È possibile creare profili di Avi Load Balancer, ad esempio profili di applicazione, persistenza e rete. È inoltre possibile creare, ad esempio, un singolo profilo di persistenza e specificarlo in modo che un altro team dell'organizzazione possa utilizzarlo in un secondo momento.
Questi modelli di esempio riguardano diversi scenari per la creazione di profili di Avi Load Balancer. Il primo esempio mostra come creare un modello contenente un profilo dell'applicazione, un profilo di persistenza e un profilo di rete. Il secondo esempio mostra un modello che contiene diversi tipi di profili di persistenza disponibili con Avi Load Balancer insieme a un helper di allocazione della zona cloud. I rimanenti esempi si concentrano sui singoli profili di persistenza.
Gli esempi di modelli riguardano i requisiti minimi per la creazione di profili di Avi Load Balancer. Quando si creano modelli pertinenti per la propria organizzazione, tenere presente che potrebbero essere necessarie altre proprietà.
Per ulteriori informazioni sui profili, vedere la sezione Bilanciamento del carico nella guida di configurazione di VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer.
Profili di applicazione, persistenza e rete
Questo modello di esempio di Avi Load Balancer utilizza un profilo dell'applicazione, un profilo di rete e un profilo di persistenza.
Il profilo dell'applicazione determina il comportamento del servizio virtuale. Il profilo di rete determina il tipo e l'impostazione del protocollo di rete. Sia il profilo dell'applicazione che il profilo di rete sono associati ai servizi virtuali. Il profilo di persistenza regola le impostazioni che fanno in modo che un client rimanga connesso allo stesso server per un periodo di tempo specificato. È collegato a un pool di Avi Load Balancer.
formatVersion: 1 inputs: count: type: integer title: count default: 2 resources: Idem_AVILB_PROFILES_HEALTH_MONITOR_1: type: Idem.AVILB.PROFILES.HEALTH_MONITOR properties: name: prof-monitor-${uuid()} type: HEALTH_MONITOR_PING account: Avi tenant_ref: admin cloud_ref: cloud01_vcenter-cmbu-w01-vc11 is_federated: false monitor_port: 8000 send_interval: 8 receive_timeout: 4 successful_checks: 4 failed_checks: 4 Idem_AVILB_PROFILES_APPLICATION_PROFILE_1: type: Idem.AVILB.PROFILES.APPLICATION_PROFILE properties: name: prof-application-${uuid()} type: APPLICATION_PROFILE_TYPE_HTTP account: Avi http_profile: connection_multiplexing_enabled: true detect_ntlm_app: true websockets_enabled: true Idem_AVILB_PROFILES_NETWORK_PROFILE_1: type: Idem.AVILB.PROFILES.NETWORK_PROFILE properties: name: prof-network-${uuid()} account: Avi profile: type: PROTOCOL_TYPE_TCP_PROXY tcp_proxy_profile: automatic: true Idem_AVILB_APPLICATIONS_VS_VIP_1: type: Idem.AVILB.APPLICATIONS.VS_VIP properties: name: prof-vip-${uuid()} account: Avi tenant_ref: admin cloud_ref: cloud01_vcenter-cmbu-w01-vc11 vip: - auto_allocate_floating_ip: false auto_allocate_ip: true auto_allocate_ip_type: V4_ONLY avi_allocated_fip: false avi_allocated_vip: false enabled: true ipam_network_subnet: network_ref: ${resource.Cloud_vSphere_Network_1.resourceName} subnet: ip_addr: addr: type: V4 mask: 22 Idem_AVILB_PROFILES_APPLICATION_PERSISTENCE_PROFILE_1: type: Idem.AVILB.PROFILES.APPLICATION_PERSISTENCE_PROFILE properties: name: prof-persistence-${uuid()} account: Avi persistence_type: PERSISTENCE_TYPE_CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS server_hm_down_recovery: HM_DOWN_PICK_NEW_SERVER ip_persistence_profile: ip_persistent_timeout: 5 Idem_AVILB_APPLICATIONS_POOL_1: type: Idem.AVILB.APPLICATIONS.POOL properties: name: prof-pool-${uuid()} account: Avi tenant_ref: admin cloud_ref: cloud01_vcenter-cmbu-w01-vc11 lb_algorithm: LB_ALGORITHM_ROUND_ROBIN default_server_port: 8000 networks: - network_ref: ${resource.Cloud_vSphere_Network_1.resourceName} health_monitor_refs: - ${resource.Idem_AVILB_PROFILES_HEALTH_MONITOR_1.name} servers: ${map_to_object(resource.Cloud_vSphere_Machine_1[*].address, "ip", "addr")} application_persistence_profile_ref: ${resource.Idem_AVILB_PROFILES_APPLICATION_PERSISTENCE_PROFILE_1.name} Idem_AVILB_APPLICATIONS_VIRTUAL_SERVICE_1: type: Idem.AVILB.APPLICATIONS.VIRTUAL_SERVICE properties: name: prof-vs-${uuid()} account: Avi tenant_ref: admin cloud_ref: cloud01_vcenter-cmbu-w01-vc11 cloud_type: CLOUD_NONE type: VS_TYPE_NORMAL traffic_enabled: true services: - enable_ssl: false port: 8000 pool_ref: ${resource.Idem_AVILB_APPLICATIONS_POOL_1.name} vsvip_ref: ${resource.Idem_AVILB_APPLICATIONS_VS_VIP_1.name} application_profile_ref: ${resource.Idem_AVILB_PROFILES_APPLICATION_PROFILE_1.name} network_profile_ref: ${resource.Idem_AVILB_PROFILES_NETWORK_PROFILE_1.name} Cloud_vSphere_Machine_1: type: Cloud.vSphere.Machine properties: image: webserver cpuCount: 2 totalMemoryMB: 4096 networks: - network: ${resource.Cloud_vSphere_Network_1.id} assignment: static count: ${input.count} Cloud_vSphere_Network_1: type: Cloud.vSphere.Network properties: networkType: existing
Profili di persistenza e helper di allocazione
Questo modello di esempio contiene tutti i tipi di profili di persistenza insieme a un helper di allocazione.
L'helper di allocazione della zona cloud consente di indirizzare la richiesta di distribuzione al controller di VMware Avi Load Balancer desiderato in base ai tag nell'account cloud.
formatVersion: 1 name: Create a ALB Persistence Profile version: 1 inputs: env: type: string title: Environment description: Select Dev or Prod ALB environment default: env:dev oneOf: - title: Dev ALB const: env:dev - title: Prod ALB const: env:prod name: type: string title: Persistence Profile Name description: A user-friendly name for the persistence profile persistenceType: type: string title: Persistence Type description: Select a method used to persist clients to the same server for a duration of time or a session. oneOf: - title: App Cookie const: PERSISTENCE_TYPE_APP_COOKIE - title: Client IP Address const: PERSISTENCE_TYPE_CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS - title: Custom HTTP Header const: PERSISTENCE_TYPE_CUSTOM_HTTP_HEADER - title: GSLB Site const: PERSISTENCE_TYPE_GSLB_SITE - title: HTTP Cookie const: PERSISTENCE_TYPE_HTTP_COOKIE - title: TLS const: PERSISTENCE_TYPE_TLS server_hm_down_recovery: type: string title: Select New Server When Persistent Server Is Down ? description: Specifies behavior when a persistent server has been marked down by a health monitor. Enum options - HM_DOWN_PICK_NEW_SERVER, HM_DOWN_ABORT_CONNECTION, HM_DOWN_CONTINUE_PERSISTENT_SERVER default: HM_DOWN_PICK_NEW_SERVER oneOf: - title: Immediate const: HM_DOWN_PICK_NEW_SERVER - title: Never const: HM_DOWN_CONTINUE_PERSISTENT_SERVER timeout: type: integer title: Persistence Timeout description: The length of time after a client's connections have closed before expiring the client's persistence to a server. Allowed values are 1-720. Unit is Min. minimum: 1 maximum: 720 default: 20 ip_mask: type: integer title: IP Mask description: Mask to be applied on client IP. This may be used to persist clients from a subnet to the same server. When set to 0, all requests are sent to the same server. Allowed values are 0-128. minimum: 0 maximum: 128 default: 0 prst_hdr_name: type: string title: Custom Header / App Cookie Name description: Header or App Cookie name for application cookie persistence or custom http header. default: Set Header Name always_send_cookie: type: boolean title: Always Send Cookie ? description: If no persistence cookie was received from the client, always send it. cookie_name: type: string title: Cookie Name description: HTTP cookie name for cookie persistence. default: Set HTTP Cookie Name http_only: type: boolean title: HTTP Only description: Sets the HttpOnly attribute in the cookie. Setting this helps to prevent the client side scripts from accessing this cookie, if supported by