NCP YAML 파일에는 nsx-ncp-config ConfigMap이 포함되어 있습니다. 사용 환경에 맞게 모든 옵션을 업데이트할 수 있습니다. 다음은 NCP 3.1.2용 ncp-ubuntu-policy.yaml의 nsx-ncp-config ConfigMap입니다.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: nsx-ncp-config
  namespace: nsx-system
    version: v1
  ncp.ini: |


    # IpAddress or Hostname of VC
    #vc_endpoint = <None>

    # The SSO domain associated with the deployment
    #sso_domain = vsphere.local

    # VC API server HTTPS port.
    #https_port = 443


    # Container orchestrator adaptor to plug in.
    #adaptor = kubernetes

    # Specify cluster for adaptor.
    #cluster = k8scluster

    # Log level for NCP modules (controllers, services, etc.). Ignored if debug
    # is True
    #loglevel = <None>

    # Log level for NSX API client operations. Ignored if debug is True
    #nsxlib_loglevel = <None>

    # Enable SNAT for all projects in this cluster. Modification of topologies
    # for existing Namespaces is not supported if this option is reset.
    #enable_snat = True

    # Option to enable profiling
    #profiling = False

    # The interval of reporting performance metrics (0 means disabled)
    #metrics_interval = 0

    # Name of log file for outputting metrics only (if not defined, use default
    # logging facility)
    #metrics_log_file = <None>

    # The type of container host node
    #node_type = HOSTVM

    # The time in seconds for NCP/nsx_node_agent to recover the connection to
    # NSX manager/container orchestrator adaptor/Hyperbus before exiting. If
    # the value is 0, NCP/nsx_node_agent won't exit automatically when the
    # connection check fails
    #connect_retry_timeout = 0

    # Enable system health status report for SHA
    #enable_sha = True


    # If set to true, the logging level will be set to DEBUG instead of the
    # default INFO level.
    #debug = False

    # If set to true, log output to standard error.
    #use_stderr = True

    # Destination to send api log to. STDOUT or STDERR for console output. FILE
    # to write log to file configured in "api_log_file". NONE to disable api
    # log.
    #api_log_output = NONE

    # Name of log file to send API access log to.
    #api_log_file = ncp_api_log.txt

    # Interval in seconds to logs api call to output configured in
    # api_log_output
    #api_log_interval = 60

    # When api_log_output is not NONE, this option determines if api calls
    # should be collected per NSX cluster or individual NSX manager.
    #api_log_mode = API_LOG_PER_ENDPOINT

    # If set to true, use syslog for logging.
    #use_syslog = False

    # The base directory used for relative log_file paths.
    #log_dir = <None>

    # Name of log file to send logging output to.
    #log_file = <None>

    # max MB for each compressed file. Defaults to 100 MB.
    #log_rotation_file_max_mb = 100

    # max MB for each compressed file for API logs.Defaults to 10 MB.
    #api_log_rotation_file_max_mb = 10

    # Total number of compressed backup files to store. Defaults to 5.
    #log_rotation_backup_count = 5

    # Total number of compressed backup files to store API logs. Defaults to 5.
    #api_log_rotation_backup_count = 5

    # Log level for the root logger. If debug=True, the default root logger
    # level will be DEBUG regardless of the value of this option. If this
    # option is unset, the default root logger level will be either DEBUG or
    # INFO according to the debug option value
    #loglevel = <None>


    # Set NSX API adaptor to NSX Policy API adaptor. If unset, NSX adaptor will
    # be set to the NSX Manager based adaptor. If unset or False, the NSX
    # resource ID in other options can be resource name or UUID
    #policy_nsxapi = False

    # Path to NSX client certificate file. If specified, the nsx_api_user and
    # nsx_api_password options will be ignored. Must be specified along with
    # nsx_api_private_key_file option
    #nsx_api_cert_file = <None>

    # Path to NSX client private key file. If specified, the nsx_api_user and
    # nsx_api_password options will be ignored. Must be specified along with
    # nsx_api_cert_file option
    #nsx_api_private_key_file = <None>

