После установки целесообразно проверить конфигурации RaaS. RaaS (возврат данных как сервис) является основополагающим компонентом SaltStack Config. RaaS предоставляет конечные точки RPC для приема управляющих команд из пользовательского интерфейса SaltStack Config, а также конечные точки управления RPC для взаимодействия с подключенными главными серверами Salt. Настройки конфигурации RaaS находятся в файле конфигурации /etc/raas/raas
на узле RaaS.
Перед началом работы
Настройка узла RaaS — одна из операций, которые необходимо выполнить в определенном порядке по завершении установки. Выполните один из сценариев установки, а затем ознакомьтесь со следующими процедурами, выполняемыми после установки.
Проверка параметров конфигурации
- Откройте файл конфигурации RaaS на узле RaaS. По умолчанию он обычно хранится в
. - Проверьте следующие необходимые параметры.
Настройка Описание customer_id
Идентификатор клиента или универсальный уникальный идентификатор. sql
можно настроить в соответствии с конфигурацией базы данных. Подробную информацию о надежном хранении учетных данных см. в статье базы знаний Защита учетных данных в пользовательской конфигурации SaltStack Config. - Проверьте следующие дополнительные параметры.
Настройка Описание tls_crt
Путь к файлу crt
для шифрованной передачи данных. Если этот сертификат самозаверяющий и его не нужно проверять с помощью известного ЦС, то в файле конфигурации главного сервера Salt для параметраsseapi_validate_cert
необходимо задать значениеFalse
Файл ключа сертификата. port
Порт, используемый для подключений из пользовательского интерфейса SaltStack Config и с контроллеров Salt. audit
Включение информации API-интерфейса (RaaS) в отчет об отладке для учетных записей администратора. Если valid_logins
имеет значениеTrue
, эта информация также будет включена в отчеты об ошибках, сгенерированные пользователями не из числа администраторов.raas_presence_expiration
Период бездействия в секундах до того, как служебный сервер считается неактивным. По умолчанию — 3600 секунд (один час).
Стандартный файл конфигурации RaaS
Ниже приводится стандартный файл конфигурации RaaS, содержащий объяснение различных параметров конфигурации.
# RaaS Default Configuration # How often to run the compile_commands job that updates the activity tab activity_tab_cycle: 2 # Elastic APM settings apm_elastic: service_name: # Elastic APM Service Name secret_token: # Elastic APM Secret Token server_url: # Elastic APM Server URL environment: production # audit tracking settings audit: enabled: false valid_logins: false auth: true rpc: true system: true tasks: false rpc_max_payload: 100 # authentication backends authers: ldap: log_detail: ERROR ssl: {} ldap_receive_timeout: 60 group_level_limit: 20 # Configuration settings for background workers. Settings for each queue: # concurrency: number of worker processes (0 = auto calc one per core up to max) # max_tasks: worker recycles after running this many tasks # max_memory: in kB, 0=auto, None=unlimited # result_expires: how long results are stored in Redis, in seconds # prefetch_multiplier: How many messages to prefetch at a time multiplied by the number of concurrent processes # without_heartbeat: When true, don't send event heartbeats. Reduces Redis usage. # without_mingle: When true, Don't synchronize with other workers at start-up. Reduces worker startup up time. # without_gossip: When true, Don't subscribe to other workers events. Reduces redis usage. # use_fair_scheduler: Use Celery's fair scheduling algorithm, better for long running tasks background_workers: combined_process: true # Launch celery workers and RaaS processes together. Set to False if running celery separately. broker: redis backend: redis log_level: warning celery: concurrency: 0 max_tasks: 100000 max_memory: 0 result_expires: 60 prefetch_multiplier: 1 without_heartbeat: false without_mingle: true without_gossip: true use_fair_scheduler: true lr: concurrency: 0 max_tasks: 100000 max_memory: 0 result_expires: 60 prefetch_multiplier: 1 without_heartbeat: false without_mingle: true without_gossip: true use_fair_scheduler: true grainscache: concurrency: 0 max_tasks: 100000 max_memory: 0 result_expires: 60 prefetch_multiplier: 1 without_heartbeat: false without_mingle: true without_gossip: true use_fair_scheduler: true # how often to run cache jobs (in seconds) cache_cycle: 30 # path to RaaS cache directory cachedir: /var/lib/raas/cache # how often to run clean up jobs (in seconds) clean_up_cycle: 900 # path to config directory (can be passed multiple times, order is respected) config_dir: - /etc/raas # read files in config_dir subdirs recursively config_recurse: false # HTTP Cookie settings cookie: name: raas-session expires: 43200 # for use with the webpack dev server only, Add the Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * header cors_header_for_webpack: false # Your customer ID customer_id: 43cab1f4-de60-4ab1-85b5-1d883c5c5d09 # directory to serve files from directory_root: /srv/raas # enable (true) or disable (false) grains indexing. enable_grains_indexing: true # enable (true) or disable (false) cmd details in get_cmds API call. Should be disabled when return counts are large. enable_cmd_details: true # Limit returns passed to UI so they don't crash the browser. 