

重新保護作業失敗,並顯示以下錯誤之一:Unable to reverse replication for the virtual machine '<vm-name>'. A general system error occurred: Fault cause: vim.fault.GenericVmConfigFaultUnable to reverse replication for the virtual machine '<vm-name>'. A general system error occurred:

在目標 vCenter Server 站台中,虛擬機器工作失敗,並顯示下列詳細資料:

Task Name: Remove all snapshots

Status: A general system error occurred: Fault cause: vim.fault.GenericVmConfigFaultStatus: A general system error occurred: Snapshot configuration missing for snapshot <>

Initiator: <initiator>

Target: <vm-name>

Server: <VC-name>


  1. 移除複寫。
  2. 使用種子磁碟重新設定複寫。