browser. is_persistent_cookie: type: boolean title: Is Persistent Cookie description: When True, the cookie used is a persistent cookie, i.e. the cookie shouldn't be used at the end of the timeout. By default, it is set to false, making the cookie a session cookie, which allows clients to use it even after the timeout, if the session is still open. resources: Allocations_CloudZone_1: type: Allocations.CloudZone metadata: layoutPosition: - 1 - 2 properties: accountType: avilb constraints: - tag: ${input.env} hdr_persistence_profile: type: Idem.AVILB.PROFILES.APPLICATION_PERSISTENCE_PROFILE metadata: layoutPosition: - 0 - 1 properties: name: ${input.name} account: ${resource.Allocations_CloudZone_1.selectedCloudAccount.name} description: Managed by Aria Automation count: ${input.persistenceType == "PERSISTENCE_TYPE_CUSTOM_HTTP_HEADER" ? 1 :0} persistence_type: ${input.persistenceType} server_hm_down_recovery: ${input.server_hm_down_recovery} hdr_persistence_profile: prst_hdr_name: ${input.prst_hdr_name} tls_persistence_profile: type: Idem.AVILB.PROFILES.APPLICATION_PERSISTENCE_PROFILE metadata: layoutPosition: - 0 - 3 properties: name: ${input.name} account: ${resource.Allocations_CloudZone_1.selectedCloudAccount.name} description: Managed by Aria Automation count: ${input.persistenceType == "PERSISTENCE_TYPE_TLS" ? 1 :0} persistence_type: ${input.persistenceType} app_cookie_persistence_profile: type: Idem.AVILB.PROFILES.APPLICATION_PERSISTENCE_PROFILE metadata: layoutPosition: - 1 - 0 properties: name: ${input.name} account: ${resource.Allocations_CloudZone_1.selectedCloudAccount.name} description: Managed by Aria Automation count: ${input.persistenceType == "PERSISTENCE_TYPE_APP_COOKIE" ? 1 :0} persistence_type: ${input.persistenceType} server_hm_down_recovery: ${input.server_hm_down_recovery} app_cookie_persistence_profile: prst_hdr_name: ${input.prst_hdr_name} timeout: ${input.timeout} ip_persistence_profile: type: Idem.AVILB.PROFILES.APPLICATION_PERSISTENCE_PROFILE metadata: layoutPosition: - 1 - 1 properties: name: ${input.name} account: ${resource.Allocations_CloudZone_1.selectedCloudAccount.name} description: Managed by Aria Automation count: ${input.persistenceType == "PERSISTENCE_TYPE_CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS" ? 1 :0} persistence_type: ${input.persistenceType} server_hm_down_recovery: ${input.server_hm_down_recovery} ip_persistence_profile: ip_mask: ${input.ip_mask} ip_persistent_timeout: ${input.timeout} gslb_persistence_profile: type: Idem.AVILB.PROFILES.APPLICATION_PERSISTENCE_PROFILE metadata: layoutPosition: - 1 - 3 properties: name: ${input.name} account: ${resource.Allocations_CloudZone_1.selectedCloudAccount.name} description: Managed by Aria Automation count: ${input.persistenceType == "PERSISTENCE_TYPE_GSLB_SITE" ? 1 :0} persistence_type: ${input.persistenceType} server_hm_down_recovery: ${input.server_hm_down_recovery} is_federated: true http_cookie_persistence_profile: cookie_name: ${input.cookie_name} is_persistent_cookie: ${input.is_persistent_cookie} timeout: ${input.timeout} http_cookie_persistence_profile: type: Idem.AVILB.PROFILES.APPLICATION_PERSISTENCE_PROFILE metadata: layoutPosition: - 1 - 4 properties: name: ${input.name} account: ${resource.Allocations_CloudZone_1.selectedCloudAccount.name} description: Managed by Aria Automation count: ${input.persistenceType == "PERSISTENCE_TYPE_HTTP_COOKIE" ? 1 :0} persistence_type: ${input.persistenceType} server_hm_down_recovery: ${input.server_hm_down_recovery} http_cookie_persistence_profile: always_send_cookie: ${input.always_send_cookie} cookie_name: ${input.cookie_name} http_only: ${input.http_only} is_persistent_cookie: ${input.is_persistent_cookie} timeout: ${input.timeout}
Profili di persistenza individuali
Per ulteriori informazioni sui profili di persistenza, vedere Persistenza nella guida Configurazione di VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer.
