for this Tanzu Kubernetes cluster
  name: string
  #namespace vSphere Namespace where to provision this cluster
  namespace: string
#spec defines cluster configuration
  #topology describes the number, purpose, organization 
  #of nodes and the resources allocated for each
  #nodes are grouped into pools based on their purpose
  #`controlPlane` is special kind of a node pool 
  #`nodePools` is for groups of worker nodes
  #each node pool is homogeneous: its nodes have the same   
  #resource allocation and use the same storage
    #controlPlane defines the topology of the cluster 
    #controller, including the number of nodes and  
    #the resources allocated for each 
    #control plane must have an odd number of nodes                              
      #replicas is the number of nodes in the pool
      #the control plane can have 1 or 3 nodes
      #defaults to 1 if `nil`
      replicas: int32
      #vmClass is the name of the VirtualMachineClass 
      #which describes the virtual hardware settings 
      #to be used for each node in the node pool 
      #vmClass controls the CPU and memory available   
      #to the node and the requests and limits on 
      #those resources; to list available vm classes run 
      #`kubectl describe virtualmachineclasses`
      vmClass: string
      #storageClass to be used for storage of the disks 
      #which store the root filesystems of the nodes 
      #to list available storage classes run
      #`kubectl describe storageclasses`
      storageClass: string
      #volumes is the optional set of PVCs to create 
      #and attach to each node; use for high-churn 
      #control plane components such as etcd
        #name of the PVC to be used as the suffix (
        - name: string
          #mountPath is the directory where the volume   
          #device is mounted; takes the form /dir/path
          mountPath: string
          #capacity is the PVC capacity
            #storage to be used for the disk
            #volume; if not specified defaults to 
            storage: size in GiB is the TKR NAME 
      #to be used by control plane nodes; supported
      #format is `v1.21.2---vmware.1-tkg.1.ee25d55`
      #currently all `` fields must match
          name: string
      #nodeDrainTimeout is the total amount of time 
      #the controller will spend draining a node  
      #the default value is 0 which means the node is 
      #drained without any time limit    
      nodeDrainTimeout: string
    #nodePools is an array that describes a group of   
    #worker nodes in the cluster with the same configuration
    #name of the worker node pool
    #must be unique in the cluster
    - name: string 
      #labels are an optional map of string keys and values  
      #to organize and categorize objects
      #propagated to the created nodes
      labels: map[string]string
      #taints specifies optional taints to register the  
      #Node API object with; user-defined taints are  
      #propagated to the created nodes
        #key is the taint key to be applied to a node
        -  key: string
        #value is the taint value corresponding to the key
           value: string
        #effect is the effect of the taint on pods
        #that do not tolerate the taint; valid effects are
        #`NoSchedule`, `PreferNoSchedule`, `NoExecute`
           effect: string
        #timeAdded is the time when the taint was added
        #only written by the system for `NoExecute` taints
           timeAdded: time
      #replicas is the number of nodes in the pool
      #worker nodePool can have from 0 to 150 nodes
      #value of `nil` means the field is not reconciled, 
      #allowing external services like autoscalers  
      #to choose the number of nodes for the nodePool
      #by default CAPI's `MachineDeployment` will pick 1
      #NOTE: a cluster provisioned with 0 worker nodes/nodepools 
      #is not assigned any load balancer services
      replicas: int32
      #vmClass is the name of the VirtualMachineClass 
      #which describes the virtual hardware settings 
      #to be used for each node in the pool 
      #vmClass controls the CPU and memory available   
      #to the node and the requests and limits on 
      #those resources; to list available vm classes run 
      #`kubectl describe virtualmachineclasses`
      vmClass: string
      #storageClass to be used for storage of the disks 
      #which store the root filesystems of the nodes 
      #to list available storage classes run
      #`kubectl describe ns`
      storageClass: string
      #volumes is the optional set of PVCs to create 
      #and attach to each node for high-churn worker node 
      #components such as the container runtime
