vSphere Replication 8.7 Configuration Import/Export Tool을 사용하여 복제 구성 데이터를 XML 파일 형식으로 내보낼 수 있습니다.
사전 요구 사항
- Java 1.8.x가 설치되어 있고 환경 변수가 구성되어 있는지 확인합니다.
- 보호된 사이트와 복구 사이트 모두에 vSphere Replication를 실행 중인 사이트 쌍이 있는지 확인합니다.
java -jar /opt/vmware/vr-impex-tool/vr-impex-tool-<version>.jar --exportInteractive ***Copyright (c) 2018-2019 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.*** Initiating CMD interaction. Enter host name or IP address of a Lookup Service: Enter port (or press Enter in case you use the default - 443): Host has untrusted certificate with SHA-1 Thumbprint: 63:50:89:60:76:5C:78:C9:B0:1A:A6:B6:D0:08:D7:8E:31:46:BF:A7 . Accept thumbprint? (y/n): y Enter username for wdc-rdops-vm09-dhcp-228-236.eng.vmware.com: [email protected] Enter password for wdc-rdops-vm09-dhcp-228-236.eng.vmware.com: Establishing connection... Available HMS servers: [0] wdc-rdops-vm08-dhcp-221-15.eng.vmware.com [1] wdc-rdops-vm09-dhcp-228-236.eng.vmware.com 0 One HMS server found: wdc-rdops-vm09-dhcp-228-236.eng.vmware.com Enter username for pair site 'wdc-rdops-vm08-dhcp-221-15.eng.vmware.com': [email protected] Enter password for pair site 'wdc-rdops-vm08-dhcp-221-15.eng.vmware.com': Collecting data... Starting export... 2019-09-03 16:28:14,771 DEBUG - Hms inventory export started. 2019-09-03 16:28:14,993 DEBUG - Replication groups export started. 2019-09-03 16:28:15,627 DEBUG - Hms inventory export ended. 2019-09-03 16:28:23,680 DEBUG - Replication groups export ended. Writing to file started. Writing to file finished. Export ended successfully.