Profilo | Modello di esempio |
Profilo di persistenza cookie HTTP Questo modello di esempio mostra come creare un profilo di persistenza dei cookie HTTP in un account cloud di Avi Load Balancer. |
formatVersion: 1 name: Persistence Profile - HTTP Cookie version: 1 inputs: name: type: string title: Persistence Profile Name description: A user-friendly name for the persistence profile server_hm_down_recovery: type: string title: Select New Server When Persistent Server Is Down ? description: Specifies behavior when a persistent server has been marked down by a health monitor. Enum options - HM_DOWN_PICK_NEW_SERVER, HM_DOWN_ABORT_CONNECTION, HM_DOWN_CONTINUE_PERSISTENT_SERVER default: HM_DOWN_PICK_NEW_SERVER oneOf: - title: Immediate const: HM_DOWN_PICK_NEW_SERVER - title: Never const: HM_DOWN_CONTINUE_PERSISTENT_SERVER timeout: type: integer title: Persistence Timeout description: The length of time after a client's connections have closed before expiring the client's persistence to a server. Allowed values are 1-720. Unit is Min. minimum: 1 maximum: 720 default: 20 always_send_cookie: type: boolean title: Always Send Cookie ? description: If no persistence cookie was received from the client, always send it. cookie_name: type: string title: Cookie Name description: HTTP cookie name for cookie persistence. http_only: type: boolean title: HTTP Only description: Sets the HttpOnly attribute in the cookie. Setting this helps to prevent the client side scripts from accessing this cookie, if supported by browser. is_persistent_cookie: type: boolean title: Is Persistent Cookie description: When True, the cookie used is a persistent cookie, i.e. the cookie shouldn't be used at the end of the timeout. By default, it is set to false, making the cookie a session cookie, which allows clients to use it even after the timeout, if the session is still open. resources: http_cookie_persistence_profile: type: Idem.AVILB.PROFILES.APPLICATION_PERSISTENCE_PROFILE metadata: layoutPosition: - 1 - 1 properties: name: ${input.name} account: avi-account description: Managed by Aria Automation persistence_type: PERSISTENCE_TYPE_HTTP_COOKIE server_hm_down_recovery: ${input.server_hm_down_recovery} http_cookie_persistence_profile: always_send_cookie: ${input.always_send_cookie} cookie_name: ${input.cookie_name} http_only: ${input.http_only} is_persistent_cookie: ${input.is_persistent_cookie} timeout: ${input.timeout} |
Profilo di persistenza cookie app Questo modello di esempio mostra come creare un profilo di persistenza dei cookie dell'applicazione in un account cloud di Avi Load Balancer. |
formatVersion: 1 name: Persistence Profile - App Cookie version: 1 inputs: name: type: string title: Persistence Profile Name description: A user-friendly name for the persistence profile server_hm_down_recovery: type: string title: Select New Server When Persistent Server Is Down ? description: Specifies behavior when a persistent server has been marked down by a health monitor. Enum options - HM_DOWN_PICK_NEW_SERVER, HM_DOWN_ABORT_CONNECTION, HM_DOWN_CONTINUE_PERSISTENT_SERVER default: HM_DOWN_PICK_NEW_SERVER oneOf: - title: Immediate const: HM_DOWN_PICK_NEW_SERVER - title: Never const: HM_DOWN_CONTINUE_PERSISTENT_SERVER timeout: type: integer title: Persistence Timeout description: The length of time after a client's connections have closed before expiring the client's persistence to a server. Allowed values are 1-720. Unit is Min. minimum: 1 maximum: 720 default: 20 prst_hdr_name: type: string title: App Cookie Name description: App Cookie name for application cookie persistence or custom http header. resources: app_cookie_persistence_profile: type: Idem.AVILB.PROFILES.APPLICATION_PERSISTENCE_PROFILE metadata: layoutPosition: - 1 - 0 properties: name: ${input.name} account: avi-account description: Managed by Aria Automation persistence_type: PERSISTENCE_TYPE_APP_COOKIE server_hm_down_recovery: ${input.server_hm_down_recovery} app_cookie_persistence_profile: prst_hdr_name: ${input.prst_hdr_name} timeout: ${input.timeout} |
