You can configure the Web reverse proxy service to use Unified Access Gateway with VMware Identity Manager.
사전 요구 사항
Note the following requirements for deployment with VMware Identity Manager:
Split DNS. Externally, the host name should get resolved to the IP address of Unified Access Gateway. Internally, on Unified Access Gateway, the same host name should get resolved to the actual web server either through internal DNS mapping or through a host name entry on Unified Access Gateway.
참고:If you are deploying only with Web Reverse proxy, there is no need to configure identity bridging.
VMware Identity Manager service must have fully qualified domain name (FQDN) as hostname.
Unified Access Gateway must use internal DNS. This means that the proxy Destination URL must use FQDN.
The combination of proxy pattern and proxy host pattern for a web reverse proxy instance must be unique if there are multiple reverse proxies setup in a Unified Access Gateway instance.
The host names of all configured reverse proxies should resolve to the same IP address which is the IP address of the Unified Access Gateway instance.
See 고급 Edge 서비스 설정 for information about the advanced edge service settings.
다음에 수행할 작업
To enable identity bridging, see ID 브리징 설정 구성.