Before you deploy vRealize Automation in Cloud Foundation, prepare a Microsoft Windows Server OVA template for the vRealize Automation IaaS components.

Creation of the Microsoft Windows Server OVA template is one of the prerequisites for deploying vRealize Automation in Cloud Foundation, as described in the VMware Cloud Foundation Operations and Administration Guide.


  • Refer to the vRealize Automation Support Matrix (PDF) for supported host operating system for virtual machine that will serve as the template for the vRealize Automation IaaS components.
  • Verify that you have a Microsoft Windows Server virtual machine with the following configuration:
    Attribute Value
    Operating System Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (64-bit)
    vCPU Two
    Memory 8 GB
    Disk 50 GB LSI
    Network VMXNET3
    In Internet Explorer, disable the Enhanced Security Configuration feature.
    Remote Desktop
    Enable Remote Desktop Connections.
  • Verify that the virtual machine is not joined to Active Directory.
  • Verify that you can access and download Java Runtime Environment (JRE) executable: jre-8u171-windows-x64.exe or later version.


  • On the Microsoft Windows Server virtual machine, launch the PowerShell console as an administrator and run the following commands:
    1. Set the PowerShell Execution Policy
      Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
    2. Disable User Account Control (UAC)
      Set-ItemProperty -Path ‘HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System’ / -Name ‘EnableLUA’ 0
    3. Disable IPv6
      Set-ItemProperty -Path ‘HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\TCPIP6\Parameters’ / -Name 'DisabledComponents' -Value 0xff
  • Download and install Java Runtime Environment version 1.8 or later on the Microsoft Windows Server virtual machine.
    Note: The Microsoft Windows Server virtual machine in this deployment was tested with Java Runtime Environment jre-8u171-windows-x64.exe. Use this version or later.
  • Configure JAVA_HOME on the Microsoft Windows Server virtual machine.
    1. Click Start and enter sysdm.cpl to open the System Properties dialog box.
    2. Select the Advanced tab and click Environment Variables.
    3. Under System Variables, click New and configure the following:
      • For variable name, specify JAVA_HOME.
      • For variable value, specify C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_171 (depending on your JRE version).
    4. Click OK.
  • While still in the System Properties dialog box, add the Java Runtime Environment installation folder to the Path environment variable.
    1. Under System Variables, locate the Path variable and click Edit.
    2. Append the following to the path and click OK: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_171\bin
    3. Click OK until you exit the System Properties dialog box.
  • Run the following command in a command prompt to validate the Java version:
    java.exe -version
  • Verify that the source path for Microsoft Windows Server is available offline.
    • Copy the Microsoft Windows Server source directory \sources\sxs from the Windows install media to the virtual machine folder C:\sources\sxs.
    • Update the registry string value for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Servicing\LocalSourcePath to location of the installation files. For example, C:\sources\sxs. If the Servicing key is missing, create it. LocalSourcePath is a string value.
  • On the Microsoft Windows Server virtual machine, enable secondary log-in with an automatic start-up type.
    1. Open the Services panel in Windows Server (Start > Services) and right-click Secondary Logon and select Properties.
    2. Change the Startup type setting to Automatic.
    3. Click OK to exit the Properties dialog box.
  • Reboot the Microsoft Windows Server virtual machine.
  • Using the previously established user account (for example,svc-vra), join the newly configured Microsoft Windows Server virtual machine to the Active Directory domain.
  • After joining, verify that there are no Active Directory group policies that will change the UAC or firewall configuration.
    Note: The newly joined Microsoft Windows Server virtual machine should remain with UAC and firewall disabled. If not, you must disable or suppress the Group Policy that enforces a firewall or UAC enforcement when a new computer object joins the Active Directory.
  • Add the vRealize Automation service account to the Local Administrators group (set as svc-vra in previous examples).
  • Log in using the vRealize Automation service account.
  • Verify the proxy server configuration.
    If the configuration is enabled, virtual machines from the vRealize Suite network must be able to access the proxy server. As an alternative, you can configure direct communication in Control Panel > Internet Settings and configure no proxy.
    Caution: Do not activate the Microsoft Windows Server operating system on the virtual machine or run sysprep or generalise on it before converting it to a template.
  • Shut down the Microsoft Windows Server virtual machine and export as OVA template with ovftool.
    ovftool --noSSLVerify 
    vi://'[email protected]':'<VC_Password>'@<VC_IP_or_FQDN>/<Datacenter_Name>/vm/<VM_Name> \