다음 표에는 IPFIX 정보 요소 정의가 나열되어 있습니다.

384 valueDistributionMethod 참여 흐름의 카운터를 연결된 범위(일반적으로 템플릿)에서 설명하는 집계된 흐름 레코드로 분산하는 데 사용되는 방법에 대한 설명입니다. 이 메서드는 참조된 범위의 키가 아닌 모든 정보 요소에 적용되어 값 분포가 유효한 작업이 되도록 합니다. originalFlowsInitiated 및/또는 originalFlowsCompleted 정보 요소가 템플릿에 표시되는 경우 각각의 고유한 분포 방법을 유추하기 때문에 이 배포 방법을 따르지 않습니다. 여기서는 가능한 값 분포 방법을 모두 제공하려고 하며 다음과 같이 인코딩됩니다.

| Value | Description                                               | 


| 0     | Unspecified: The counters for an Original Flow are        | 

|       | explicitly not distributed according to any other method | 

|       | defined for this Information Element; use for arbitrary   | 

|       | distribution, or distribution algorithms not described by | 

|       | any other codepoint.                                      | 

|       | --------------------------------------------------------- | 

|       |                                                           | 

| 1     | Start Interval: The counters for an Original Flow are     | 

|       | added to the counters of the appropriate Aggregated Flow | 

|       | containing the start time of the Original Flow.  This     | 

|       | must be assumed the default if value distribution       | 

|       | information is not available at a Collecting Process for | 

|       | an Aggregated Flow.                                       | 

|       | --------------------------------------------------------- | 

|       |                                                           | 

| 2     | End Interval: The counters for an Original Flow are added | 

|       | to the counters of the appropriate Aggregated Flow        | 

|       | containing the end time of the Original Flow.             | 

|       | --------------------------------------------------------- | 

|       |                                                           | 

| 3     | Mid Interval: The counters for an Original Flow are added | 

|       | to the counters of a single appropriate Aggregated Flow   | 

|       | containing some timestamp between start and end time of   | 

|       | the Original Flow.                                        | 

|       | --------------------------------------------------------- | 

|       |                                                           | 

| 4     | Simple Uniform Distribution: Each counter for an Original | 

|       | Flow is divided by the number of time intervals the       | 

|       | Original Flow covers (that is, of appropriate Aggregated     | 

|       | Flows sharing the same Flow Key), and this number is      | 

|       | added to each corresponding counter in each Aggregated    | 

|       | Flow.                                                     | 

|       | --------------------------------------------------------- | 

|       |                                                           | 

| 5     | Proportional Uniform Distribution: Each counter for an    | 

|       | Original Flow is divided by the number of time units the | 

|       | Original Flow covers, to derive a mean count rate.  This | 

|       | mean count rate is then multiplied by the number of times | 

|       | units in the intersection of the duration of the Original | 

|       | Flow and the time interval of each Aggregated Flow.  This | 

|       | is like simple uniform distribution, but accounts for the | 

|       | fractional portions of a time interval covered by an      | 

|       | Original Flow in the first- and last-time interval.        | 

|       | --------------------------------------------------------- | 

|       |                                                           | 

| 6     | Simulated Process: Each counter of the Original Flow is   | 

|       | distributed among the intervals of the Aggregated Flows   | 

|       | according to some function the Intermediate Aggregation   | 

|       | Process uses based upon properties of Flows presumed to   | 

|       | be like the Original Flow.  This is essentially an        | 

|       | assertion that the Intermediate Aggregation Process has   | 

|       | no direct packet timing information but is nevertheless   | 

|       | not using one of the other simpler distribution methods.  | 

|       | The Intermediate Aggregation Process specifically makes   | 

|       | no assertion as to the correctness of the simulation.     | 

|       | --------------------------------------------------------- | 

|       |                                                           | 

| 7     | Direct: The Intermediate Aggregation Process has access   | 

|       | to the original packet timings from the packets making up | 

|       | the Original Flow, and uses these to distribute or        | 

|       | recalculate the counters.                                 | 

239 biflowDirection 양방향 흐름 소스 및 대상을 할당하는 데 사용되는 방향 할당 방법에 대한 설명입니다. 이 정보 요소는 흐름 데이터 기록에 존재하거나, IPFIX 옵션을 사용하여 내보내기 프로세스 또는 관찰 도메인에서 내보낸 모든 흐름에 적용될 수 있습니다. 이 정보 요소가 흐름 기록에 없거나 범위를 통해 양방향 흐름과 연결된 경우에는 방향 할당 방법의 구성이 대역 외 상태에서 수행된다고 가정합니다.
참고: IPFIX 옵션을 사용하여 이 정보 요소를 관찰 도메인 또는 내보내기 프로세스 내의 모든 흐름에 적용하는 경우 이 옵션을 안정적으로 전송해야 합니다. 안정적인 전송을 사용할 수 없는 경우(예: UDP를 사용하는 경우) 이 정보 요소가 각 흐름 레코드에 나타나야 합니다.
이 필드에는 다음 값을 사용할 수 있습니다.

| Value | Name             | Description                            | 


| 0x00  | arbitrary        | Direction is assigned arbitrarily.    | 

| 0x01  | initiator        | The Biflow Source is the flow          | 

|       |                  | initiator, as determined by the        | 

|       |                  | Metering Process' best effort to       | 

|       |                  | detect the initiator.                  | 

| 0x02  | reverseInitiator | The Biflow Destination is the flow     | 

|       |                  | initiator, as determined by the        | 

|       |                  | Metering Process' best effort to       | 

|       |                  | detect the initiator.  This value is   | 

|       |                  | provided for the convenience of        | 

|       |                  | Exporting Processes to revise an       | 

|       |                  | initiator estimate without re-encoding | 

|       |                  | the Biflow Record.                     | 

| 0x03  | perimeter        | The Biflow Source is the endpoint      | 

|       |                  | outside of a defined perimeter.  The   | 

|       |                  | perimeter's definition is implicit in | 

|       |                  | the set of Biflow Source and Biflow    | 

|       |                  | Destination addresses exported in the | 

|       |                  | Biflow Records.                        | 
