다음은 샘플 로그 파일 플러그인 출력입니다.

AlertId :: 9fb52c9c-40f2-46a7-a005-01bf24ab75e6 AlertStatus :: Active AlertControlState :: Open AlertGenerateTime :: Wed May 06 06:26:05 UTC 2020 (UTC = 1588746365585) AlertUpdateTime :: Wed May 06 06:26:05 UTC 2020 (UTC = 1588746365585) AlertMessage :: 9027 AlertSummaryLink :: AlertType :: Storage - Performance AlertCriticality :: 4 AffectedResourceId :: 1b852a3c-bbdf-41df-a64d-b40af9673b89 AffectedResourceName :: JNJ_6nodes_Large_HA_4_10.27.83.44 AffectedResourceKind :: VirtualMachine AffectedResourceParentsNames :: VM Entity Status:PoweredOn:all DistributedVirtualPortgroup:VM-Network-VLAN-820 VM Entity Status:PoweredOn:vc_evn-hs1-vc.company.com VMFolder:Discovered virtual machine HostSystem:evn1-hs1-0808.company.com AffectedResourceAdapterInstanceResourceName :: CompanyAdapter Instance:vc_evn-hs1-vc.company.com AlertOwner :: Anomalies :: VirtualMachine:JNJ_6nodes_Large_HA_4_10.27.83.44 - [virtualDisk:Aggregate of all instances|totalWriteLatency_average] - HT above 30.5647619047619 > 25 VirtualMachine:JNJ_6nodes_Large_HA_4_10.27.83.44 - [virtualDisk:Aggregate of all instances|totalWriteLatency_average] - HT above 30.5647619047619 > 15 VirtualMachine:JNJ_6nodes_Large_HA_4_10.27.83.44 - [virtualDisk:Aggregate of all instances|totalWriteLatency_average] - HT above 30.5647619047619 > 30 Health :: 4.0 Risk :: 2.0 Efficiency :: 1.0 KPIFiring :: AlertTrigger :: Resource Message Info Alarm Reason Probability Prediction Time VirtualMachine:JNJ_6nodes_Large_HA_4_10.27.83.44 HT above 30.5647619047619 > 30 HT above Unable to retrive value Unable to retrive value AlertRootCause :: null AlertRootCauseDetails :: null AlertName :: Virtual machine disk I/O write latency is high AlertDescription :: Virtual machine disk I/O write latency is high