0 is unlimited. Recommended to set as a mutliple of 50. cmd_returns_max: 0 # path to extension module directory extension_modules: /var/lib/raas/cache/ext_mods # Use FIPS-compliant encryption fips_mode: false # Limit masterfs returns passed to UI so they don't crash the browser. 0 is unlimited. Recommended to set as a mutliple of 50. fs_returns_max: 0 # the address to bind to interface: # time to check unresponsive jobs (in minutes) job_unresponsive_check: 5 # time to stop checking unresponsive jobs (in minutes) job_unresponsive_check_stop: 2880 # JSON Web Token settings jwt: expires: 3600 # token expiration in seconds login_expires: 60 # external authentication, login token expiration in seconds algorithm: HS256 max_logins: 100 # How long to keep historical data in days (leave unset to keep forever) keep_history: audit: # How long to keep audit log (if audit is enabled) events: 1 # How long to keep salt events jobs: # How long to keep job data (commands, jids, returns) schedule: # How long to keep past schedule data # Content and style of banner to show on UI login screen. A YAML block scalar # can help with long message content: # message: > # Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod # tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. login_banner: enabled: false style: info # info or warning message: '' # date and time format for console logs log_datefmt: '%H:%M:%S' # date and time format for logfile logs log_datefmt_logfile: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' # path to log file log_file: /var/log/raas/raas # loglevel for logfile logs, options: all, garbage, trace, debug, profile, info, warning, error, critical, quiet log_file_loglevel: error # log format for console logs log_fmt_console: '[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s' # log format for logfile logs log_fmt_logfile: '%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03.0f [%(name)-17s][%(levelname)-8s:%(lineno)-4d][%(processName)s:%(process)d] %(message)s' # loglevels for specific python modules log_granular_levels: {} # options: all, garbage, trace, debug, profile, info, warning, error, critical, quiet log_level: error # master RSA private key size master_key_size: 2048 # expiration timeout for pending master keys in seconds master_pending_key_expiration: 7200 # master/minion will be marked as unknown if they haven't reported back within X seconds. raas_presence_expiration: 3600 # max number of unresponsive master checks master_unresponsive_check_limit: 2 # template used to generate master users master_username_template: master_{} # Automatically accept masters, use only for development. master_autoaccept: false # System metrics settings metrics: enabled: true # If True, enable the collection of system metrics prometheus: false # If True, enable the Prometheus endpoint at /metrics (also set prometheus_username and prometheus_password) prometheus_username: # Static username for retrieving /metrics prometheus_password: # Static password for retrieving /metrics snapshot_interval: 60 # How often to record snapshot metrics, in seconds max_query_timedelta: 86400 # Maximum timedelta for a single call to get_system_metrics, in seconds keep: 30 # How long to retain metrics data, in days # ignore some minion grains, glob matching allowed minion_grains_filter: mode: blacklist grains: [] # 0=off, max seconds to lock when adding minion keys and cache. This throttles insert of minions into the database. minion_onboarding_throttle: 0 # max number of auto calculated processes per type. example: 8 max web, 8 max background workers max_processes: 8 # Minion deployment settings minion_deployment: max_minion_deployment_time: 3600 # Maximum time (in seconds) allowed for minion deployment after which status will be marked as failed airgap_install: false # Deploy minions in an airgapped environment newrelic_config_file: /etc/raas/newrelic.ini newrelic_enabled: false # number of web server processes (0 = auto calc one per core up to max) num_processes: 0 # number of password attempts to start blocking password_attempts: 50 # number of seconds to sleep following a failed attempt password_sleep: 30 # path to RaaS process ID file pidfile: /var/lib/raas/run/raas.pid # path to directory for RaaS PKI keys pki_dir: /etc/raas/pki # port to bind to port: 8080 # delta proxy monitoring options proxy: monitored: false monitor_interval: 90 rebalance_interval: 120 tgt: deltaproxy* tgt_type: glob # vRA Integration vra: validate_ssl: true # If True, raas proxy will validate ssl certs exclude_host: false # If True, raas proxy will not pass the host header to CSP saved_params_timeout: 90 # How many seconds elapse before we