您可以為在 Windows 上執行的 VMware Aria Operations for Logs 代理程式設定或變更目標 VMware Aria Operations for Logs 伺服器。您最多可將記錄事件傳送至三個目的地,並篩選每個目的地的輸出。
預設目的地可透過 liagent.ini 檔案的 [server]
區段來設定。預設目的地一律存在,且依預設會將主機名稱設為 loginsight。若要新增多個目標目的地,請為每個目標建立一個 [server|<dest_id>]
區段。您必須指定唯一的主機名稱,做為每個其他連線的目的地識別碼。您可以針對預設的 [server]
依預設,代理程式會將所有收集的記錄傳送至所有目的地。您可以使用 file
- 登入已安裝 VMware Aria Operations for Logs Windows 代理程式的 Windows 機器,然後啟動服務管理員以確認 VMware Aria Operations for Logs 代理程式服務已安裝。
- 如果您的 VMware Aria Operations for Logs 叢集已啟用整合式負載平衡器,請參閱啟用整合式負載平衡器,以了解自訂 SSL 憑證的特定需求。
VMware Aria Operations for Logs 伺服器。
[server] proto=cfapi hostname=LOGINSIGHT port=9543 ssl=yes; ssl_ca_path=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca.pem
; The first (default) destination receives all collected events. [server] hostname=prod1.licf.vmware.com ; The second destination receives just syslog events through the plain syslog protocol. [server|syslog-audit] hostname=third_party_audit_management.eng.vmware.com proto=syslog ssl=no filter={filelog; syslog; } ; The third destination receives vRealize Operations events if they have the level field equal to "error" or "warning" ; and they are collected by sections whose name begins with "vrops-" [server|licf-prod1] hostname=vrops-errors.licf.vmware.com filter={; vrops-.*; level == "error" || level == "warning"} ; Collecting syslog messages. [filelog|syslog] directory=/var/log include=messages ; various vROPs logs. Note that all section names begin with a "vrops-" prefix, which is used in third destination filter. [filelog|vrops-ANALYTICS-analytics] directory=/data/vcops/log include=analytics*.log* exclude=analytics*-gc.log* parser=auto [filelog|vrops-COLLECTOR-collector] directory=/data/vcops/log include=collector.log* event_marker=^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}[\s]\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\,\d{3} parser=auto [filelog|vrops-COLLECTOR-collector_wrapper] directory=/data/vcops/log include=collector-wrapper.log* event_marker=^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} [\s]\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3} parser=auto
您可以針對 VMware Aria Operations for Logs 代理程式設定其他 SSL 選項。請參閱設定伺服器與 VMware Aria Operations for Logs 代理程式之間的 SSL 連線。