게이트웨이에서 서비스가 중단될 때마다 코어 파일이 생성됩니다. Orchestrator에서 생성된 진단 번들은 코어 파일을 다운로드하고 관련 로그를 VMware 지원에 제공하기 위해 코어 파일을 생성한 후에 최대한 빨리 검색해야 합니다.
다음 예제에서는 최근 코어 파일을 확인하는 Python 스크립트를 보여 줍니다.
#! /usr/bin/env python import subprocess, traceback, os, os.path,glob,datetime,time,sys,re from pynag.Plugins import PluginHelper,ok,warning,critical,unknown from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import time import os import commands import json helper = PluginHelper() helper.parse_arguments() def diag_check(): regex_patern = "^.*\s+Uploading diag-201[0-9]-.*" re_nat = re.compile(regex_patern) cmd = 'grep "Uploading diag-201[0-9]" /var/log/mgd.log' p1 = subprocess.Popen([cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,shell=True) stdout_value, stderr_value = p1.communicate() m = re_nat.search(stdout_value) if m: return True else: return False def vco_vcg_version(): with open("/opt/vc/.gateway.info") as data: d=json.loads((data.read())) vcg=d["gatewayInfo"]["name"] #build_number=d["gatewayInfo"]["buildNumber"] status,output = commands.getstatusoutput("sudo /opt/vc/sbin/gwd -v 2>&1 | grep rev") if status == 0: build_number=output.split()[2].rstrip('\n') vco=d["configuration"]["managementPlane"]["data"]["managementPlaneProxy"]["primary"] return vcg,build_number,vco status_file = "/tmp/coredump_status_file" warning_file = "/tmp/warning_file" if not os.path.isfile(status_file) and not os.access(status_file, os.R_OK): os.system("touch /tmp/coredump_status_file") os.system("chown nagios:nagios /tmp/coredump_status_file") if not os.path.isfile(warning_file) and not os.access(status_file, os.R_OK): os.system("touch /tmp/warning_file") os.system("chown nagios:nagios /tmp/warning_file") if not os.path.isfile(warning_file) and not os.access(status_file, os.R_OK): os.system("touch /tmp/crashlist.txt") os.system("chown nagios:nagios /tmp/crashlist.txt") command = "cat /tmp/coredump_status_file" command1 = "cat /tmp/warning_file" files = ["crashlist.txt","warning_file","coredump_status_file","coredump_message"] for item in files: if os.path.isfile("/tmp/"+item): st=os.stat("/tmp/"+item) if st.st_uid == 0: commands.getstatusoutput("sudo chown nagios:nagios /tmp/"+item) status,output = commands.getstatusoutput(command) if output == "1": status_message = "" os.system("chown nagios:nagios /tmp/coredump_message") with open("/tmp/coredump_message", "r") as data: for line in data.readlines(): status_message += line mtime = os.path.getmtime("/tmp/coredump_status_file") cur_time = time.time() if int(cur_time) - int(mtime) >= 300: os.system('echo -n "0" > /tmp/coredump_status_file') helper.status(critical) helper.add_summary(status_message) helper.exit() sys.exit(0) status_message = "" newcore = 0 try: crashlistpath = '/tmp/crashlist.txt' cmd = "stat -c '%Y %n' /velocloud/core/*core.tgz" if not os.path.isfile(crashlistpath) and not os.access(crashlistpath, os.R_OK): os.system("find /velocloud/core/ -name *core.tgz > /tmp/crashlist.txt") with open(crashlistpath, "a+") as f: oldcrashlist = f.read() corelist = glob.glob("/velocloud/core/*core.tgz") corecount = len(corelist) if corecount > 0 : for line in corelist: file_modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(line)) if datetime.datetime.now() - file_modified > datetime.timedelta(hours=42*24): os.remove(line) if not line in oldcrashlist: newcore +=1 status_message += '\n' + "Core:" +str(newcore) +" " + line.rsplit('/',1)[1] + " " f.write(line+'\n') cmd1 = "tar -xvf " + line.rstrip('\n') + " -C /tmp --wildcards --no-anchored '*.txt' " crash = subprocess.Popen(cmd1, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) crash.wait() for line1 in crash.stdout: btcmd = "awk '/^Thread 1 /,/^----/' /tmp/" + line1.rstrip('\n') + " | egrep '^#' | sed 's/ 0x0.* in //' | sed 's/ (.*/ /'" bt = subprocess.Popen(btcmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) status_message += '\n'+ bt.communicate()[0] else: helper.status(ok) status_message = "No Core file" f.close() except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() helper.exit(summary="Nagios check could not complete", long_output=str(e), exit_code=unknown, perfdata='') if corecount and not newcore: helper.status(ok) status_message = str(corecount)+ " old core file found in /velocloud/core" os.system('echo -n "0" > /tmp/coredump_status_file') elif newcore > 0: output = vco_vcg_version() vcg_data = "%s; VCG_Build_Number:%s; VCO:%s\n" %(output) status_message = vcg_data + str(newcore)+ " New Core\n"+ status_message with open("/tmp/coredump_message", "w") as data: data.writelines(status_message) os.system('echo -n "1" > /tmp/warning_file') os.system('echo -n "1" > /tmp/coredump_status_file') helper.status(critical) helper.add_summary(status_message) helper.exit() sys.exit(0) status,output_warn = commands.getstatusoutput(command1) if output_warn == "1" : helper.status(warning) status_message = "Please generate gateway diag bundle from the VCO if required" result = diag_check() if result == False: if not os.path.isfile("/tmp/coredump_start_time"): os.system("touch /tmp/coredump_start_time") os.system("chown nagios:nagios /tmp/coredump_start_time") start_time = time.time() with open("/tmp/coredump_start_time", "w") as data: data.write(str(start_time)) end_time = time.time() cmd = "cat /tmp/coredump_start_time" status,start_time = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) total_time = end_time - float(start_time) if total_time > 10800: result = True if result == True: os.system('echo -n "0" > /tmp/warning_file') os.remove ("/tmp/coredump_start_time") helper.status(warning) status_message = "Please generate the diagbundle for the last crash. if it is taken already, please ignore this message" helper.add_summary(status_message) helper.exit()