Profilo di persistenza intestazione personalizzata HTTP Questo modello di esempio mostra come creare un profilo di persistenza dell'intestazione personalizzata HTTP in un account cloud di Avi Load Balancer. |
formatVersion: 1 name: Persistence Profile - Custom HTTP Header version: 1 inputs: name: type: string title: Persistence Profile Name description: A user-friendly name for the persistence profile server_hm_down_recovery: type: string title: Select New Server When Persistent Server Is Down ? description: Specifies behavior when a persistent server has been marked down by a health monitor. Enum options - HM_DOWN_PICK_NEW_SERVER, HM_DOWN_ABORT_CONNECTION, HM_DOWN_CONTINUE_PERSISTENT_SERVER default: HM_DOWN_PICK_NEW_SERVER oneOf: - title: Immediate const: HM_DOWN_PICK_NEW_SERVER - title: Never const: HM_DOWN_CONTINUE_PERSISTENT_SERVER prst_hdr_name: type: string title: Custom Header Name description: Header name for application cookie persistence or custom http header. resources: hdr_persistence_profile: type: Idem.AVILB.PROFILES.APPLICATION_PERSISTENCE_PROFILE metadata: layoutPosition: - 0 - 1 properties: name: ${input.name} account: avi-account description: Managed by Aria Automation persistence_type: PERSISTENCE_TYPE_CUSTOM_HTTP_HEADER server_hm_down_recovery: ${input.server_hm_down_recovery} hdr_persistence_profile: prst_hdr_name: ${input.prst_hdr_name} |
Profilo di persistenza IP client Questo modello di esempio mostra come creare un profilo di persistenza dell'IP client in un account cloud di Avi Load Balancer. |
formatVersion: 1 name: Persistence Profile - Client IP version: 1 inputs: name: type: string title: Persistence Profile Name description: A user-friendly name for the persistence profile server_hm_down_recovery: type: string title: Select New Server When Persistent Server Is Down ? description: Specifies behavior when a persistent server has been marked down by a health monitor. Enum options - HM_DOWN_PICK_NEW_SERVER, HM_DOWN_ABORT_CONNECTION, HM_DOWN_CONTINUE_PERSISTENT_SERVER default: HM_DOWN_PICK_NEW_SERVER oneOf: - title: Immediate const: HM_DOWN_PICK_NEW_SERVER - title: Never const: HM_DOWN_CONTINUE_PERSISTENT_SERVER timeout: type: integer title: Persistence Timeout description: The length of time after a client's connections have closed before expiring the client's persistence to a server. Allowed values are 1-720. Unit is Min. minimum: 1 maximum: 720 default: 20 ip_mask: type: integer title: IP Mask description: Mask to be applied on client IP. This may be used to persist clients from a subnet to the same server. When set to 0, all requests are sent to the same server. Allowed values are 0-128. minimum: 0 maximum: 128 default: 0 resources: ip_persistence_profile: type: Idem.AVILB.PROFILES.APPLICATION_PERSISTENCE_PROFILE metadata: layoutPosition: - 1 - 1 properties: name: ${input.name} account: avi-account description: Managed by Aria Automation persistence_type: PERSISTENCE_TYPE_CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS server_hm_down_recovery: ${input.server_hm_down_recovery} ip_persistence_profile: ip_mask: ${input.ip_mask} ip_persistent_timeout: ${input.timeout} |
Profilo di persistenza TLS Questo modello di esempio mostra come creare un profilo di persistenza TLS in un account cloud di Avi Load Balancer. |
formatVersion: 1 name: Persistence Profile - TLS version: 1 inputs: name: type: string title: Persistence Profile Name description: A user-friendly name for the persistence profile resources: tls_persistence_profile: type: Idem.AVILB.PROFILES.APPLICATION_PERSISTENCE_PROFILE metadata: layoutPosition: - 0 - 1 properties: name: ${input.name} account: avi-account description: Managed by Aria Automation persistence_type: PERSISTENCE_TYPE_TLS |