    # IP address of one or more NSX managers separated by commas. The IP
    # address should be of the form:
    # [<scheme>://]<ip_adress>[:<port>]
    # If scheme is not provided https is used. If port is not provided port 80
    # is used for http and port 443 for https.
    #nsx_api_managers = []

    # If True, skip fatal errors when no endpoint in the NSX management cluster
    # is available to serve a request, and retry the request instead
    #cluster_unavailable_retry = False

    # Maximum number of times to retry API requests upon stale revision errors.
    #retries = 10

    # Specify one or a list of CA bundle files to use in verifying the NSX
    # Manager server certificate. This option is ignored if "insecure" is set
    # to True. If "insecure" is set to False and "ca_file" is unset, the
    # "thumbprint" will be used. If "thumbprint" is unset, the system root CAs
    # will be used to verify the server certificate.
    #ca_file = []

    # Specify one or a list of thumbprint strings to use in verifying the NSX
    # Manager server certificate. This option is ignored if "insecure" is set
    # to True or "ca_file" is defined.
    #thumbprint = []

    # If true, the NSX Manager server certificate is not verified. If false the
    # CA bundle specified via "ca_file" will be used or if unset the
    # "thumbprint" will be used. If "thumbprint" is unset, the default system
    # root CAs will be used.
    #insecure = False

    # The time in seconds before aborting a HTTP connection to a NSX manager.
    #http_timeout = 10

    # The time in seconds before aborting a HTTP read response from a NSX
    # manager.
    #http_read_timeout = 180

    # Maximum number of times to retry a HTTP connection.
    #http_retries = 3

    # Maximum concurrent connections to all NSX managers. If multiple NSX
    # managers are configured, connections will be spread evenly across all
    # managers, rounded down to the nearest integer. Each NSX manager will have
    # at least 1 connection. This value should be a multiple of
    # [nsx_v3]nsx_api_managers length.
    #concurrent_connections = 10

    # The amount of time in seconds to wait before ensuring connectivity to the
    # NSX manager if no manager connection has been used.
    #conn_idle_timeout = 10

    # Number of times a HTTP redirect should be followed.
    #redirects = 2

    # Subnet prefix of IP block.
    #subnet_prefix = 24

    # Subnet prefix for v6 IP blocks
    #v6_subnet_prefix = 64

    # Indicates whether distributed firewall DENY rules are logged.
    #log_dropped_traffic = False

    # Indicates whether distributed firewall rules are logged. Option 'ALL'
    # will enable logging for all DFW rules (both DENY and ALLOW), and option
    # 'DENY' will enable logging only for DENY rules. Remove this config if no
    # logging is desired. When IPv6 is enabled this setting will not apply to
    # rules for allowing ND traffic.
    # Choices: ALL DENY <None>
    #log_firewall_traffic = <None>

    # Option to use native load balancer or not
    #use_native_loadbalancer = True

    # Option to auto scale layer 4 load balancer or not. If set to True, NCP
    # will create additional LB when necessary upon K8s Service of type LB
    # creation/update.
    #l4_lb_auto_scaling = True

    # Option to use native load balancer or not when ingress class annotation
    # is missing. Only effective if use_native_loadbalancer is set to true
    #default_ingress_class_nsx = True

    # Path to the default certificate file for HTTPS load balancing. Must be
    # specified along with lb_priv_key_path option
    #lb_default_cert_path = <None>

    # Path to the private key file for default certificate for HTTPS load
    # balancing. Must be specified along with lb_default_cert_path option
    #lb_priv_key_path = <None>

    # Option to set load balancing algorithm in load balancer pool object.
    #pool_algorithm = ROUND_ROBIN

    # Option to set load balancer service size. MEDIUM Edge VM (4 vCPU, 8GB)
    # only supports SMALL LB. LARGE Edge VM (8 vCPU, 16GB) only supports MEDIUM
    # and SMALL LB. Bare Metal Edge (IvyBridge, 2 socket, 128GB) supports
    #service_size = SMALL

    # Option to set load balancer persistence option. If cookie is selected,
    # cookie persistence will be offered.If source_ip is selected, source IP
    # persistence will be offered for ingress traffic through L7 load balancer
    # Choices: <None> cookie source_ip
    #l7_persistence = <None>