get that latest vra params from the db # To use the the environment variable REDIS_URL, set `url: ENV`. redis: url: redis://localhost:6379 # Redis URL without '/{database_number}' at the end broker_db: '0' # queue database number result_db: '1' # result storage database number cache_db: '2' # cache database number ssl: {} # multiplier used to calculate retry timing on connection failures retry_timeout_multiplier: 3 root_dir: / # how often to check for scheduled jobs (in seconds) schedule_cycle: 10 # how many future schedules are calculated per cycle scheduler_max_futures_per_cycle: 500 # how many weeks ahead schedules are calculated out to scheduler_max_futures_weeks_ahead: 12 # SecOps settings sec: stats_snapshot_interval: 3600 # Interval in seconds between when stats for Secops will be gathered (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_STATS_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL) username: secops # Username used to log in to enterprise.saltstack.com to get content (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_USERNAME) content_url: https://enterprise.saltstack.com/secops_downloads # URL from which SaltStack Secops content will be downloaded. (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_CONTENT_URL) ingest_saltstack_override: true # If True, existing SaltStack content will be updated otherwise the change will be rejected. (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_INGEST_SALTSTACK_OVERRIDE) ingest_custom_override: true # If True, existing Custom content will be updated otherwise the change will be rejected. (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_INGEST_CUSTOM_OVERRIDE) locke_dir: locke # Location where SaltStack content in expanded before ingestion. If the path is relative (no leading slash), then it is relative to the RAAS cache dir (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_LOCKE_DIR) post_ingest_cleanup: true # If True, post ingestion the contents of the locke_dir will be cleaned out. (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_POST_INGEST_CLEANUP) download_enabled: true # If True, SaltStack content downloading is enabled. (should be False for air gapped systems) (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_DOWNLOAD_ENABLED) download_frequency: 86400 # The frequency in seconds of automated SaltStack Secops content downloads and ingestion. (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_DOWNLOAD_FREQUENCY) compile_stats_interval: 10 # Interval in seconds between times that the compile stats will be gathered. (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_COMPILE_STATS_INTERVAL) archive_interval: 300 # The interval in seconds between attempts to archive old assessment/remediation results (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_ARCHIVE_INTERVAL) old_policy_file_lifespan: 2 # The lifespan of old lock policy files in days that will remain in the RAAS file system delete_old_policy_files_interval: 86400 # The interval in seconds between times that theold lock policy files in the RAAS file system will be deleted ingest_on_boot: true # If True, SaltStack Secops content will be downloaded and ingested soon after RAAS boot (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_INGEST_ON_BOOT) content_lock_timeout: 60 # When multiple RAAS heads are deployed, the SaltStack SecOps content download and ingestion is serialized so only one RAAS head at a time will attempt it. This is the value for the redis lock timeout. (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_CONTENT_LOCK_TIMEOUT) content_lock_block_timeout: 120 # This is the maximum time a RAAS head will block on a lock to perform a SaltStack SecOps download and ingestion. (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_CONTENT_LOCK_BLOCK_TIMEOUT) # Sentry DSN to report errors (sensitive data is obfuscated) sentry_dsn: # path to RaaS directory for socket files sock_dir: /var/lib/raas/sock # for development only, always serve the session cookie regardless of the request being http or https spa_serve_cookie_always: false # REQUIRED: fill in your database info # - SQLAlchemy options - http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_1_0/dialects/index.html # - To use the the environment variable DATABASE_URL, set `url: ENV`. For example: # $ export DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:secret@localhost:5432/raas_db_name # - To store database credentials in an encrypted file, run "raas save_creds" # after installation. # - It is possible, but not recommended practice, to specify database credentials # in plaintext in this section as `username: user` and `password: secret`. # - Make sure you specify the correct SSL parameters by setting `ssl: False` # or `True` and filling in the correct fields in `ssl_opts` OR # adding the right query parameters in the DATABASE_URL. # - NOTE DATABASE_URL takes precedence over all other settings except username and password sql: dialect: postgresql