#cloud-config hostname: #_Hostname_# password: #_Console_Password_# chpasswd: {expire: False} ssh_pwauth: True ssh_authorized_keys: - #_SSH_public_Key_# runcmd: - 'echo "[]" > /opt/vc/etc/vc_blocked_subnets.json' - 'sed -iorig "s/wan=\".*/wan=\"eth0 eth1\"/" /etc/config/gatewayd-tunnel' - '/var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-boot/config_gateway' - 'sleep 10' - '/opt/vc/bin/vc_procmon restart' write_files: - path: "/etc/ntp.conf" permissions: '0644' content: | # Use servers from the NTP Pool Project. Approved by Ubuntu Technical Board # on 2011-02-08 (LP: #104525). See http://www.pool.ntp.org/join.html for # more information. server #_NTP_SERVER_1_# server #_NTP_SERVER_2_# server 1.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org iburst server 2.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org iburst server 3.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org iburst - path: "/var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-boot/config_gateway" permissions: '0777' content: | #!/usr/bin/python import json import commands is_activated = commands.getoutput("/opt/vc/bin/is_activated.py") if "True" in str(is_activated): print "Gateway already activated" exit commands.getoutput("/opt/vc/bin/activate.py -s #_VCO_# #_Activation_Key_# ") ### EDIT GATEWAYD ### with open("/etc/config/gatewayd", "r") as jsonFile: data = json.load(jsonFile) data["global"]["vcmp.interfaces"] = ["eth0"] data["global"]["wan"] = ["eth1"] # NOTE FOR HAND OFF IT CAN BE "QinQ (0x8100)" "QinQ (0x9100)" "none" "802.1Q" "802.1ad" data["vrf_vlan"]["tag_info"][0]["mode"] = "#_Handoff_" data["vrf_vlan"]["tag_info"][0]["interface"] = "eth1" data["vrf_vlan"]["tag_info"][0]["c_tag"] = "#_C_TAG_FOR_MGMT_VRF_#" data["vrf_vlan"]["tag_info"][0]["s_tag"] = "#_S_TAG_FOR_MGMT_VRF_" with open("/etc/config/gatewayd", "w") as jsonFile: jsonFile.write(json.dumps(data,sort_keys=True,indent=4, separators=(",", ": "))) ### EDIT DPDK ### with open("/opt/vc/etc/dpdk.json", "r") as jsonFile: data = json.load(jsonFile) #SET 0 or 1 for enabled or DISABLED example data["dpdk_enabled"] = 0 data["dpdk_enabled"] = #_DKDP_ENABLED_OR_DISABLED_# with open("/opt/vc/etc/dpdk.json", "w") as jsonFile: jsonFile.write(json.dumps(data,sort_keys=True,indent=4, separators=(",", ": "))) final_message: "==== Cloud-init completed ====" power_state: delay: "+1" mode: reboot message: Bye Bye timeout: 30 condition: True