    # An integer for LoadBalancer side timeout value in seconds on layer 7
    # persistence profile, if the profile exists.
    #l7_persistence_timeout = 10800

    # Option to set load balancer persistence option. If source_ip is selected,
    # source IP persistence will be offered for ingress traffic through L4 load
    # balancer
    # Choices: <None> source_ip
    #l4_persistence = <None>

    # Option to set distributed load balancer source ip persistence option,
    # only available when use_native_dlb = True
    # Choices: <None> source_ip
    #dlb_l4_persistence = <None>

    # Resource ID of the container ip blocks that will be used for creating
    # subnets. If name, it must be unique. If policy_nsxapi is enabled, it also
    # support automatically creating the IP blocks. The definition is a comma
    # separated list: CIDR,CIDR,... Mixing different formats (e.g. UUID,CIDR)
    # is not supported.
    #container_ip_blocks = []

    # Resource ID of the container ip blocks that will be used for creating
    # subnets for no-SNAT projects. If specified, no-SNAT projects will use
    # these ip blocks ONLY. Otherwise they will use container_ip_blocks
    #no_snat_ip_blocks = []

    # Resource ID of the external ip pools that will be used for allocating IP
    # addresses which will be used for translating container IPs via SNAT
    # rules. If policy_nsxapi is enabled, it also support automatically
    # creating the ip pools. The definition is a comma separated list:
    # CIDR,IP_1-IP_2,... Mixing different formats (e.g. UUID, CIDR&IP_Range) is
    # not supported.
    #external_ip_pools = []

    # Resource ID of the top-tier router for the container cluster network,
    # which could be either tier0 or tier1. If policy_nsxapi is enabled, should
    # be ID of a tier0/tier1 gateway.
    #top_tier_router = <None>

    # Option to use single-tier router for the container cluster network
    #single_tier_topology = False

    # Option to use single-tier router for the container cluster network. Each
    # namespace will have dedicated tier-1 router created. Namespaces with
    # "sr_shared_res: true" annotation will share t1 and lbs.
    #single_tier_sr_topology = False

    # Resource ID of the external ip pools that will be used only for
    # allocating IP addresses for Ingress controller and LB service. If
    # policy_nsxapi is enabled, it also supports automatically creating the ip
    # pools. The definition is a comma separated list: CIDR,IP_1-IP_2,...
    # Mixing different formats (e.g. UUID, CIDR&IP_Range) is not supported.
    #external_ip_pools_lb = []

    # Resource ID of the NSX overlay transport zone that will be used for
    # creating logical switches for container networking. It must refer to an
    # already existing resource on NSX and every transport node where VMs
    # hosting containers are deployed must be enabled on this transport zone
    #overlay_tz = <None>

    # Name of the enforcement point used to look up overlay transport zones and
    # edge cluster paths, e.g. vmc-enforcementpoint, default, etc.
    #enforcement_point = default

    # Resource ID of the lb service that can be attached by virtual servers
    #lb_service = <None>

    # Resource ID of the IPSet containing the IPs of all the virtual servers
    #lb_vs_ip_set = <None>

    # Enable X_forward_for for ingress. Available values are INSERT or REPLACE.
    # When this config is set, if x_forwarded_for is missing, LB will add
    # x_forwarded_for in the request header with value client ip. When
    # x_forwarded_for is present and its set to REPLACE, LB will replace
    # x_forwarded_for in the header to client_ip. When x_forwarded_for is
    # present and its set to INSERT, LB will append client_ip to
    # x_forwarded_for in the header. If not wanting to use x_forwarded_for,
    # remove this config
    # Choices: <None> INSERT REPLACE
    #x_forwarded_for = <None>

    # Resource ID of the firewall section that will be used to create firewall
    # sections below this mark section
    #top_firewall_section_marker = <None>

    # Resource ID of the firewall section that will be used to create firewall
    # sections above this mark section
    #bottom_firewall_section_marker = <None>

    # Replication mode of container logical switch, set SOURCE for cloud as it
    # only supports head replication mode
    # Choices: MTEP SOURCE
    #ls_replication_mode = MTEP