driver: psycopg2 host: port: pool_size: 10 pool_timeout: 10 pool_recycle: 3600 chunksize_yield_per_small_table: 1000 chunksize_yield_per_big_table: 5000 ssl: false ssl_opts: {} # strict transport security header enabled (aka HSTS, HTTPS only) strict_transport_security_header_enabled: true # Do not calculate target group membership locally, have masters send it. target_groups_from_master_only: false # cross-site request forgery cookie enabled tornado_xsrf_cookies_enabled: true # check the running environment prior to starting services verify_env: true # Vulnerability Management settings vman: vman_dir: vman # Location where SaltStack content in expanded before ingestion. If the path is relative (no leading slash), then it is relative to the RAAS cache dir (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_DIR) download_enabled: true # If True, SaltStack content downloading is enabled. (should be False for air gapped systems) (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_DOWNLOAD_ENABLED) download_frequency: 86400 # The frequency in seconds of automated SaltStack Vulnerability Management content downloads and ingestion. (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_DOWNLOAD_FREQUENCY) username: vman # Username used to log in to enterprise.saltstack.com to get content (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_USERNAME) content_url: https://enterprise.saltstack.com/vman_downloads # URL from which SaltStack Vulnerability Management content will be downloaded. (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_CONTENT_URL) ingest_on_boot: true # If True, SaltStack Vulnerability Management content will be downloaded and ingested soon after RAAS boot (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_INGEST_ON_BOOT) post_ingest_cleanup: false # If True, post ingestion the contents of the vman_dir will be cleaned out. (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_POST_INGEST_CLEANUP) content_lock_timeout: 2000 # When multiple RAAS heads are deployed, the SaltStack vulnerability management content download and ingestion is serialized so only one RAAS head at a time will attempt it. (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_CONTENT_LOCK_TIMEOUT) compile_stats_interval: 60 # Interval in seconds between times that the compile stats will be gathered. (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_COMPILE_STATS_INTERVAL) stats_snapshot_interval: 3600 # Interval in seconds between when stats for VMan will be gathered (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_STATS_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL) old_policy_file_lifespan: 2 # The lifespan of old policy files in days that will remain in the RAAS file system delete_old_policy_files_interval: 86400 # The interval in seconds between times that theold vman policy files in the RAAS file system will be deleted tenable_asset_import_enabled: true # If True, minion grains in SSE will be sent to tenablefor matching assets tenable_asset_import_grains: # Choose the minion grains that needs to be sent to tenable.Grain fqdn and ipv4 will be sent even if not included here.For additional information, please refer https://developer.tenable.com/reference#assets-import - fqdn - ipv4 - ipv6 - hostname - mac_address - netbios_name - bios_uuid - manufacturer_tpm_id - ssh_fingerprint - mcafee_epo_guid - mcafee_epo_agent_guid - symantec_ep_hardware_key - qualys_asset_id - qualys_host_id - servicenow_sys_id - gcp_project_id - gcp_zone - gcp_instance_id - azure_vm_id - azure_resource_id - aws_availability_zone - aws_ec2_instance_ami_id - aws_ec2_instance_group_name - aws_ec2_instance_state_name - aws_ec2_instance_type - aws_ec2_name - aws_ec2_product_code - aws_owner_id - aws_region - aws_subnet_id - aws_vpc_id - installed_software - bigfix_asset_id # how long to wait while reading body (seconds), when None uses tornado default webserver_body_timeout: # maximum amount of data for body, when None uses tornado default webserver_max_body_size: # maximum amount of incoming data to buffer, when None uses tornado default webserver_max_buffer_size: # in kB, 0=auto webserver_max_memory: 0 # in seconds, 0=disabled webserver_max_time: 0 # max interval in seconds subscription updates can be sent websocket_debounce: 5 # time in seconds to send ping over websocket to keep it open websocket_ping_interval: 15 # timeout in seconds to wait for websocket ping websocket_ping_timeout: 600 # in seconds, polling time for non-database listening subscriptions websocket_polling: 15 # time in seconds for a websocket ticket to expire websocket_ticket_expiration: 5
Следующие шаги
По завершении настройки узла RaaS необходимо выполнить дополнительные действия, которые требуются после установки. Следующий шаг — первый вход в пользовательский интерфейс SaltStack Config. Сведения по этой задаче, выполняемой после установки, см. в разделе Первый вход в систему и изменение учетных данных, используемых по умолчанию.