        #name of this PVC to be used as the suffix (
        - name: string
          #mountPath is the directory where the volume   
          #device is mounted; takes the form /dir/path
          mountPath: string
          #capacity is the PVC capacity
            #storage to be used for the disk
            #volume; if not specified defaults to 
            storage: size in GiB points to the TKR NAME 
      #to be used by `spec.topology.nodePools[*]` nodes; supported
      #format is `v1.21.2---vmware.1-tkg.1.ee25d55`
      #currently all `` fields must match
          name: string
      #nodeDrainTimeout is the total amount of time 
      #the controller will spend draining a node  
      #the default value is 0 which means the node is 
      #drained without any time limit    
      nodeDrainTimeout: string
  #settings are optional runtime configurations 
  #for the cluster, including persistent storage 
  #for pods and node network customizations 
    #storage defines persistent volume (PV) storage entries 
    #for container workloads; note that the storage used for 
    #node disks is defined by `topology.controlPlane.storageClass` 
    #and by `spec.topology.nodePools[*].storageClass`
      #classes is a list of persistent volume (PV) storage 
      #classes to expose for container workloads on the cluster  
      #any class specified must be associated with the 
      #vSphere Namespace where the cluster is provisioned
      #if omitted, all storage classes associated with the  
      #namespace will be exposed in the cluster
      classes: [string]
      #defaultClass treats the named storage class as the default
      #for the cluster; because all namespaced storage classes 
      #are exposed if specific `classes` are not named,
      #classes is not required to specify a defaultClass
      #many workloads, including TKG Extensions and Helm,
      #require a default storage class 
      #if omitted, no default storage class is set
      defaultClass: string
    #netowrk defines custom networking for cluster workloads
      #cni identifies the CNI plugin for the cluster
      #use to override the default CNI set in the 
      #tkgservicesonfiguration spec, or when customizing  
      #network settings for the default CNI
        #name is the name of the CNI plugin to use; supported
        #values are `antrea`, `calico`, `antrea-nsx-routed`
        name: string
      #pods configures custom networks for pods
      #defaults to if CNI is `antrea` or `calico` 
      #defaults to empty if CNI is `antrea-nsx-routed`
      #custom subnet size must equal or exceed /24
      #use caution before seeting CIDR range other than /16
      #cannot overlap with Supervisor Cluster workload network 
        #cidrBlocks is an array of network ranges; supplying 
        #multiple ranges may not be supported by all CNI plugins
        cidrBlocks: [string]
      #services configures custom network for services
      #defaults to
      #cannot overlap with Supervisor Cluster workload network 
        #cidrBlocks is an array of network ranges; supplying
        #multiple ranges many not be supported by all CNI plugins
        cidrBlocks: [string]
      #serviceDomain specifies the service domain for the cluster
      #defaults to `cluster.local`
      serviceDomain: string
      #proxy configures proxy server to be used inside the cluster
      #if omitted no proxy is configured 
        #httpProxy is the proxy URI for HTTP connections
        #to endpoints outside the cluster
        #takes form `http://<user>:<pwd>@<ip>:<port>`
        httpProxy: string
        #httpsProxy is the proxy URL for HTTPS connections 
        #to endpoints outside the cluster
        #takes the frorm `http://<user>:<pwd>@<ip>:<port>`
        httpsProxy: string
        #noProxy is the list of destination domain names, domains, 
        #IP addresses, and other network CIDRs to exclude from proxying
        #must include Supervisor Cluster Pod, Egress, Ingress CIDRs
        noProxy: [string]
      #trust configures additional certificates for the cluster
      #if omitted no additional certificate is configured
        #additionalTrustedCAs are additional trusted certificates 
        #can be additional CAs or end certificates
          #name is the name of the additional trusted certificate
          #must match the name used in the filename
          - name: string
            #data holds the contents of the additional trusted cert 
            #PEM Public Certificate data encoded as base64 string
            #such as `LS0tLS1C...LS0tCg==` where "..." is the 
            #middle section of the long base64 string
            data: string