您可以在 VMware Aria Operations for Networks 中搜尋 VMware Cloud (VMC) Direct Connect 和 Direct Connect 介面實體。
說明 | 查詢 |
取得可據以篩選資訊的 VMware Cloud (VMC) Direct Connect 實體的清單 | VMC Direct Connect where |
取得 VMware Cloud (VMC) Direct Connect 清單視圖 | VMC Direct Connect |
取得經由 Direct Connect 的資料量上限 | max(series(sum(bytes))) of flows where connection = 'Connection-ID' and flow type ='Different Dc' and source vm is set and destination vm is set and flow type = 'Direct Connect' |
取得經由 Direct Connect 的封包數目上限 | max(series(sum(packets))) of flows where connection = 'Connection-ID' and flow type ='Different Dc' and source vm is set and destination vm is set and flow type = 'Direct Connect' |
取得經由 Direct Connect 流向網際網路的封包數目上限 | max(series(sum(packets))) of flows where connection = 'Connection-ID' and flow type ='Destination is internet' and flow type = 'Direct Connect' |
取得經由 Direct Connect 流向網際網路的資料量上限 | max(series(sum(bytes))) of flows where connection = 'Connection-ID' and flow type = 'Destination is internet' and flow type = 'Direct Connect' |
取得經由 Direct Connect 的資料中心之間的封包數目上限 | max(series(sum(packets))) of flows where connection = 'Connection-ID' and flow type ='Different Dc' and source vm is set and destination vm is set group by Source Dc, Destination Dc and flow type = 'Direct Connect' |
取得經由 Direct Connect 的資料中心之間的資料量上限 | max(series(sum(bytes))) of flows where connection = '64638-' and flow type ='Different Dc' and source vm is set and destination vm is set group by Source Dc, Destination Dc and flow type = 'Direct Connect' |