    # The resource which NCP will search tag 'node_name' on, to get parent VIF
    # or transport node uuid for container LSP API context field. For HOSTVM
    # mode, it will search tag on LSP. For BM mode, it will search tag on LSP
    # then search TN. For CLOUD mode, it will search tag on VM. For WCP_WORKER
    # mode, it will search TN by hostname.
    # Choices: tag_on_lsp tag_on_tn tag_on_vm hostname_on_tn
    #search_node_tag_on = tag_on_lsp

    # Determines which kind of information to be used as VIF app_id. Defaults
    # to pod_resource_key. In WCP mode, pod_uid is used.
    # Choices: pod_resource_key pod_uid
    #vif_app_id_type = pod_resource_key

    # If this value is not empty, NCP will append it to nameserver list
    #dns_servers = []

    # Set this to True to enable NCP to report errors through NSXError CRD.
    #enable_nsx_err_crd = False

    # Maximum number of virtual servers allowed to create in cluster for
    # LoadBalancer type of services.
    #max_allowed_virtual_servers = 9223372036854775807

    # Edge cluster ID needed when creating Tier1 router for loadbalancer
    # service. Information could be retrieved from Tier0 router
    #edge_cluster = <None>

    # Inventory feature switch
    #enable_inventory = True

    # For internal container network CIDR, NCP adds redistribution deny rule to
    # stop T0 router advertise subnets to external network outside of T0
    # router. If BGP or route redistribution is disabled, or
    # T1_CONNECTED/TIER1_SEGMENT option is not selected, NCP would not add the
    # deny rule. If users enable BGP and route redistribution, or select
    # T1_CONNECTED/TIER1_SEGMENT option after NCP starts, user needs to restart
    # NCP to let NCP set deny rule. If there is already a route map attached,
    # NCP will create IP prefix list on the existing route map. Otherwise NCP
    # will create a new route map and attach it. This option could be used only
    # in SNAT mode and when policy_nsxapi = True.
    #configure_t0_redistribution = False

    # Health check interval for nsx lb monitor profile
    #lb_hc_profile_interval = 5

    # Health check timeout for nsx lb monitor profile
    #lb_hc_profile_timeout = 15

    # Health check failed count for nsx lb monitor profile. Pool member failed
    # for this amount will be marked as down.
    #lb_hc_profile_fall_count = 3

    # Health check rise count for nsx lb monitor profile. Pool members
    # previously marked down will be brought up, if succeed in the health check
    # for this amount fo time.
    #lb_hc_profile_rise_count = 3

    # Maximum size of the buffer used to store HTTP request headers for L7
    # virtual servers in cluster. A request with header larger than this value
    # will be processed as best effort whereas a request with header below this
    # value is guaranteed to be processed.
    #lb_http_request_header_size = 1024

    # Maximum size of the buffer used to store HTTP response headers for all L7
    # virtual servers in cluster. A response with header larger than this value
    # will be dropped.
    #lb_http_response_header_size = 4096

    # Maximum server idle time in seconds for L7 virtual servers in cluster. If
    # backend server does not send any packet within this time, the connection
    # is closed.
    #lb_http_response_timeout = 60

    # Determines the behavior when a Tier-1 instance restarts after a failure.
    # If set to PREEMPTIVE, the preferred node will take over, even if it
    # causes another failure. If set to NON_PREEMPTIVE, then the instance that
    # restarted will remain secondary. Applicable to Tier-1 across cluster that
    # was created by NCP and has edge cluster configured.
    #failover_mode = NON_PREEMPTIVE

    # Set this to ENABLE to enable NCP enforced pool member limit for all load
    # balancer servers in cluster. Set this to CRD_LB_ONLY will only enforce
    # the limit for load balancer servers created using lb CRD. Set this to
    # DISABLE to turn off all limit checks. This option requires
    # relax_scale_validation set to True, l4_lb_auto_scaling set to False, and
    # works on Policy API only. When not disabled, NCP will enforce a pool
    # member limit on LBS to prevent one LBS from using up all resources on
    # edge nodes.
    #ncp_enforced_pool_member_limit = DISABLE

    # Maximum number of pool member allowed for each small load balancer
    # service. Requires ncp_enforced_pool_member_limit set to ENABLE or
    # CRD_LB_ONLY to take effect.
    #members_per_small_lbs = 2000

    # Maximum number of pool member allowed for each medium load balancer
    # service. Requires ncp_enforced_pool_member_limit set to ENABLE or
    # CRD_LB_ONLY to take effect.
    #members_per_medium_lbs = 2000

    # Interval in seconds to clean empty segments.
    #segment_gc_interval = 600

    # Determines the mode NCP limits rate when sending API calls to NSX.
    #api_rate_limit_mode = ADAPTIVE_AIMD

    # When nsx_v3.api_rate_limit_mode is not set to NO_LIMIT, determines the
    # maximum number of API calls sent per manager ip per second. Should be a
    # positive integer.
    #max_api_rate = 40

    # Resource ID of the client SSL profile which will be used by Loadbalancer
    # while participating in TLS handshake with the client
    #client_ssl_profile = <None>

    # Enable security policy notification, If this optionis enabled, NCP will
    # configure container network afterNSX creates logical port and finishes
    # security policysynchronization
    #wait_for_security_policy_sync = False

    # Set this to True to enable rule tag as cluster name in DFW logs for k8s.
    # When IPv6 is enabled, the tag will not be applied to rules created by NCP
    # for allowing ND traffic.
    #enable_rule_tag = True

    # Set this to enable logging for snat rule, supported choices are : None,
    # Basic and Extended.none for no logging, basic for logging for
    # namespacesnat rules, extended for logging for snat rules for
    # allnamespaces and services
    # Choices: none basic extended
    #snat_rule_logging = none

    # Log properties of virtual server for ingress/routeIt maps to two
    # parameters access_log_enabled andlog_significant_event_only of virtual
    # server.It decides whether to log and what events to recordby virtual
    # server.
    # Choices: none all significant
    #vs_access_log = none

    # The time in seconds before a released IP can be reallocated. This value
    # is used to determine if a previously exhuasted logical switch can be used
    # again for creating a new logical port
    #ip_reallocation_time = 60

    # Specify a custom cookie name for NSX default LB when l7_persistence type
    # is set to cookie. It has no effect if l7_persistence is not set.
    #cookie_name = <None>


    # Time duration in seconds of mastership timeout. NCP instance will remain
    # master for this duration after elected. Note that the heartbeat period
    # plus the update timeout must not be greater than this period. This is
    # done to ensure that the master instance will either confirm liveness or
    # fail before the timeout.
    #master_timeout = 18

    # Time in seconds between heartbeats for elected leader. Once an NCP
    # instance is elected master, it will periodically confirm liveness based
    # on this value.
    #heartbeat_period = 6

    # Timeout duration in seconds for update to election resource. The default
    # value is calculated by subtracting heartbeat period from master timeout.
    # If the update request does not complete before the timeout it will be
    # aborted. Used for master heartbeats to ensure that the update finishes or
    # is aborted before the master timeout occurs.
    #update_timeout = <None>


    # Kubernetes API server IP address.
    #apiserver_host_ip = <None>

    # Kubernetes API server port.
    #apiserver_host_port = <None>

    # Full path of the Token file to use for authenticating with the k8s API
    # server.
    client_token_file = /var/run/secrets/

    # Full path of the client certificate file to use for authenticating with
    # the k8s API server. It must be specified together with
    # "client_private_key_file".
    #client_cert_file = <None>

    # Full path of the client private key file to use for authenticating with
    # the k8s API server. It must be specified together with
    # "client_cert_file".
    #client_private_key_file = <None>

    # Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying the k8s API server
    # certificate.
    ca_file = /var/run/secrets/

    # Specify whether ingress controllers are expected to be deployed in
    # hostnework mode or as regular pods externally accessed via NAT
    # Choices: hostnetwork nat
    #ingress_mode = hostnetwork

    # Log level for the kubernetes adaptor. Ignored if debug is True
    #loglevel = <None>

    # The default HTTP ingress port for non-NSX ingress controllers in NAT
    # mode.
    #http_ingress_port = 80

    # The default HTTPS ingress port for non-NSX ingress controllers in NAT
    # mode.
    #https_ingress_port = 443

    # Specifying whether the TCP connections between the LoadBalancer service
    # and backend could be reused by multiple client requests.
    #lb_connection_multiplexing_enabled = False

    # Specifying the maximum number of multiplexing connections.
    #lb_connection_multiplexing_number = 6

    # Specify thread pool size to process resource events
    #resource_watcher_thread_pool_size = 1

    # User specified IP address for HTTP and HTTPS ingresses
    #http_and_https_ingress_ip = <None>

    # Set this option to configure the ability to allow a virtual IP that is
    # not in the range of external_ip_pools_lb specified in spec.loadBalancerIP
    # of K8s service of type LoadBalancer to be realized in NSX.When the value
    # is relaxed, any IP specified in spec.loadBalancerIP can be allowed. When
    # the value is strict, only IP within the range of external_ip_pools_lb
    # will be allowed.
    # Choices: relaxed strict
    #lb_ip_allocation = relaxed

    # Set this to True to enable NCP to create tier1 router, first segment and
    # default SNAT IP for VirtualNetwork CRD, and then create segment port for
    # VM through VirtualNetworkInterface CRD.
    #enable_vnet_crd = False

    # Set this to True to enable NCP to create LoadBalancer on a Tier-1 for
    # LoadBalancer CRD. This option does not support LB autoscaling.
    #enable_lb_crd = False

    # Set this to True to enable NCP to create LbMonitor CR for NSX LBS
    #enable_lb_monitor_crd = False

    # Set this to True to enable NCP to manage network resources and resource
    # quotas per Namespace. This option only works under WCP T1 per Supervisor
    # Namespace networking topology
    #enable_nsnetwork_crd = False

    # Option to set the type of baseline cluster policy. ALLOW_CLUSTER creates
    # an explicit baseline policy to allow any pod to communicate any other pod
    # within the cluster. ALLOW_NAMESPACE creates an explicit baseline policy
    # to allow pods within the same namespace to communicate with each other.
    # By default, no baseline rule will be created and the cluster will assume
    # the default behavior as specified by the backend. Modification is not
    # supported after the value is set.
    # Choices: <None> allow_cluster allow_namespace
    #baseline_policy_type = <None>

    # Maximum number of endpoints allowed to create for a service.
    #max_allowed_endpoints = 1000

    # Set this to True to enable NCP reporting NSX backend error to k8s object
    # using k8s event
    #enable_ncp_event = False

    # Set this to True to enable multus to create multiple interfaces for one
    # pod. Requires policy_nsxapi set to True to take effect. If passthrough
    # interface is used as additional interface, user should deploy the network
    # device plugin to provide device allocation information for NCP. Pod
    # annotations with prefix "" cannot be modified once pod
    # is realized. User defined IP will not be allocated from the Segment
    # IPPool. The "gateway" in NetworkAttachmentDefinition is not used to
    # configure secondary interfaces, as the default gateway of Pod is
    # configured by the primary CNI on the main network interface. User must
    # define IP and/or MAC if no "ipam" is configured. Only available if node
    # type is HOSTVM and not to be leveraged in conjunction with 3rd party CNI
    # plugin
    #enable_multus = True

    # Interval of polling loadbalancer statistics. Default to60 seconds.
    #lb_statistic_monitor_interval = 600

    # Option to enable polling virtual server statistics.
    #enable_lb_vs_statistics_monitor = False

    # This option is for toggling process of network CRD.It should be set to
    # False when the network status setting is done by OCP4 NetworkOperator
    #process_oc_network = True

    # nsx-node-agent will add iptables rules for K8s pod which has hostPort,
    # client packets to hostPort will be SNATed to node IP. We leverage portmap
    # plugin to add iptables DNAT rules for hostPort ingress traffic. This
    # hostPort feature is only supported on K8s Linux node.
    #enable_hostport_snat = False

    # If this option is True, nsx-ncp-bootstrap pod will install portmap plugin
    # from nsx-ncp image, nsx-ncp-cleanup pod will remove portmap plugin.
    #use_ncp_portmap = False

    # Deprecated option: tier0_router
    # Replaced by [nsx_v3] top_tier_router

    # Deprecated option: deny_subnets_redistribution
    # Replaced by [nsx_v3] configure_t0_redistribution